(Ed.'s Note: Word from the federal courthouse is that federal magistrate Ronald Morgan set a $50,000 bond plus a $5,000 cash deposit on indicted BISD trustee Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson this morning. Attorneys Noe Garza and Dale Robertson represented her at the bond hearing where she appeared in civilian dress. In addition, she is to have no contact with victims or co-defendants/co-conspirators (?) due to the ongoing investigation, to turn over her passport, is restricted to travel within the southern district of Texas, and avoid alcohol or firearms.)
By Juan Montoya
Reading the federal grand jury indictment issues Tuesday against Brownsville Independent School District board vice president Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson, it becomes abundantly clear that federal investigators had targeted her since 2014 and listened to her phone conversations, read her emails, and recorder her through body wires worn by undercover FBI agents.
This has triggered the consternation of numerous BISD current and past trustees, district administrators, and vendors who might have done business with her over the phone and email.
Although the federal indictment mentions that Atkinson sought bribes related to "potential school district purchases of computer tablets, medical teleconferencing services, tutorial services, and other goods and services, it focuses primarily on her alleged criminal acts in relation to assist a purported film production company do business with the district.
Federal agents used a "cooperating individual" who was a resident of Brownsville, Texas who had been assisting the FBI with public corruption investigations. Note the use of the plural in "investigations."
Federal investigators used an undercover agent who was a FBI Task Force Officer.
Of the eight counts in the indictment, one is for conspiracy, another is for bribery in the sue of federal funds, and six are based upon her use of email, phone texts, and calls on her cell phone to promote the criminal enterprise of bribing a public official and thereafter perform or attempt to perform acts in furtherance of the unlawful activity.
According to the indictment, the federal investigators revealed their phone taps in the indictment when they listed the last six charges. They were:
Count 3: A text message from Atkinson on Dec. 12, 2018 to the FBI undercover agent demonstrating the language that could be used as a BISD agenda item for the film project.
Count 4: A telephone call January 10, 2019 between Atkinson and the cooperating individual regarding missing the deadline to get the film project placed on the upcoming board agenda.
Count 5: A telephone call February 2 between Atkinson and cooperating individual regarding the board secretary placing the film project on the BISD agenda.
Count 6: A telephone call between Atkinson and the cooperating individual regarding how to request to get the film project placed on the BISD board agenda.
Count 7: A telephone call February 12 between Atkinson and the cooperating individual regarding how to explain the film project to the BISD interim superintendent.
Count 8: A telephone call between defendant and cooperating individual to discuss the passage of the BISD agenda item on the film project.
But this is just the tip of that iceberg.
Then, in another part of the indictment, during a meeting the next day (Dec. 19) between Atkinson, the cooperating individual and the undercover FBI agent the undercover agent explained that he and his partners would "have no problem with paying you for your services" and asked "What do you think this whole thing will cost myself and my partners?"
Atkinson is quoted as replying: "I can tell you it's probably gonna be, I would say, I would say, probably ten," and explained "I think that's pretty low...cause we're looking at the long picture...of us having a good relationship."
On that day, the undercover agent made the initial $4,000 payment and after the agenda item was passed on February 12 – with Atkinson voting in favor – the agent paid her the remaining $6,000 February 19.
It is obvious, then, that investigators had been listening in on her phone conversations – not only with the cooperating individual and undercover agent – but between Atkinson and everyone else who called her or who she called during that period of time.
At her bond hearing this morning, Magistrate Ronald Morgan prohibited from having contact with co-conspirators and co-defendants and victims. This indictment mentions only her. Are more shoes going to drop?
Is it any wonder that many people in the district and vendors, administrators, and other elected officials are nervous and looking over their shoulders at about this time? What deals were cut? What district positions were sought and promised in exchange for a bribe? And why was board counsel Baltazar Salazar so edgy at last night's BISD board meeting? Is he in the recordings?
And depending on what Atkinson tells the feds, the sweating may go on for a long time to come.
