In 2012, Donald Clupper, a retired Porter High School math teacher ran for Position 5 against former Brownsville Independent School District board president Caty Presas-Garcia and J.M. “Butch” Barbosa, a former Brownsville city commissioner.
Now, after his last public foray at the Cameron County Commissioners Court to protest the tax-abatement to an LNG plant, apparently Clupper feels like he is riding on the crest of a wave of public support that will propel him to victory over incumbent Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides.
He filed against Benavides today, the last day to file for the March primaries.
The last time Benavides ran for Pct. 1 she had three opponents and ended up prevailing over Post of Brownsville Leasing Director Beatrice Rosenbaum by just over 1,000 votes.
However, it should be noted that Benavides drew 3,392 votes of the 6,392 votes cast, or about 49.2 percent, just shy of the 50 percent plus 1 that would have not made a runoff necessary.

That's one danger of pegging hitching your candidacy to a one-issue group.
Though vociferous, they have not demonstrated that they cannot draw the voters to go for or against candidates on the one issue they care about. On the LNG side, supporters say that the Port of Brownsville needs industry to create jobs and giving incentives to plants like the LNGs is one way to do that.
Though vociferous, they have not demonstrated that they cannot draw the voters to go for or against candidates on the one issue they care about. On the LNG side, supporters say that the Port of Brownsville needs industry to create jobs and giving incentives to plants like the LNGs is one way to do that.
Clupper apparently thinks that those who accompanied him to protest the abatement vote will turn the tide, but many of those were retirees from Laguna Heights, who do not vote in Pct. 1. Will that single issue swing the tide? Apparently, Clupper is of a mind that it will.
White people are on the march in Brownsville, Montoya! Clupper will beat the Mexican Benavides. It's the Anglo Palanca.
Remember los piojos NO VOTAN that's what he's banking on. What a duo that would make and history of course. First time ever that los piojos would have a gringa and a gringo to represent La Southmost.
Well maybe they'll bring more ah ah ah something...
juan he is just a fluke, sofie will win again
Gringos never seem to learn about local prejudice.
He's got a shot, Benavides sure effed up pushing LNG on us. No one wants it. I hope she got a nice mordida cause this is her last time in office
Bobby Lerma was too afraid to file himself. So, Bobby got Clupper? Not a chance. Or did Mario Saenz get so desperate to encourage mental Clupper after the numorous support of citizens for LNG? I believe this candidate will Not defeat the Queen of Pct. 1.
Watch him pull a cowen on everybody its a gringo you're dealing with REMEMBER THAt
No, what we are upset about and what Donald Clupper is upset about is that Sofie Benavides voted in favor of giving the LNG industry tax abatements. They pay NO taxes, hundreds of millions of dollars they will not pay in taxes, money they will pocket, money that could have been used for desperately needed infrastructure, things like flood control, road improvement, parks, you know, things we need. She does not have the interest of the Cameron County taxpayer at heart, she votes in the interest of Sofie Benavides. This lady inherited the job and now it is time for her to go.
In reality she hasn't done much for la southmost and left everybody with a major problem at the port LNG. She needs to go. So does ALL elected officals at the port
Evidently Benavides has won several re elections. I support the Commissioner she supports our cummunities needs. My family and I will continue to vote for her. Jobs are highly needed in this county. My syblings will not have to work out of town.
Gracias commissionada por su empeño en continuar ayudar a nuestra gente. La vamos a continuar ayudar al igual que usted nos a ayudado. Con usted siempre. Dios la Bendiga.
There's a diffence between support and doing something. She supports but does NOTHING! Besides people in that area just don't vote gringo wins hands down...
Sofie we are proud of your work for our area. You've done an excellent job. Keep up the good work.
Commissioner thanks for supporting the majorities needs not only certain few. We are on your side.
El gringo? Esta mas loco que Erasmo.
ya basta vieja. Ella le echa demasiada crema a sus tacos. Votó para poner veneno y gas explosivo al lado de nuestras escuelas y niños.........
December 10, 2019 at 7:51 AM
Yea gracias por hacer "NADA Y NADA Y NADA" 100k a yearly salary for meeting once every month for 12 months and for WHAT NOTHING!
Aver guey dale gracias, hace cien mil dolares por ano y nomas atiende 12 juntas al ano. Si guey dale gracias...
