Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Special to El Rrun-Run

Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz, Tax Assessor-Collector Tony Yzaguirre, Pct. 3 county commissioner David Garza, County Court-at-Law #4 Judge Estela Vasquez-Chavez, County  Court-at-Law #5 Judge Sheila Bence, JP 5-1 Dora "Sallie" Gonzalez, Pct. 1 candidate for Constable Dennis Holland, and Pct. 4 Constable Merced Burnias can breathe a sigh of relief.

They are the only Democrats who have no opponents in the Cameron County Democratic Party county wide races next March. But Republicans lurk in the shadows for a few.

Gonzalez (JP 5-1) faces Chuck Vieh (R) in the general election in November. 

Holland (Democratic Party candidate for Constable Pct. 1) will face either incumbent Pete Delgadillo, Norman Esquivel, or Manny Hinojosa in the November general election.

On the other hand, Pct. 5 Constable incumbent Eddie Solis drew a slew of opponents that include Don Duncan, Javier "JJ" Gutierrez, Fred Pena, and Johnny Ramirez.

And as reported earlier, Cameron County Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides faces retired Porter High School math teacher Don Clupper.

Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio faces not only Eric Garza, but also Michael R. Galvan, the former police chief of San Benito who is back on the fore as a lieutenant. A nine-month long Texas Rangers investigation “not billed" Galvan and other officers involved in a shooting that occurred on December 7, 2018 resulting in the death of 21-year-old San Benito resident Ricardo Treviño III.

They will face candidate John Chambers (R) in the general election in November.

The spot left vacant by Eric Garza at Cameron County District Clerk will be sought by Brownsville Independent School District board member Laura Perez-Reyes and district clerk staffer Diego Alonso Hernandez.

They will face Mirla Veronica Deaton (R) in November. 

JP 2-1 incumbent Linda Salazar faces Cyndi Hinojosa and Fred Arias in the primary.

And JP 5-3 Mike trejo will have to tangle with Jamie Jaimez to keep his position.

Incumbent Pct. 2 Constable Abelardo "Abel" Gomez drew challenger Silverio "Silver" Cisneros and incumbent Pct. 3 Constable Adrian Gonzalez faces Roel Cavazos.

On the state judicial races, neither 444th District incumbent David Sanchez nor 445th District Judge Gloria Rincones drew opponents. In contrast three candidates will fight for the nomination to the 138th District court in the persons of Myles Garza, Helen Delgadillo and Gabby Garcia.

Louis Sorola faces Ricardo Adobbati in the 404th District Court left vacant by Elia Cornejo-Lopez who did not run for reelection.

State Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. drew two opponents: Brownsville lawyer Sara Stapleton Barrera and Texas State Board of Education member Ruben Cortez.

His son Eddie Lucio III drew one Democratic Party challenger in the person of Erin Gamez, daughter of noted Brownsville lawyer Ernesto Gamez. The winner will face BISD board member Erasmo Castro (R) in November. 

And District 37 State Rep. Alex Dominguez faces Amber Medina for the position held for more than 30 years by Rene Oliviera. District 35 State Rep. Oscar Longoria is unopposed.

Migdalia Lopez has no Democratic opponent for Pace 4 on the 13th Court of Appeals and neither does Nereida Lopez-Singleterry for Place 6.

On the federal side incumbent U.S. District 34 Rep. Filemon Vela drew two challengers, perennial foe Osbert Rodriguez Haro and Diego Zavala.

Pete Delgadillo – Constable, Pct. 1 (Incumbent)
Norman Esquivel – Constable, Pct. 1
Manny Hinojosa – Constable, Pct. 1


Anonymous said...

Laura Perez-Reyes, the e-Hooters gal? She's quitting on BISD kids! No way she gets my vote. Opportunist, like Erasmo Castro!!!!

Anonymous said...

The one consistent theme throughout all of these investigations, both the ones that are seriously looking into Trump's behavior, and the ones that are intended to discredit the investigators, is that absolutely none of them are looking through his finances for evidence of Russian leverage over his behavior. In all the talk of collusion, we stopped talking about kompromat.

Look, I'd dearly love to believe in the pee tape, but it's pretty unlikely. I'm quite willing to believe that Trump banged a Russian hooker or three over the last 30 years, but a tape of that would hardly embarrass a man who is already widely known to have paid hush money to cover up his affairs. He may well have colluded directly with the GRU on their election interference, but the evidence hasn't emerged, and Mueller looked for that. All of that stuff is a distraction.

What matters is protecting our national interest from a leader who consistently acts as if he's in the pocket of a foreign dictator who controls a nuclear arsenal. We know he has a great deal of overseas debt. We know that he acts with bizarre deference toward Putin. We know he's going all the way to the Supreme Court to keep his finances secret.

Anonymous said...

Fucken psychopath would keeps bashing on trump in random runn runn articles estas safado guey se te escapan las cabras meko.

Anonymous said...

Good luck I hope everybody looses

Anonymous said...

Must go:


Replace these four Mexicans. It'll be a good start.

Anonymous said...

The Navy is grounding some 300 Saudis training at the US Naval Station in Pensacola:

Grounding them from flight training doesn't keep them from killing naval personnel or civilians. They should be searched, disarmed, and confined to barracks until this whole piece of shit is sorted out, and until the fat traitor-in-chief stops covering for the bullshit "King" of Saudi Arabia and his kleptocrat family.

Anonymous said...

You want turn coats Judas traitor elect a gringo/a and GOOD LUCK...

Anonymous said...


Agarramela, pinche vato analfabeto! Aqui esta tu Papi, puto. Afloja, lambiscon, que le da verguenza a tu Mama verte actuando como un baboso! Ajuuuuuuaaaaaa!!! Vato apestoso de la Southmost, por seguro.

Anonymous said...

Dec 10 at 4:30 pm

That is five Mexicans, not four, but yeah.

Anonymous said...

Soooo sorrrrry FIVE mskins they all need to be replaced

Anonymous said...

December 10, 2019 at 4:55 PM
Porque apesta es del southmost hmmm. I live east of that area and I always smell something rancid is that what it is the southmost? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Anybody involved with the BISD board will not win. Atkinson crap will stick to anyone who worked with her. Perez-Reyes serves on the same board as Atkinson and voted with her on many instances.

Former RGV LEO said...

And for whatever reason, we keep voting for the crooks? Michael galvan is a bully and idiot to think he can pull off a win for sheriff. Eric has an opportunity but is not law enforcement minded and more administrative. If he wins, I just hope that he picks a GOOD LEO to be his second in command and NOT someone like gus reyna, who has no social skills, ex-drunk and junkie and as far as I know hasn't contributed to the workings of the sheriff office other than to be a "bully" and being a micro manager. Abel, you're day is coming! The crook Lucio' need to go, period! Huh, isn't Chambers a convicted felon? For sure, tony yzaguirre needs to go, no matter that a jury in Nueces County didn't think so! Oh well, this is Cameron County!

Former RGV LEO said...

As for Laura, she should have stayed with Hooter's! She does have a great set of tits and loves to take nude photos on the beach!

Anonymous said...

How many ex-elected officials from cameron county and brownsville are in the slammer and how many are on the waiting list and how many are in a bus heading to the slammer? Juanito?