When will people wake up! Corruption is not just a Brownsville issue, it's a national issue also. When will the American people wake up? Both sides (Democratic and Republican) are guilty of misleading the American people. When will the media of the United States get their act together and start reporting in a un-bias manor. Through untold decades both political parties, FBI, CIA and other agencies have deceived the public and did what they think appropriate under the guise of being "Patriots".
Look at the latest reporting on Afghanistan. Three administrations have not been honest with the American public. I for one will continue to speak out on all corruption.
I heard they are looking for a vendor to sell them towels I think disposables and hankies or kleenex will done fine. I saw somebody removing the scoreboard, a government helicopter was near by either looking for illegals or ratas.
Is Prisci still in town? Just saying.
And what about Drue Brown? She caught in the trap, as Elvis would say?
What about those tablets that Kajeet Technology went for and they never worked. It was a scam and Technology Admin must of gotten a $$$ deal. Cowen loved the tablets. What about all that Travel by prev Bilingual Head. The corruption is all over. SPA spill the beans.
Let’s see who her friends are..... NOBODY!!
Vieja pendeja vibora
There's a recording of her colluding with Adela on TSC affairs.
At least Erasmo Castro was caught DWI but he was drinking with his own money. As of now he is the only honest board member. All board members including the Attorney Salazar a bunch of thieves. That's why they want to get Mr. Castro out.
Thats the game pay them over than top dollar and they'll kick back campaign contributions hmmmm.
As much respect I have for both attorneys, I don't believe they will be able to get her off the hook other than to work out a cooperation deal and have her turn snitch for a reduce sentence. Yes everybody at the district should be concern to include the other board members and vendors. With all the corruption cases that have come to light here in Cameron County and the heavy weights that have been sent to federal Prison(ex.g Conrado Cantu, former sheriff,Abel Limas,former District Judge,Villalobos former District attorney and several other local attorneys you would think this corruption would stop.
Its all about money and greed.
Do any of you old folks remember when the Herald had reporters? Jerry Urban was a reporter. Back in the early 80's he was always reporting on the local government and what they were up to. This blog is the only place left where you can get any news. If you want to know about these rats look at the campaign finance reports they file.
Lock her up! Lock her up!! Lock her up!!!
Hey! Mayor your probably next didn't Sylvia get you some contributions?
she is part of the TSC BOARD? NO?
She was actually arrested at TSC, agents were waiting by her vehicle around 3 pm yesterday.
Seriously when are these people going to learn? WTH!
Channel 4 of the Sinclair Broadcast Group is axing one of its biggest stars, Boris Epshteyn, the network's chief political analyst and a former special assistant to President Donald Trump. The move is part of a company-wide effort to move away from political commentary in favor of investigative journalism, the network said Wednesday.
Al bote girl, better get ready to speak up and tell who else is involved and/or make a deal or end up going to jail by yourself GF. Your choice girl. And everyone who said was your friend, well im sure now you will have to stand alone-no more friends.
Erasmo Castro....only honest board member", Suuuuuure, ROLF.
Adela is next on the list. They both will be doing “time“ together. Very embarrassing for TSC!
I'm moving all my children to a private schoo NOW...
A painting that depicts a nude and feminized Emiliano Zapata riding a sexually aroused horse has sparked controversy on social media after it was used by the federal government to promote an exhibition of art inspired by the revolutionary hero.
The Secretariat of Culture posted an image of the painting on Facebook and Twitter on Friday to promote the exhibition Zapata Después de Zapata (Zapata After Zapata), which opened at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City late last month. - MexicoNewsDaily.com
I’ll take a drunk over a thief any day!
What about coach Rod and the million dollar score board?
Ms. Atkinson is not the only one but she is dumb enough to get caught EVERYWHERE she goes.
Whoever the cooperating individual is, get another cooperating individual and check out our commissioners.
Montoya, this is not news! This carpet munching C@#$ has always been a crook since the C@#$ became superintendent at school districts. This C@#$ has gotten away because of political favors BUT mainly because the C@#$ becomes a "snitch" for the government! This C@#$ was deep in corruption at Socorro ISD BUT skated by snitching on others. And the C@#$ walks away with a check because of her contract. This C@#$ belongs in prison where she can have all the "carpet munching" on a daily basis.
