By Juan Montoya
Brownsville Independent School District board vice president Dr. Sylvia Atkinson was arrested today by FBI agents after being named in a sealed federal indictment charging her with one count of conspiracy, one count of bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and six counts of travel act-state law bribery, including one count concerning programs receiving federal funds.
She is also Texas Southmost College's Executive Director of High School Programs & Community Outreach. FBI agents arrested her on the TSC campus at about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The indictment was issued December 10.
The conspiracy count alleges she conspired "with others" to "solicit, demand for the benefit of any person, and accept and agree to accept, anything of value from an undercover, cooperating individual," and "others" intending to be influenced and rewarded in connection with any business, transaction, and series of transactions...involving anything of value of $5,000 or more.
The conspiracy count alleges that she used her positions as a BISD and RHISD official "to obtain money from private companies and private individuals in exchange for assistance in obtaining contracts with BISD or RHISD."
The indictment charges that in exchange in using her influence in contracting decisions at BISD and RHISD. she demanded and received what were often alleged to be campaign contributions, but which in reality were bribes which she did not report as campaign contributions.
Further, she is alleged to cause funds to be distributed to finance the election campaigns of other local political candidates who, through their resulting loyalty, would enhance her power in local politics and enhance her ability to extract bribes in exchange for contracts.
She is alleged to obtain bribes related to potential school-district purchases of computer tablets, medical teleconferencing services, tutorial services, and other goods and services. She is also accused of obtaining bribes related to the potential use of BISD property for a purported movie production project.
When the undercover FBI Task Force Officer asked her what it would cost them for her ervices, she is quoted as saying: "I can tell you it's probably gonna be, I would say, I would say, probably about ten," and then explained, "I think that's pretty low....cause we're looking at the long picture...of us having a good relationship."
She is alleged to have been paid $4,000 up front and another $6,000 from the undercover agent through the cooperating individual after the film proposal was placed on the BISD agenda approved by the board. Atkinson is alleged to have cast a vote on the item on the agenda February 12. A week later - on February 19 - she is alleged to have received the $6,000 payment.
Before the meeting in February, the indictment stated, that Atkinson also coached the individual on talking points for the meeting, telling him to say the movie was a “short” or a documentary, and to make the point that he would like to help promote the local area. She also stated to him to “keep it as vague as possible.”
After the item was placed on the agenda at her behalf and passed unanimously, she is quoted as telling the undercover agent who asked her if there was a possibility of working together in the future that: "I can assure you that what you need to get done, in this area, will get done."
Counts 3-8 charges the use of facility in interstate commerce (a telephone) to "facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, and carrying on an unlawful activity, that being bribery of a public official in violation of the laws of Texas and thereafter performed and attempted to perform acts in furtherance of the unlawful activity."
She was ordered held in federal custody without bond.
Way to bring her in TSC! Hows the mi compadre way of doing things working out?
The entire BISD are a bunch of RATS, investigate all of them. Brownsville is full of RATS at COB, TSC, BND, PUB, CC and in between each entity.
Black eye for the Mexican community, Montoya. First a DWI trustee and now this. Gotta clean up that cesspool.
Omg! Jaime Escobedo and Salazar insurance need to be indicted as well. With all this corrupted elected officials getting arrested you would think the others would think about taking bribes. What did think she wasn't going to get caught.
Now bring her buddy down with her. Her biggest supporter Minerva Pena
Humm did Erasmo castro spill the beans
BISD should come clean on all money exchanges through programs with TSC. Atkinson used Dr. Hatton and the new supt to move monies through programs to TSC. TSC should be transparent. How much money has BISD paid TSC to make Atkinson, Adela and Tipton look good.
The initials Dr stand for Dirty rat...Close down BISD sent everybody on a 12 months permanent vacation with NO pay...
How about the attorney, Salad bar
When's the local daily gonna report this story next week?
What goes around, comes around.
Typical Brownsville Democrat
What ever happened to BarbacoaGATE?
THESE assholes got away with poisoning our kids for cash!
Mayor Trey Mendez was the puppet candidate for Sylvia Atkinson in the last city election. Sylvia was pulling his strings and running his campaign so she can take control of Cameron County. I find it funny that everyone who complains about corruption here is so easily fooled by the biggest snakes in town . So for all the sheep that voted for Trey/Sylvia give yourselves a pat on the back . If you're still in denial go back and look at Trey's campaign photos and see who was running his campaign . You're an idiot if you think sylvia "helped" him because he was the best candidate,Sylvia wanted someone who would do her bidding and Trey was that guy.
