(Ed.'s Note: A collaborative effort by the Brownsville Wellness Coalition, the Brownsville Food Bank, the Farmers' Market and HEB to fill the food gap left by the closing of the downtown store started today with a mobile food van dispensing healthy veggies and drinks at the parking lot of the closed store.
Coordinator Veronica Rosebaum (wearing cap in lower photo) said the group handed out more that 165 bags of goods and vegetables donated by the food bank and HEB, which also provided recyclable bags. Rosenbaum said the group would take the mobile van and set up at the Brownsville Housing Authority high raise to dispense healthy food and vegetables to the elderly residents there, many of whom lack transportation to go to the nearest grocery stores.)
So Browntown. Always cheapening Life. Shit, celebrate HEB's time and wait on the new WonderMayor Mendez to attract that next Dollar Tree store. Acting all-emotional is San Benito, bro.
Free bags of groceries? Yeah, that will draw the city's poor. They have NO shame!
Why is it that ANY of the Lopez stores not buy the HEB building and turn it into a downtown grocery? Why is it that NO OTHER grocery chain is willing to invest and rebuild for the sake of down town? I was a child and I remember KING MART, LA FRONTERA and even Lopez where the bus terminal now stands. NONE of those grocery stores lost money. Matamoros shoppers and residents from apartments on Washington, Levee, fronton and other downtown areas kept those stores going. Not too long ago, I was at the Dollar Tree down town and saw how many Matamoros shoppers bought eggs, canned and boxed food and frozen treats from Dollar tree (HEB had already closed) Imagine if another grocery store existed down town. Brownsville mayor, if you TRULY have a vision for down town USE IT. A downtown grocery store, a downtown store like Ross, a Family Dollar, a Lopez. NO VISION for the low socio-economic citizen. The fifi rich can do well on the north side of town. By the way, some of the prices for items at the farmers market are RIDICULOUS !!! If you go to the 77 Flea Market you get good fruits and vegetables for 1/3 of the price.
Third World scene there, Montoya. Am embarrassed by these Mexicans.
In hillbilly country it happens on a daily basis pendejo and they are all white
The majority there were the homeless white cracker faces.
How about everybody stop eating! All of the people in your photos are FAT!!!
La Michuacana would cater to the the clientle from downtown. The cantina area is reserved for the upper class. Lopez used to be at Adams and 13th and it was always packed with those waiting for the Puente nuevo and Puente viejo busses to take them to Matamoros with all their groceries. Is the revitalization of downtown Brownsville going to include food trucks? Maybe a bicycle shop for la chisquieda Rose Gowen or a stage for Ben Neece and his jazz band? Wow, there are so many opportunities. Maybe if Sears had stayed in the area, it would not be closing soon.
Give me, give me, give me.
6:13/6:17 El pendejo racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot! You like to eat white crackers lol Go to el globo there's lots of crackers joto!
good call lets move el globo to down town start a petition!
estupido look in the mirror so you can understand pendejo...cracker face idiota
Head-bopping parrot RAVES along to dance tunes at hillbilly mud party the racist parrot and his cracker face friend were kicked out for indecent exposure just like little hands was kicked out of the WS game. Have no fear coco wanna be white is here to save the ah your shit.
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