And again, the corruption is rampant in the land of Cameron County!!!
That explains why so many incompetents are given the best job opportunities while the honest ones without connections or contributions are passed out, sometimes only with an interview where the biased committee makes the choice for the paid one.
I wonder how many school board members received cash donations in Rio Hondo and they didn't report it. I heard she was close to Claudia Villalobos and Jessica Gonzalez. HMMMM FBI will find out. Come clean fore it's too late!!!!
Congratulations maggots like throwing a piece of meat into a river full of piranhas.
State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, D-Brownsville, received a Preservation Texas Honor Award for his restoration and adaptive reuse of the Webb-Martinez House restoration of the 1906. Lucio has repurposed it as a lawyer’s office.
A view of the Neale House front porch Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018, that was built circa 1850 in Brownsville. The home is now included on Preservation Texas 2018 Most Endangered Places list. A grant application for Community Development Block Grants funds to restore and relocate the
NEALE HOUSE, a disappearing piece of Brownsville history, has been REJECTED BY MCNAIR.
The separation of UT-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College leads to hundreds of layoffs.
The bill is authored by the (2) Eddie Lucio Jr EDDIE LUCIO III
Senate Bill 24 is a companion to House Bill 1000.
HB 1000 would provide for the UT System to abolish two universities: the University of Texas at Brownsville and the University of Texas-Pan Am
Eddie Lucio III has failed to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2018 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you.
HB 489 - Expands Access to Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 11 - Authorizes Concealed Handguns on College Campuses - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 1 - Biennium Budget - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 1340 - Authorizes Certain Children to Consent to Immunizations - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 148 - Prohibits Multiple Ballots from Being Turned in by 1 Individual - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 63 - Prohibits Texting While Driving - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 29 - Restricts Certain Types of Touching During Searches by Government Officials - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
"Rep. Eddie Lucio, III "I'm humbled by American Catholic faith and marijuana.
The president of the United States stole from a charity. And that's only one in a long list of corrupt acts he has engaged in.
Conservatives are running around shrieking that he's done nothing wrong.
He. Stole. From. His. Own. Charity.
Cut the crap already.
You mean a phd doesnt mean you are smart
You wonder why the rest of Texas sees the Valley as a pit of corruption?
This long standing tradition of letting corrupt officials run on for years is appalling. Instead of charging them for crimes, they are paid to move on to their next victim. Employers who don't out corrupt employees, doom others to suffer next. They get away with crime for decades and the public shrugs, wondering if corruption is the ordinary way government works. Businesses fail us all when they don't report efforts to extort them in bidding.
At this rate, the only difference between corruption in Mexico and corruption in Cameron County will be gps coordinates.
Now, if by some miracle this perp gets off, we'll know for sure that Cameron County is a permanent nest of snakes and all those of us who live here will be painted with the same brush: corrupt.
She/he will do well in prison; plenty of lesbians!!
I hope with Sylvia it blows up a big investigation of corruption at BISD and the FBI go for the gold to make sure there’s a clean house at BISD, in the county, in the city if the mayor is that dumb a puppet, TSC, and the state. There are a lot of shitty rats at TSC, in the county, and at the state level. Tap the state!!! I just pray the lord protect Sylvia Atkins because now that she’s gonna take pleas we don’t need her disappearing. She is the key to put all the bad people away. It’s so sexist of the federal government to go after her and not all the other men who stole before her and have dirty hands at bisd, the county, TSC, and the state. The attorney general himself makes Sylvia’s deeds look like a toddler! Just on this unfair bias they need to let her go as long as she fully cooperates. All the men involved in the county, Bisd, TSC, and crooks in the state need to be investigated. This Rodriguez, Adela Garza, and Kile are thicker than thieves at TSC and the Houstonians ran from Houston for a reason. Investigate them! All these rats need to leave Texas! Kile had Sylvia in her office and was her best bud. I hope the FBI was on them and tapping all their cells, office phones, and offices too. They knew exactly what they were doing when they hired Sylvia to get rid of Zendejas and help do their dirty work by making TSC benefit from BISD. Zendejas warned Rodriguez but he just do what se does best and Atkins rid of Zendejas! The fbi needs to go looking into all the BISD grants and TSCs too! They need to take it back the last five years at TSC and even speak to instructors, check Prici’s grants, every dean’s grants and cross reference the documentation turned into the state too. Catch those dirty state officials who tamper with these documents as well! Clean house with the state puppets cleaning up after these goons at the state level too!!! These people have to many associations at the state level who do their bidding!!!! Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres!!!!! Pura rata en el county, bisd, TSC, and state!!!
