Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We've heard of office kitties, coffee funds, and petty cash, etc.,

These are  collections by office personnel, usually, to buy small items or float workers a few dollars for lunch or some other incidental money outlays.

But at the City of Brownsville landfill, the workers there seem to have taken it a notch higher and use the fees generated by residents bringing in brush or other waste for their own use.

Just recently, a man who had some brush to throw in the landfill was asked if he had a receipt from the Public utility Board (PUB) and when he couldn't produce it, was charged $1 to throw the brush he had collected when he trimmed  tree in this house.

"The guy took the dollar and put it under the cash register," he said. "I asked him for a receipt and he just laughed at me and pushed me along. The money never went into the register."

And there at the booth - for everyone to see - they were also selling snacks and LED light items, etc. to turn up a little extra cash.

"Whatever we make on the side is our business," said an employee named Alex when asked where the cash for the candy went.

The M&Ms are $1. Soft drinks kept cold in the fridge are .75 cents and he he didn't ask how much it was for the LED lights.

Why not sell everything for cash if cash is not reported? As long as it's a cash transaction no one is the wiser.

Staff still get paid an hourly rate by the tax payers and open a side business to make ends meet. Is anyone on the city administration keeping an eye on this store?


Anonymous said...

I've had dealings with a guy at the booth and he's full of chit

Anonymous said...

Look at the las vegas trip this is chicken feed compare to those going to las vegas when local classes are offered here... MAMONES INVESTIGATE and sent them to florida or give them 50 years which ever is greater

Don Pedro domenc said...

Juan where you been this has been going on for many year, remember over at the Cameron County international bridge for many years 10-15 years the car counters never works, lol and guess who used to work there? aurora de la garza's husband, built a very nice two story house. MMM just wonder how they did that? Pos its hard to count all those quarters by hand. one for the county, three for me etc etc etc. and the band plays on. adios

Anonymous said...

chit or chitlins?

Anonymous said...

Did the rangers helped???? @October 16, 2019 at 1:19 PM

Anonymous said...

up to date the toll collectors keep the pesos on the side and put the toll in dollars
pocketing the slightly higher fee in pesos
then exchanging the pesos to dollars at the end of their shift at money exchange down the street
superviaors have know for years
rsiking their jobs to make 5 centa on the dollar
its ridiculous but still happening

Anonymous said...

Its a free for all take what you can and run and hide even attorneys are are getting into the picture. And those that never got caught or were given a break because of their name or status GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There are more white collar crimes here.

Forhp Hstvos said...

Just like the old story when the Brownsville Urban System had its buses departing from Market Square.

A kid goes up to the dispatcher on duty and says, "Hey, Mister...that bus driver sure has a lot of change jingling in his pockets."

Another bus driver turns to the kid and says, "Hell kid, that's nothing. You should hear his boots."

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to work at the dump. Great views, birds galore, nobody on your back. Problem is that they don't hire women - no "facilities" they say. Great job if you can get it. I don't blame them for taking a "cut" - what's a bit of snack vending compared to the SMACK vending money the City suits are reaping - with no cameras present. More power to you, Alex! Keep on trucking or whatever else y'all do up there. Piss in the wind for all I care.

Anonymous said...

Alejandro el gringo wow bf?

Anonymous said...

and that poor julio got fired for selling numbers at the building permits office
all small fish to deviate our attention from the bosses and elected officials

Anonymous said...

Public worker took a 1.99 cent shovel and pd arrested this guy at his home and he had permission to borrow the shovel. A ONE NINETY NINE CENT SHOVEL UNBELIEVABLE