Le dan carro, cell, aseguro (mejor que el de todos usteds) y una tarjetas sin limite para gastar - y todo por tus taxas guey...
Show every body here what she has done for la southmost just one thing. I rest my case. Even if he's a gring what can you people loose, can't get any worst might get better.
HOw many bus shelters are there in la southmost NOT ONE SINGLE BUS SHELTER, now she might say it belongs to the city, well have you heard of working together to do something for the community???? NO SHE DOES NOTHING. Ah y dale gracias. Por que? Por los cien mil que hace por ano.
La southmost no nesita nada de nadien por eso voto por nada y nadien.
I for one am very happy with Commissioner Benavides. These companies will bring much needed work to the valley. Fathers will not need to leave their families behind. Every child deserves to have both parents at home.
Why is she looking up, the rocket exploded on take off and just wait for your favorite one LNG, its coming.
Educate para que sepas lo que le pagan. Es informacion publica. Las mentiras que dices no son consideradas.
Bus shelters? You don't know the difference between city and county. Ignorance is not bliss.
Idiota she rather do nothing, the city and county have in the pass worked together to help out the community so seas pendejo guey HUEVONAS Y HUEVONES REALLY IS A BLISS ESTUPIDA
The average Commissioner salary in Cameron, TX is $73,177 as of October 30, 2019, but the salary range typically falls between $63,120 and $99,069 and that's not counting a brand new car, cell phones, insurance, crdit cards if no car a gas allowance or mileage which ever is greater. You want more pendejo/a.
And don't forget the pay raise they wanted 30,000 more a year as if they do a lot of work gueyes...
Remember they meet once a month for this salary.
@@December 10, 2019 at 9:14 PM y December 10, 2019 at 9:16 PM
Educate tu guey pinche politiquero vendido agua hay viene el FBI escondete pendejo...
Not to worry two whites representing la southmost hahahahahahaha los piojos no votan hahahahaha
The third world section of the city "LA SOUTHMOST", will continue to be the third world section of the city - BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS.
Their city commissioner (a gringa) promised to pick up all stray dogs and cat as soon as she gets her escalate (I think she meant illegals).
The new county commissioner (a gringo, making $100,000)if he wins of course, promised to pick up plastic bags as soon as he gets his brand new pickup truck (Cybertruck) from SpaceX (I think he also meant illegals).
They will work together to change all the fruit and vegetable named streets to gringo names, as I print, they are busy making a list of gringo names (supporters).
I think I'm going to change my name to Willie Way, or James Way or Ronald Way maybe John Way so I can blend in on "LA NUEVA SOUTHMOST".
No seas menso. Especular no es considerado. La realidad es que a echo birn su trabajo. Yo se lo que les pagan. Tienes to el derecho de votar por quien quieras. Yo y mi familia continuamos apoyar a Benavides. No importa lo que digas ni lo insultativo que eres.
para el pendejo en: December 11, 2019 at 8:16 AM
Que siga lo incompetente voten por quedarse igual no hay progreso ni oportunidades tipo mojado. Lo unico bueno aqui es que NO VOTAN y lo dudo que este guey tambien no vota puro aire caliente.
Especular es lo que hace tu idola NADA Y NADA Y NADA y ver si no esplota esa planta de quimica que voto a favor de colocarse serca de tu casa pendejo.
bim? pendejo bim? O bien? Preguntale a tu idola aver que mentiras te dice pinche politiquero, a ti, si te paga, es viente pinche dolares, muerto de hambre y eso es si te paga. Y ella haciendo 100k por ano mas todos los beneficios extras. ESO SI ES TE HACE MENSO
To those of you who can only refer to me as a gringo I want you to know that this gringo taught at Porter High School for 20 years and always took up for its students even when it got him in trouble. My son is adopted and hispanic. I took him in from a home where if he had stayed he would have had little or no chance at having a decent life. He is now a successful RN with a beautiful family that we adore. The racial prejudice that exists here is sad, but I never think of anyone as being white, black, or brown. To me everyone is a person. A valuable human being who deserves a chance to be someone in this world. So call me a gringo if you want but I will always call you a deserving human being that I will work for and stick my nose out for so you can get ahead.
Paid political announcement by el gringo at 9:35.
So thinned skin, gringo is only mentioned two or three times in these posting here and never in an insulting manner, but with your posting makes people wonder...
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