Just because there are recordings and text messages does not mean her phones were tapped. The cooperating individual could have recorded those calls.
All of Pink Ape clients are shitting a brick about now.
Trump's Grave Mistake: Imagine if FDR had made military aid to Britain dependent on Churchill making up lies about Thomas Dewey.
Jealousy is a terrible thing. President Trump, 73, has hit out at 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg in an apparent fit of rage after she beat him to be named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. Trump described the decision, which was announced Wednesday, as “ridiculous” in an incredibly petty Thursday morning tweet.
The president wrote: “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!” Trump has long been obsessed with Time’s Person of the Year—in 2012, he tweeted: “I knew last year that TIME Magazine lost all credibility when they didn’t include me in their Top 100.”
In 2015, when he was a candidate for president, Trump reacted angrily when German Chancellor Angela Merkel won the honor, and fake Time covers showing Trump as Person of the Year have previously been found hanging in at least five of his golf clubs.
I'm curious where the Atkinson-Mendez connection rumors are coming from? I don't doubt their accuracy, I'm just wondering where everybody is getting information tying Atkinson to the mayor. This isn't the first time I've seen that said, and I was wondering if there is any proof to that story, and if those other politicians mentioned include the mayor.
Que padre!!! Wondering what are certain San Benito board members thinking about the bond money. How they and certain Hildago county persons divided the money.....se va a poner bueno raza!!! Ajuaaaa!!!
Is she gonna sing
The person who projected herself as being dynamic and socially conscious all to distract from her thievery at taxpayers expense. I see a number of her FB postings with Dr Dora Sauceda who arrived at the doorsteps of BISD after being fired from Dallas for submitting fraudulent travel expenses through former BISD superintendent Noe Sauceda. We can hope that the true colors of our so called public servants come out in this investigation. Put students first and ahead of the greed of such adults as Dr Sylvia Adkinson. Take her educational credentials away!
I wonder what deals were made with then BISD board member Carlos Elizondo and Justin Hopperstad when Justin was awarded the Fire Academy Cadet course that paid out over one-hundred-thousand dollars for providing that cadet course to BISD students? Remember, Justin and Carlos are co_owners of the private ambulance service that was/is conducting illegal and unauthorized patient transfers within the COB's city limits!
You get nothing from a public official in Mexico without paying for it under the table. It is considered a perk of their position. A Mexican lawyer once told me, not to look at it as a bribe, but as an incentive for the people to do their job. "It is to encourage them", he said.
The same thinking is common here in Mata Norte. It is so widespread, tolerated and expected, that these folks forget they are criminals and don't really try and cover their tracks. The voters expect this kind of corruption so they don't consider it a negative when they vote.
However the Feds don't take such an attitude toward this criminality. The woman in question will spend years behind bars in a Federal jail. If left to local law enforcement, they would do nothing, unless they get their nose rubbed in the crime. They also just wink, nod and say "Asi is la vida en el Valley.".
This should serve as a wake up call for the public officials and remind them they do live in the United States, where such stuff makes them criminals and they face years in prison. They money they take isn't worth the prison terms they will receive, if the Feds get involved and actually enforce United States laws and moral values.
Will there be any charges by the state, only the feds?
Greedy Hog
Gender equality: Dismantling Misconduct & Public Corruption in South Texas – Yea right!
Greed and corruption has become (in my humble opinion) the norm in Brownsville politics. La gente de Brownsville, blinded or turns the other cheek to friends and family - including vote stealing, extortion, under-the-table payoffs nepotism, patronage, influence peddling, embezzlement and health care fraud. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Corruption Task Force – what task force?
