Tuesday, October 15, 2019


By Juan Montoya

Twice this past year, Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez sponsored accredited mandatory Courtroom Security training at Texas Southmost College at $30 per courthouse bailiff who participated.

And just last week, the same training for Courtroom Security was offered last week in San Antonio and several bailiffs attended. And the Brownsville Police Department regularly holds courtroom "active-shooter" training seminars locally.

Neither bailiffs Leofredo Pena, Joe C. Garza nor Joel Garcia who were on the agenda for travel requests to attend courtroom security in Las Vegas chose to attend.

Instead, they placed an item on the agenda on today's commissioners court meeting and got conditional approval to attend similar training in Las Vegas. The seminar will last three days - from October 21 to October 24 - and the county will pay for the flight ($59 each on Allegiant Airlines) and hotel costs ($50 per night).

These are, of course, the Las Vegas promotional flights and discounted rooms offered to gamblers across the nation.

When Cameron County Asst. District Attorney Rene Garza presented it to the commission, he cloaked it under the guide of "active shooter" training, only to be contradicted by J.C. Garza who told commissioners it was actually courtroom security.

The idea that county employees would choose to attend training classes in Las Vegas when it is offered locally did not sit well with County Judge Eddie Trevino who told bailiff Garza he did not want to set a precedent and did not want to "send the wrong message" to county taxpayers by sending them for training in Las Vegas.

"I have been told that this training is offered locally and in the state and that (Pct. 2) Constable  (Abel) Gomez has offered it twice. Were you not invited?"

Garza replied that the bailiffs not under Gomez were treated as "the red-headed stepchild" by the constable and said that the Vegas flight and hotel rooms were actually lower than if he had sent them to training in Austin or San Antonio.

"No, we weren't invited," he answered.

Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza said that in looking through the backup documentation handed in for the travel request there was no mention of Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (TCOLE) accreditation for the training and said he would make the motion to approve the travel contingent upon proof that it was.

Pct. 2 commissioner Joey Lopez seconded the motion based upon documentation of the training credits by TCOLE.

There were also some raised eyebrows because County Court-At-Law #3 Leofredo Pena is a candidate for Pct. 5 Constable and the trip gave an appearance that he was chosen to go to Las Vegas as part of his election campaign. Joel Garcia, of the 138th, may not be the courtroom bailiff after his boss Judge Arturo Nelson retires. And J.C. GArza is a bit old to be taking that kind of training now.

But hey, Garza said they had the budget and 14 other bailiffs needed the mandatory training, so why not Vegas?

The commissioners told the auditor's office to have the poof in hand of TCOLE accreditation before cutting the checks for the travel and hotel.

According to the TCOLE website there are two 24-month periods in the current training cycle which ends on August 31, 2021.

The first 24-month period, or unit, began on September 1, 2017 and ended on August 31, 2019. The second 24-month period, or unit, began on September 1, 2019 and ends on August 31, 2021, which is also the conclusion date of the 48-month training cycle.

TCOLE also warns participants that an individual not appointed with an agency will have to receive training from an academy or contract training provider.

They also advice participants that training completed outside of those resources will not be able to be reported for credit to the individual’s record and to check with the training facility prior to completing the course to ensure proper credit can and will be obtained.

If approved, will the bailiffs be able to gamble, patronize the working girls of Vegas, and tie a few on apart from other debaucheries permitted in Las Vegas?

What happens in Vegas....


Chuy said...

remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. thank you mr taxpayer for this wonderful vacation oh i mean work training. oops.

Anonymous said...

Remember Mr bailiffs what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas except cocaine that shit stays in your system for a while so no nose candy.

Anonymous said...

This blogger writes as if it's his money. Word in the courthouse is that he's dirt-poor and now even envious.

Anonymous said...

Will the corruption in Cameron County never end????

Anonymous said...

if the bottom feeders dont spend the money then the elected officals do
throw these gents a bone

Anonymous said...

October 15, 2019 at 3:31 PM

Its all funded by what we pay that is taxes pendejo...
I sure want to know HOW my hard earned money is being used and he tells us and don't believe everything you hear idiota

Anonymous said...

This city is ranked dead last in wages, jobs, opportunities education high on welfare food stamps and you people have the gull to go to las vegas on our dime NO TIENEN VERGUENZA. People there will stare at you idiotas when you tell them you're from brosnville tx. and most likely will laugh at you...

Anonymous said...

This fat bastard needs nutrition and exercise training if anything!

Anonymous said...

The School District is just as bad, although on a much grander scale.

Anonymous said...

Just watch all these dudes girlfriends or wives will miraculously be off those days also and will be in Vegas also. Also pay close attention to who is going I guarantee you it's not some green rookie it's going to be the most compadre of compadres and the most brown nosers in Pct 2.

Anonymous said...

3:31 anonymous

It is his money pendejo. Who do you think pays taxes? Smh

Anonymous said...

This may be a poor use of taxpayer money but it is not corruption. However, the question is valid.

Anonymous said...

Es puro P.E.D.O. Boys will be boys, they're just trying to see if they can get a little paid time off. After all, they see the big elected officials get their perks so why not us?
I have an idea, why not get the trip paid by the Justice's of the Peace wedding fees? After all the constables do provide security for them also...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is the same way Leofredo Pena plans on running the joint if he gets elected at pct 5 not using common sense and wasting tax payer funds or as his Camote guz the pussy marine says "Government Waste" and like the other guy said... his wife is probably going with him on our tax payer funded vacay.

Anonymous said...

When is Disney next oh so sorrry no strip joints there.

Anonymous said...

Hire bisd attorney so he can finger everybody

Anonymous said...

They will not go, TCOLE will not approve the training outside of Texas.

Anonymous said...

So this trip is for not? figures and the dumb commissioners never question anything pinches jotos

Anonymous said...

if u want freevegas trip run for bisd board
the attorney will pay for it
off the record of course

Anonymous said...

how many of those trainings have been approved in the past?
the precedent has been set
let them go
todos rabones o todos coludos
y ya fueron unos
trust me nothing new here

Anonymous said...

@ 1542 i belive you meant to ask "ever end"

Anonymous said...


Ever means 'at any time'. Never means 'at no time' or 'not at any time'. We often use 'ever' and 'never' with the present perfect, but they can also be used with other verb tenses.
I've never been to Brazil.
They had never seen such a beautiful sunset before.
Does she ever visit her mother?

I'm still confused - ever (might come back) never (might stop)
