Monday, November 18, 2019


By Juan Montoya

It has been more than seven months since one of the much-ballyhooed electric hybrid diesel buses has sat at a local mechanics shop awaiting the decision by Brownsville Metro honchos on what to do with it after its employees filled it up with gasoline and wrecked the engine.

At a cost of $700,000, it was one of five  electric hybrid diesel buses bought by the city under a federal Fiscal Year 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Discretionary Grant Program. 

All told, the five buses cost $3.5 million was heralded as Brownsville's entry into the brave new world of energy savings, and reducing transportation costs and emissions for a cleaner and greener community.

The city commission on March 19, 2019, approve the purchase of the five buses at an average of $700,00 per unit from Gillig LLC. The spanking new buses were received in May and that's where the trouble started.

Unfortunately, no one told the low-paid maintenance workers or mechanics at BUS Metro that the new buses didn't use gasoline. So it was surprising when one of the buses (#237) started to cough and sputter when it was run by the drivers.

When it stopped, the brass discovered that it had been filled with gasoline instead of diesel.

If gasoline was used instead of diesel, then there is a strong probability that the warranty would be voided and BUS will have to pay for it out of its own pockets. So far inaction has been the guiding principle of the BUS bosses.

Diesel-electric hybrid buses use both electricity and diesel, the same concept as hybrid automobiles. Bus batteries store energy and recharge when the bus decelerates. When demand for power exceeds battery capacity, the diesel engine provides extra energy.

A computer controls the output of the two power sources, diesel and electricity, so the buses always use the most efficient source. But gasoline, unfortunately, is not part of the equation. To repair it, if it can be repaired, will probably take a small fortune. We are told by BUS sources that the engine – if it can be saved – will have to be taken apart entirely and the entire system purged of he offending gasoline. But the least they can do is provide the mechanic the batteries he needs to analyze the extent of the damage.

“Brownsville is leading the Rio Grande Valley,” said then-Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez said, conveniently forgetting to mention that McAllen already had them since 2016. “These diesel hybrid buses will save energy and reduce costs and emissions for a cleaner and greener community.”

What was the difference between Brownsville and McAllen? Was it the managers at their bus system who made sure that everything was done the way it was supposed to be done? Or did they merely polish up their press releases for their resumes and leave the grease work to the poor slobs at the maintenance shop?

A National Renewable Energy Laboratory report found that hybrid buses provide 37 percent better fuel economy over diesel-only buses. In addition, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute notes that hybrid buses should have longer lives and lower maintenance costs due to the reduced stress created by the electric engine.

In this case, the forgotten bus at the shop is using 100 percent less fuel than any bus, since it is going nowhere. And as far as maintenance, well, if it doesn't run, you don't have to maintain it at all, so it could last forever.

See, there's always a silver lining to any dark cloud of diesel exhaust, isn't there?


Anonymous said...

Stupid people. End bus service; make them walk!

Anonymous said...

I heard it was a hillbilly that filled the bus with kerosene (lamp oil) since that's what they still use over at the appalachian mole hills.

Anonymous said...

People are sick and tired of Trump. Trump will CHEAT in order to win, as he's demonstrated that he has no scruples. We deserve fair elections, without foreign influence.

Anonymous said...

Life would be much better if an engineer can invent fuel made out of Racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot green/white shit!!! Lol That would make racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot very rich and less dependent on his lovers Biden and Sanders for monetary support!

Anonymous said...

McAllen lights the way; Brownsville tosses the flashlight.

Anonymous said...

Juan are you say we have a bunch of Burros at the bus system? he-haw

Anonymous said...

As long as there are idiotas like at 12:28pm this area will never prosper cross-eyed and bow legged pendejos!

Anonymous said...

engineers can't even come up with a solution for replacing a curb idiota at: November 18, 2019 at 12:28 PM

Anonymous said...

@4:01 Que no se te cierre el mundo pendejo perico!!! There's other smart engineers outside of your cage area!!! I'm sure they can make your green stinking shit into fuel!!! It's worth a try! Pendejo cotoro thinks brownsville has the only enginneer in the whole world! What dumb fuk bird! Lol

Anonymous said...

So now you're an engineer (enginneer?) engineer your spelling joto hillbilly dumb fuk perico November 18, 2019 at 5:27 PM
So you're also an lol doll para eso me gustavas PINCHE MARICON JOTINGO

Anonymous said...

Hi! We’re the three amigos. We work on the engineering team for the city and county. Between the three of us, we have over 25 years of experience with curbs! We're doing an AMA on Tuesday at 10am, so don't know what a AMA is "TOUGH SHIT". Ask el pendejo at 5:27pm.

T. Get your questions ready!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the internal racist anger from Racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot is that he's ashamed that he doesn't have a penis lol When male Parrots mate, they touch their cloacas for a few seconds. This brief “cloacal kiss” is just enough time to transfer semen to the female. So that makes racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot feel a rage inside of hate againt other races! Let's all chip in and help him paid for a man made penis thru surgery. Lol

Anonymous said...

for November 18, 2019 at 12:28 PM and November 18, 2019 at 5:27 PM

The myth that bisexual people don't exist might seem absurd, but is more commonly accepted than you may think. And when bisexual people engage in relationships with people of different genders, that myth can contribute to the erasure of their identity entirely.

No wonder este pendejo keeps posting his crap he's in a relationship with "little hands" and they can't get along and he's mad at the world pinche guay

Y el perico que???

Anonymous said...

Levenworth!!! What a pendejo dumb penis-less fuk bird can't spell it right!

Don Chuy said...

juan what a waste anyway nothing will be done to correct this so lets not waste any more time on this subject matter, speaking of subject matter, juanito what the hell ever happen with the Teneska project? Now we got a new mayor trey whatever mendez or martinez, looks the same like our previous mayor with blue jeans and all, how come he wont say no to Teneska and roll back prices for our citizens or is he a martinez puppet? Sasame street just celebrated 50 years,so Trey cut those string lines MR PUPPET, grow a pair and start making the decisions to lead this city or get out of the way cool arrow.,

Anonymous said...

What happened to Sunday bus service? Typical promises in order to get votes.