Public corruption is wrong, we all know this, but do they care of betraying the public's trust, no! No one forces people to do the dirty deed, they decided to abuse their position on their own.
Greed is everywhere – we got politiqueras (stealing votes), elected officials worried about making money marrying people on the side, but not doing their official duties; soliciting insurance contracts, profiting from board decisions while sitting on the BISD board, the list is long.
There is a lot of dirty money throughout the Valley, Brownsville no exception and readily available to corrupt public officials, board members, etc. Take for example disgraced former Bville Fire Chief and former BISD President. A candidate running for Mayor who repeatedly protected him while as city manager.
BISD $1.4 million, 65-foot scoreboard – really? Kids need textbooks and yet who profits from this , no one but BISD board member Joe Rodriguez. Over the years there has been reported alleged wrongdoings by Rodriguez, even depositions with the FBI and Texas Rangers with actual facts and actual events. Did they ever convict or peruse this allegations? No.
A woman plays their game, used her position to play power in local politics with the big dogs, gets labeled a bitch, cooperating individual turns snitch and the Corruption Task Force is called to bring the hammer down on a female.
Joe Rodriguez and his son’s law firm, Baldy Salazar, Ken Whittemore, Joe Salazar (local insurance), Carlos Elizondo to name a few... got away this time, but they will eventually answer to a high court.
Where was the Task Force then? I am not defending the Atkinson diet, what she is alleged to have done is simply WRONG and should punished if true!
Gender equality – yea right!
She needs to go to prison so every day she can think of all the evil she did to people. Vieja bastarda..
Adela are you scared yet? How about Trey?
The commentator noting Rrun-Rrun's dedication to the truth is correct. Mr. Juan Montoya has been taking care to report professionally the best and most interesting stories, including articles about the history of the area --- and vintage historical photographs --- that you cannot read anywhere else. We are fortunate to have him.
Lock her up....
The biggest catch since “El Chapo”. Great news for Brownsville. The biggest crook in politics. She is looking at a great future in the Cameron County Hilton.
What's the origin of the phrase 'How are the mighty fallen'?
This expression derives from the Bible. The earliest version in English is found in the Great Bible, Samuel 1:19, 1539:
Oh howe are the myghtie ouerthrowen.
The currently used 'fallen' version is found in the King James Version, 1611 and is a demonstration of David's lament over Saul and Jonathan:
1:19 The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen!
1:20 Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.
1:21 Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither let there be rain, upon you, nor fields of offerings: for there the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, as though he had not been anointed with oil.
1:22 From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not empty.
1:23 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
1:24 Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights, who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.
1:25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places.
1:26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.
1:27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!
I want to see her attorneys prove that she’s innocent in federal court. I don’t think Dale Robertson has practiced law since 1970
Trey will go down because of this devil. Quien Le manda! He was warned about her and he must learn the hard way. Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres.
Wait until they see the awarded construction contracts. Big bucks!
Lucios in that mix too. Plunderville TX.
Is that it, Montoya? No news in two days after your posted this story. Just like a Mexican to rest on his laurels. Oh, well, El Panson Barton isn't doing shit either and El Paya Jerry is still paralyzed. NEWS, putos!!!
So is Pink Ape Media an FBI sting operation or did their people get caught dirty and turned into "cooperating individuals"?
They have a lot of recorded conversations, if you (elected officials) did any thing wrong or illegal the government has you on tape and if you did the sooner you resign the better for all. DO IT!! DO IT NOW time to walk the walk and talk the talk. Walk away and pill the beans!
Let’s see where the Atkinson ass kissers are....I heard they were at Wal Mart buying diahrrea meds and pampers.
Charming, Charming.
Pink Ape Media is well known locally among political figures. And according to some bloggers, this company recently collected close to two hundred thousand dollars from the campaigns of John Cowen, Nurith Galonski, and Trey Mendez.
Probably “they got caught and turned into cooperating individuals” Good luck to all involved.
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