With a newly-approved five-year contract by the board, Texas Southmost College president Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, who commutes to Houston every two weeks, is staying at the helm of the junior college.

And the college boast of an enrollment topping 8,000 students compared to the previous years. In the Fall of 2017, the student head count was 6,220. That was a 22.89 percent overall increase over the fall 2016 semester.
The count includes dual-enrollment students in the district's high school feeder system that stretches from Point Isabel, Los Fresnos, San Benito and to Brownsville.
"Dr. Rodriguez sees many things working right for TSC and he likes what he sees and he's staying," siad a source close to the board. "He commutes to see his wife – an engineer – in Houston. But the rumors that he is leaving are just that, rumors."
On the other hand, the rumor that recently-hired Dean of Health Professions Dr. Jamie Tucker, apparently has decided to seek other opportunities and may be parting ways with the college has been confirmed. Tucker was bought on board after the department's performance became unacceptable under Tercero's watch.
There is no indication where Tucker may go.
juan if he is doing a great job then so be it, he can go home every two weeks i dont see why no or do you see otherwise. let him do his job, leave him alone or you want julieta garcia running the show once again? .
Give the job to a local....and keep the money for us. This dude can find a job in Houston.
Just give Atkinson a few months and she will figure out how to put that knife in his back. She and Tipton are a bunch of brujas that are out to make a name for themselves. They should get the hell out of here and apply for a position in the Trump administration - las dos son puro pedo pero con caca! What odds do you think Dr. Rodriguez has against them. Just watch them and maybe even the new BISD supt sin pantalones Gutierrez.
Yea hire the hillbilly joto perico wanna be white coco. He lives at the zoo
He's perfect he doesn't pay ANY taxes he'll want a street named for him very sooooon...
Rodriguez is a puppet for the board. Atkinson will be the TSC president soon.
There is no 8,000 plus students at TSC. Fake news more than half are high school students which shouldn't take any classes due to do: 1. Who is teaching these students, 2. How can these students get two degrees at the same time?. 3. Who is paying for their tuition?. It's no free?. 4. How do high school teachers be teaching college courses?. 5. Are these teachers double dipping?. 6. Why did this new TSC president get a 5 year deal?. 7. TSC tuition should be even more lower.
There are more under the table deals that need to be address, like empty buildings which Juliet Garcia left TSC holding the bag on money debt. Yes, TSC board, these TSC weirdos left a big mess and these fools are suppose to be educated? What university did they go? IDIOT university! The only people that support this mess are the moochers of Brownsville.
1. Who is teaching these students, 2. How can these students get two degrees at the same time?. 3. Who is paying for their tuition?. It's no free?. 4. How do high school teachers be teaching college courses?.
RESPONSE TO November 17, 2019 at 1:29 PM
1. HS dual enrollment students ARE TAUGHT by TEA CERTIFIED TEACHERS.
2. Students DO NOT get two degrees at the same time. Students can get an associate certificate (NOT a Bachelor's or Master's) plus get certified in areas such as EMT, medical billing, or others that require a test for certification. 3. Their tuition is FREE upon an agreement by TSC and BISD. MOST of the students are low income. High School teachers CAN TEACH college courses if they have a Master's degree. Some, not only teach dual enrollment, some also teach at the college campus in the evening.
I hope your questions were answered in reference to the courses. I cannot answer the politically focused questions but I KNOW, from being part of those programs long time ago, fact and proof in relation to that.
"the moochers of Brownsville", I think you're mistaken the gringos that pay no taxes are the MOOCHERS OF BROWNSVILLE TEXAS. idiot.
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