Now people are wondering, where did he get the $750 filing fee? Or did someone get it for him so that Lucio III would have an opponent in November, when Donald trump will be on the Republican ballot? We reached out to the county's political jestser and he confirmed that he was filing for a place on the county's GOP ballot. At least, that's the story for now.)
By Erasmo Castro
Candidate State Rep. District 38
Career politicians have become complacent, comfortable and inefficient. No challenge to dynastic governance creates arrogance and leaves individuals with a tinge of entitlement.
When visiting Austin during the now defunct Brownsville Day at the Capital as a concerned citizen I shared with our representatives the concerns of our people.
I was set back at their response, “your people don’t vote, so they don’t matter.” This was one of the reasons I decided to run for Mayor of the City of Brownsville. I wanted the opportunity to show my people and the politicos a different way, a better way.
I am currently serving my community on the Brownsville ISD Board of Trustees. We won our seat with the greatest number of votes and the highest percentage in the race.
In my time on the Board I have continued to fight the corrupt political machine that consumes our children’s inheritance. I have remained faithful to the promises I made while running and true to the oath I took upon taking our seat. A better way, a brighter day.
Today I proudly announce that I am your candidate for Texas State Representative District 38. We will bring true transparent representation to Austin and continue to demand better from all local elected officials.
No more working for the few. Representation that focuses on economic development. Representation that will work on campaign finance reform. Representation that will work within ones means and not in the pocket of special interest groups from all over the country.
Together my friends, we can bring about the change our community deserves. I humbly ask for your continued support.
Completely over his head. Out of his league. Sad.
Jeeze, this vato is living in some other world. He has no political future here.
Interesting. Anything is better than the Sucios! F@@K them and their LNG
Neta que esta gente de otra manera tiene que estar en la jugada política para la cuidad. Puro muerto de hambre, ni en que se caiga muerto el vato. Se mueren de hambre esto tipos de gente sin su mano en la política de brownsville. Too much Nepotism in brownsville. Give it up, you're done you made your bed. Im not towards anyone in particular but once your days are done. You're done.
How will he have “true transparent representation” when all he does is block people who don’t agree with him
He can’t even represent us as a BISD BOARD MEMBER.. FIX YOUR DWI CASE FIRST MR......
Erasmo voting squad reporting in. Fuck the establishment.
Pick your poison on this one. Somehow, someway, I hope the community finds a diamond in the rough to truly represent us. A person with no special interest other than the betterment of our area. Someone with true integrity. Brownsville, wake up and stop voting for people who share the same family last name, people who have made a career out of their office, people who are related to other people who are in office, people who have sold us out for tax breaks, people who have sold our business interest to other areas of our region, and lastly people who are simply not fit for the job. Just because you’ve seen this family’s last name for over 25 years does not indicate that they have done the job well, much less at all. Truth be told, you’ve seen this family’s last name this long because they have been unopposed. It’s obvious by means of commerce and economic activity in our region that we are not represented well when compared to our county neighbor representatives. If we want to prosper we must have change otherwise Cameron county will continue to act as a monarchy that has been lead by this family up to this point in time. Off with his head!
Republican Party in Cameron County, Lucio is a Republican just look at him and what he does, where he gets his money.
This man is 55 years old and has been living like a freeloader all his life. When your father runs a church and scam the people for their hard working money, you can afford to keep running and running.
Agree but something is better than nothing
6.16 am, most politicians are freeloaders so this is nothing new, really ask yourself what has Eddie (munster) lucio the turd done for his district other than make himself money?????? Really?
9:13, I agree with you about most politicians. However, I refuse to vote for someone with no education or real job and still lives with mommy and daddy. In addition, the fat ass piece of shit so called pastor is extremely immature and probably lives off them poor church members. And I can go on and on! I can’t believe how his educated backers don’t see what a professional con artist he is.
BISD is about to pay top dollar to another outsider from up the valley. This board again fails to recognize and promote local talent....when politicians think they are the only valuable people in the town --we elected the wrong people. At least the fireman believed in locals.
declining enrollment and we are now the highest paying district in the valley
we have a board that wants our vote but won't vote for us....
Top dollar for the new Bisd insurance admin. Another outsider. Theres no money, but only for the Superintendent BFF Salaries. Schools cant hire nurses because of the pennies BISD pays them. Tons of grievances out there because BISD Admins are a joke and HR fails at all levels. Teachers are overwhelmed with new innitiatives by the Deputys. Its all the same mess except costing taxpayers more.
I am voting for Goofy, he has more brains than these Democrats of Cameron county.
BISD annual budget is $558 million, thats half a billion dollars, lots of scams and ways to make a few bucks.just calculate it a 2, 3 4 or 5% of this amount adds up to lots of money, mulah, dinero, coins or macaroni.
Republican Party in Cameron County, Lucio is a Republican just look at him and what he does, where he gets his money.
December 10, 2019 at 6:00 AM
The truth comes out from a desperate Lucio squealer. Lucios are NOT Democrats!
BISD should close down and sent all to a 12 month permanent vacation WITH OUT PAY
Damn the Republican party have LOW standards. Talk about laughing my a$$ off
Thanks for chuckles
The drinks are on me Erasmo.
Of course, he is running a republican. The way the party is is now. He will fit right in. Freeloader, child predator, a self-absorbed narcissist with martyr complex. Watch him cry about 25 cents he has to pay for upsizing a drink again or for doxxing people who don't agree with him.
Anonymous said...
This man is 55 years old and has been living like a freeloader all his life. When your father runs a church and scam the people for their hard working money, you can afford to keep running and running.
December 10, 2019 at 6:16 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Of course, he is running a republican. The way the party is is now. He will fit right in. Freeloader, child predator, a self-absorbed narcissist with martyr complex. Watch him cry about 25 cents he has to pay for upsizing a drink again or for doxxing people who don't agree with him.
December 11, 2019 at 7:29 AM
well...who is going to say it? those insiders know he is a predator because of the rumor he sexually assaulted a child that had an intellectual disability years ago. yet principals had him visiting their elementary campuses despite the terrible reputation he left everywhere he went.
this is why i stopped inviting community "leaders" to my events. i would much rather invite students' grandparents than these people who lie, cheat, and steal. he needs to have FBI investigate if those offenses against defenseless children are true, offenses that grown ups covered up for the sake of their reputation.
God help us if its Castro vs Lucio. Please let there be another choice.
The last two republicans elected in Cameron County didn't disgrace the county and went on to represent the county at its best. A Lot of democrats have embarrassed the county and found themself serving time. The voters need to really think about this.
Really? This is our choice? A convicted felon and one waiting to become one! You have no choice but to elect the Lucio crook because the other one is just an indictment waiting in the wings!
His campaign slogan "The Clean One" o "El Unico Limpio" Nomas que ando pedo orita in the name of the bottle the cork and the glass - uuy uuy uuy
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