Dr. Atkinson go ahead take the plea bargain and expose everyone who was on the take too. Spill the beans on the campaigns you ran for financial payback and name all the elected officials you roll with.
-El 84
Ah, brings back memories of the good old Judge Limas days. Those damn republicans are behind this, just to make us people look bad.
spill the beans spill the beans spill the beans. Brownsville Texas spill the beans spill the beans tune to spill the wine... THE ANIMALS
BISD theme song
BISD should treat Atkinson just like they treated castro. Censure and sanction. If federal monies were used for Atkinson contract, tolman, her sister, enabled BISD to get to this mess. Do something superintendent...
Drue Brown, Prisci Rocco Tipton, and Minerva Peña were all being steered by Atkinson. Atkinson was the head of the snake, but they are all guilty. Everyone could see through the scam, but no one wanted to say anything because we would get fired. Follow the money and the votes for each of the things passed during the last twelve months.
How many followers of these crooks were tricked into believing in them?
Di con quien andas y te digo quien eres........
Birds of a feather flock together is a proverb that goes back hundreds of years. ... Birds of a feather flock together means people of similar interests, background, ideas or characteristics will often congregate or hang out with each other, people who have similar ideas or values tend to stick together.
Pizza any one???
The shit-for-brains at December 10, 2019 at 10:39 PM wrote:
"Close down BISD sent everybody on a 12 months permanent vacation with NO pay..."
Well, first of all, it's "send everybody," not "sent everybody," and second, how the hell can it be a permanent vacation if it's only going to be 12 months? Probably the same moron who always bitches about teachers having a three month paid vacation because their fucking pea brain can't comprehend simple math.
December 10, 2019 at 10:08 PM wrote:
"Humm did Erasmo castro spill the beans"
I highly doubt that's the case. If you actually read the article rather than just the headline, you'll see this investigation goes back to the days when the accused was working at another school district. The FBI doesn't come knocking on your door because someone claims alleged wrongdoing. If you see those blue windbreakers coming at you, that means you've been under investigation for quite some time, and they've got all the information they need to put you through the wringer.
The article on the Channel 4 website says she also arranged for other politicians to receive campaign contributions from the people who allegedly paid her off. I have a sneaking suspicion this is just the beginning. Although December 10, 2019 at 11:43 PM makes a point. Sometimes investigations have a way of disappearing. I guess we'll see what happens.
Little Sylvia you are so FUCKED.
You are disgrace and I hope you get prosecuted.
Hopefully your rein of Terror is over.
You are gone for good.
No pos Wow, i am not surpirsed, i always say that many folks run for these offices to enrich themselves and not the schools or children. It is very rare when you find an elected official in there to do good or benefit the community. This is a prime example of all that is wrong at BISD, not sure why former coach joe rodriguez has not been picked up yet too since he was a mastermind on these bribery schemes all the time, waiting on that one or did he cut a deal and turn in atkinson? just wondering? Sylvia call joe?, so is Minnie mouse Pena NEXT? DRUE, PRISCA? HOW MANY OTHERS? ???. Remember elected BISD school board members we are all in this together. lol
Now look at who was calling the kettle black? She deserves everything she gets for thinking just like Trump, who think their shit does not stink and that they are above the law. Like my Mom used to tell us, "La malo sale por enfrente a su tiempo, y a Sylvia ya se le llego su tiempo despues de todas las chingaderas que hizo con muchos de nosotros en el BISD. Saquen el otro indictment que ya tenia y por que?
What in the actual fuck? How could they manage to have someone working with the FBI and only catch her? Where was the FBI when Joe Rodriguez was LITERALLY stealing money from BISD athletics and funneling it through his sham sporting goods store? I am so goddamn sick and tired of all these fucking corrupt elected officials. By the way, this is not a contest, Erasmo is still a sicko pedophile, and alcoholic. Her crimes do not let him off the hook, like he thinks… Fucking losers… all of them!
Where's the state they need to take over BISD, COB, County, PUB and the Port and get rid of all those boards making tons of monies and doing nothing. All directors of these so call boards make over 100K a year cronyism at its best.
