A day after inspectors from the Texas Commission On Jail Standards had visited the Cameron County Correctional facilities, word has filtered down that the county's lockup had failed to meet some requirements for housing inmates.
Although there are no specific details on what requirements were not met, Sheriff Omar Lucio, the official in charge of the jail, has 30 days to correct the deficiencies, according to COJS rules. County officials have been unavailable for comment this weekend.
The jail has always been a source of problems for Cameron County sheriffs dating back decades. The problems were highlighted under former sheriff Conrado Cantu, who took over as sheriff when the new facilities were built at Rucker-Carrizales, in Olmito.
In one case, an inmate used a plastic spoon to break out of his cell and try to work his way to the roof to effect an escape. He was apprehended in the roof of the jail.
In fact, one of Cantu's misdeeds before he left office in disgrace was that he had asked the correction guards at a mandatory meeting at the center to campaign door-to-door in San Benito in his reelection bid.
The Lucio administration has been no different, and there have been several incidents of inmates dying in custody which has cost the county millions in dollars. In a recent case, an inmate overpowered a guard, taking his gun, and then made his escape by killing a man in front of his family before making off with his car in Brownsville. That inmate was killed by police in San Benito.
"The jails have always been a source of problems for the sheriffs," said a former corrections guard. "They are under strict COJS guidelines for the inmates' and guards' safety and that of the general community."
This week's alleged noncompliance comes as Lucio faces a challenge in the March 20, 2020 Democratic Primary from former Cameron County District Clerk Eric Garza, who has aired television ads picturing Lucio as a representative of the old regime and promises a new approach to the department's management.
El Rrun-Rrun has filed an information request to obtain copies of the COJS report.
SB 6 - Establishes Rating System for Schools - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio, Jr. Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
juan, everyone one knows omar Lucio is asleep at the wheel, the Reyna brothers run the show at the jail, sounds like when Howard Hughes disappeared from public view only other time he was seen was when he was dying and on his way to Houston, had to stop at the airport in Brownsville by us customs. We see Omar once in a great while, Reyna boys are the ones that come out in the news more than Omar, well not during the election times like right now. TIME FOR A CHANGE.
Let's elect Racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot for Sheriff! Hid Green shit on the floor would make escapees slip and fall, then they could be capture easily lol Sheriff Coco parrot can make Lucio his second-in-command, because he loves older men like Biden and Sanders!
For those of us out of the scene, who is hillbilly jotito parrot? Please fill us in!
at least wait several hour to post pinche pendejo hillbilly dumb stupid, witless moron
CUIDADO guay you might end up like little hand's friends all seven of them. You could be next self proclaim savior
@5:58 He's a pendejo using the same fuking racist words (Coco, hillbilly, gringo, meskins)! So I named him racist Coco hillbilly jotito parrot! He hates trumps, but loves with a pssion old men like Biden and Sanders! Hopefully, that answers your question of who hillbilly jotito parrot is lol
So what's new. They never pass the inspections. But there's plenty of overtime.Plenty of overweight guards.And some can't even speak English. Plenty of theives.Get a professional to run the jail.
Omar Lucio is the reason for failure of the system. He relies on the Reyna Brothers and his memory failures benefit the Reyna brothers. Omar Lucio is a complete failure.
Laura Treviño you shouldn't be giving half ass information about the Jail, if you feel the urge to make your boss look bad at least be honest about the inspection process, how it really works.
Juan, cameron county jails have been failing since 2006, just look it up on the internet. Records speak for themselves. wow since 2006, thats 13 years. Looks like nothing has changed since 2006, maybe yes its time for a change at the wheel- time to get rid of asleep at the wheel Lucio. How many deaths have occurred in the county jail since Omar Lucio came into office?
@November 17, 2019 at 10:33 AM
Look out for this mental retard believes he believes he's a teacher, a savior (self appointed to this blog), a parrot, a cartoon character, a joker and sometimes he acts like little hands (his idol). Pays no taxes and wants a street named for his family (psittacines). He's on Convalescent leave from the military's mental institution located in San Antonio, TX.
He tell everybody he's a hillbilly from the rural, mountainous areas in the United States, primarily in the south.
@10:55 "Levenworth"!!! Pendejo can't even spell worth a green shit!,!
juan its very simple, if the voters want a change they can vote some one new into office period
Looks like the one eyed Jack forgot to get the Fire Extinguishers ready for inspection. Every October it's done.Looks likehis brain doesn't work close to his one eye.
Here is the Deal People. Remember that the sheriff just had his Political Golf Tournament. The only thing that he cares about is to get re-elected and give himself another raise. As far as this Jail Administration lets get this started. The first one is the big man himself Lt. G. Hernandez who is dying to be made commander. he Is so involved in making money and using his contacts Voters in his church to get help for the sheriff to get votes. the other is Lt. ELizardi who is messing with married women including the wives of the inmates. Lt. Sam Sanchez who cant even run a jail because he is afraid to make a decision. Lt. Mejia who also cant wipe without the approval of the other Lts. what i am trying to say is that there is no leadership with the jail. they are to involved in making that overtime. the county needs to vote lucio out of office plus the drunks reyna brothers and hire new staff. there are so many illigal activieties going on in the jail that no one wants to tell the truth. GET RID OF ALL OF THE CORRUPTION IN THE JAIL.
Tell Lt.Elizardi to give Lupe Jello was some more overtime. Since Sam the man got his was moved to another jail.Lt.Mario Vera is the only decent supervisor left
And Mr. Acholholic moved him to night sbift.
there are alot of bad things, shenanigans y desmadre going on at the jail. Guards cant complain or else they get fired, reprimanded and eventually get fired. So they keep their mouths shut, cant do a thing. Lots of intimidation and fear too. Cant talk to lucio or reyna brothers or you are labeled a trouble maker, and send you to other sites.
@ November 19, 2019 at 9:09 pm
es la viejita de los goonies que quiere el puesto
que sigan ladrando los perros como dice el dicho perro que ladra no muerde
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