Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Friends and relatives close to Cindy Elizondo -former Brownsville Fire Dept. and Brownsville Independent School District board member Carlos Elizondo's Better Half - are adamant that rumors that she will challenge Texas Southmost College trustee Delia Saenz are false.

"This is utter nonsense," said a source close to Mrs. Elizondo. "She is trying to keep her family together through all her husband's legal troubles and the last thing she needs is to get involved in politics."

What makes the rumors even more loathsome is the fact that Delia Saenz is the wife  of Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz, who tried to prosecute her husband on six counts of computer security breach. A jury found the frormer fire chief not guilty Sept. 18.

He also faces a separate indictment accusing him of theft and misapplication of fiduciary duty over allegations he stole from the firefighters association. He has also pleaded not guilty to those charges.

"The last thing Cindy needs is to get involved in politics and challenge Saenz's wife by running against her for TSC trustee," said the source close to the Elizondos. "She is too busy trying to keep her family together. Whoever started this rumor was way off the mark."

Still unconfirmed is the other report in a local blog that Mary Rey has been recruited to run against TSC chair Adela Garza. The initial rumor had Cindy Elizondo and Ray running as a ticket against the incumbents.


Anonymous said...

Elizondo should have been prosecuted for all his crimes, but DA Luis Saenz is running for re-election and needs to free all politicos to get their votes. We can expect the same for Erasmo Castro. Luis Saenz is a DICK and is hedging his bets by not prosecuting people who might support his re-election. Time to get rid of Saenz, Omar Lucio, Linda Salazar and all of the corrupt Democrats who have corrupted the County for too many years.

Anonymous said...

Too bad. I would of voted for her.

Anonymous said...

All Nepotism, thats what it is. Brownsville will never prosper in a political climate with these types of issues. All Personal grudges and problems among these "characters". And you know who loses, the citizens of brownsville. Stop voting for these "characters".

Horny tax payer said...

She looks Hot Hot in the red dress.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What local blog has said Mary Rey is being recruited to run against Adela Garza for TSC trustee?

Anonymous said...

TSC chair Adela Garza, isn't she Atty. Noe Garza's wife? So, She, Adela Garza not only works for Luis Saenz as prosecutor, but also works with TSC trustee Delia Saenz. Delia Saenz is Luis Saenz's wife. Now is Cameron County municipal judge Arturo Saenz, their son or what the hell? Former Cameron County Clerk, Aurora de la Garza, was also related to Luis Saenz. Nepotism at its best. Linda Salazar, justice of the peace judge, is related to the Munivez's clan. She is the mother to Ruben Cortez who is running for some public office. Judge Louis Sorola is Sofia Benavides' son-in-law. Rats is what this scenario appears to be.

Anonymous said...

If Mommy and Daddy are getting rich from political gains, why should Jr. linger behind - It is the MeToo#. What's new in Brownsville?