Do something FBI!!!
10. Recommend approval to collaborate with Pink Ape Media on a feasibility plan for utilizing district facilities for a film project. Plan is subject to final approval by the District and Board of Trustees.
Ms. Minerva Pena, Board President stated, yes, Dr. Hatton, would you please. Dr. Sylvia R. Hatton, interim superintendent stated, yes, on January 21st, I received an email from Mr. Rodrigo Medrano from Pink Ape Media regarding coming to the Board with an exciting idea that he’s hoping to develop. It’s a creative initiative, he is a film maker, advertiser, and he has a concept or an idea to develop a project about a student growing up in our community, you know, with the right foot, left food kind of in Mexico and on this side. And it started as a concept and of course, being a film maker and being from our community, he would like to do as much of the filming, when the idea develops, in our community, including our schools. So this request this evening is simply from Pink Ape to survey, kind of visit our campuses, get to know the lay of the land, spur his creativity sort of speak and then of course, that’s the only approval that we are requesting this evening, after that, if any ideas are developed further and a video will be developed...
See BISD minutes
Another county heard from.
The other genius at December 11, 2019 at 9:08 AM wrote:
"Where's the state they need to take over BISD, COB, County, PUB and the Port and get rid of all those boards making tons of monies and doing nothing. All directors of these so call boards make over 100K a year cronyism at its best.
Do something FBI!!!"
What proof do you have that these "directors" make over 100 grand a year? The people who serve on the school board don't get any official monetary compensation, and the city commissioners get hardly anything (I think a few bucks for a cell phone and attending meetings). Please enlighten us as to who receives more than 100,000 dollars a year?
I'm not excusing these people. If they're corrupt they should go, but don't go swallowing every line of bullshit you're fed by other people, and don't be spreading bullshit rumors about these people making 100,000 dollar salaries.
@December 10, 2019 at 10:08 PM:
Again this is a blog not a formal writing pinche pendejo use charming to wipe your ass clean next time you post from your rear end.
No wonder BISD is going to shit your presence here is for a reason - to show the community how incompetent and dumb witted some of you teachers are.
In the REAL WORKING ENVIROMENT, WHICH YOU ARE NOT A PART OF, employees that are to be terminated are give a vacation and are NOT to come back "ESTUPIDO".
Get with the program you are there because you are stupid don't over do it guey...
BISD Vice President Sylvia P. Atkinson remains in federal custody this morning following her arrest on bribery charges.
BISD is going to shit and this idiota complains about some missed spelling, no wonder, in reality all these flojos y idiotas should work ALL YEAR just like everybody else on this planet (please check my spaling) fukng MORON
Salazar Insurance and their bitch, Kent Whittemore, won’t be getting very much rest in the coming days.
Hope you have your bags packed.
This woman did what our elected officials do. She monetized her office. The only difference between her and others was she got careless and the Feds got on her trail. You can bet they had their "cooperating witness's" cojones in a vise and he/she was somebody Atkinson did not expect to be wearing a wire. She deserves every day she will serve in the pen.
Like the "Limas Affair", you can bet other BISD Trustees, COB official, Cameron County Commissioners and Port officials have high blood pressure today, wondering if they are next. After the Feds put her tits in the wringer she will start to squeal on others.
Who is to blame? Well she is responsible for her own corruption, but the voters share the blame, because they set such low standards for the people they elect to look after the public purse. The voters do indeed not just expect corruption, they demand corruption of their officials.
All the darkness comes to light!!!! What a Christmas gift for the community. She has tried to destroy many families and it’s her turn!!! Whether she takes a deal or not, she’s ruined for life!!!! She deserves every bit of this and MORE! What an embarrassment to her poor parents.
She should have opened up a healthcare center they are dime a dozen here. More than the pawn shops, beer joints and rental units...
Sooner rather than later all these elected officials and their cronies will pay the price. We see it over and over again and again when are they going to learn. CRIME NEVER PAYS specially if you are an elected official.
The FBI needs to continue and never stop investigating every where and specially here in Brownsville, TX.
December 11, 2019 at 9:28 AM
It's public records look it up idiota
TEA should take over. How in the world do you have a Superintendent, Deputys, CFO and other Admin come in with top dollar. 350k??? Then, all the other Administration earning top dollar. The Grants Dept are BFFs with vendors. Its all over, from Technology to Grants, contracts talk and a few players earn top dollar.
Where the hell was the FBI when Joe Rodriguez was doing his shit at BISD. Damn just a little to late. Plus he's so old we be wasting tax dollars putting his old ass in Jail.I'm sure there is more to come.
Chances are she wouldn’t go down alone. Brown, Pena, Roca-Tipton, and often times Cowen voted together. Especially when it came to TSC issues!! My guess is Sylvia did not worked alone. Someone else helped her, they wanted to control the school district, the city, and the college.
TEA needs to take over BISD until the investigation is over, at which time they need to call for new elections.
The FBI needs to look into the BND, BPUB, COB, CC, Charro days organization, and Mr. Amigo organization, but above all, who are the primary donors of those who have been serving more than one term? As we all know, we have plenty of self serving officials sitting on those boards who just have enriched themselves.
Good luck to all involved, you are going to need it.
Mr. Montoya, a couple weeks ago you published an article on how a mexican company paid the Lucio's for a business dealing with Atkinson and the cafeteria at Lucio Middle School. Could you follow up on that.
Soon the wild bunch at Florida will have a cheerleader and maybe more
Is that why they gave the attorney and the new Superintendent huge raises so some of it gets funneled to politicians?Is that the name of the game
Joe Rod is as old as El Panson Barton - still could serve behind bars!
Wonder if Castro was behind all of this after all , the entire board attacked him a few months ago remember, all the censure movement? just saying
Wake up, BISD!!!!!! You all let this witch control the district!!!ets see how many people she takes down with her....
And where’s her buddy Edward Bustos? Otro panochon k no vale madre
How about her Brother Charlie, He's another crook.It runs in the family. He thinks his Shit don't stink.Bet he's shitting bricks right about now.
Let's talk serious BISD business.
When is the Superintendent's Tamalada?
Next tamalada will be at leavenworth prison con mi gente will be there covering the event soon to be an annual festivity.
Mr. Montoya, can you please reprint the article you wrote on the Mexican company bisd was trying to bring in? Thank you.
I am remembering that song "all by myself" sylvia you are on your own girl. adios
Don't eat the tamales; they are made with the barbacoa that was left over from the Capistran and Escobedo fiasco. What ever happened to that? We never heard the conclusion of discovery about their deaths? Como vamos hay?
Also, why was Balta allowed to contribute to their political campaigns when he was hired by them with a salary hired than the superintendent.
And, what does the new super sin pantalones have to say about all this? SPA
swallowed him even before he came into her snake pit.
FOR December 11, 2019 at 12:12 PM - THE ANSWER IS HOOTERS HINOJOSA!!!!
Anonymous said...
Chances are she wouldn’t go down alone. Brown, Pena, Roca-Tipton, and often times Cowen voted together. Especially when it came to TSC issues!! My guess is Sylvia did not worked alone. Someone else helped her, they wanted to control the school district, the city, and the college.
TEA needs to take over BISD until the investigation is over, at which time they need to call for new elections.
The FBI needs to look into the BND, BPUB, COB, CC, Charro days organization, and Mr. Amigo organization, but above all, who are the primary donors of those who have been serving more than one term? As we all know, we have plenty of self serving officials sitting on those boards who just have enriched themselves.
Good luck to all involved, you are going to need it.December 11, 2019 at 12:12 PM"
Congratulations maggots like throwing a piece of meat into a river full of piranhas.
Corruption is part of the Mexican DNA make-up; a Mexican simply cannot be trusted...lying,cheating, and stealing is in their BLOOD!
Prison is full of LESBIANS...she will feel right at home!!!
I hope with Sylvia it blows up a big investigation of corruption at BISD and the FBI go for the gold to make sure there’s a clean house at BISD, in the county, in the city if the mayor is that dumb a puppet, TSC, and the state. There are a lot of shitty rats at TSC, in the county, and at the state level. Tap the state!!! I just pray the lord protect Sylvia Atkins because now that she’s gonna take pleas we don’t need her disappearing. She is the key to put all the bad people away. It’s so sexist of the federal government to go after her and not all the other men who stole before her and have dirty hands at bisd, the county, TSC, and the state. The attorney general himself makes Sylvia’s deeds look like a toddler! Just on this unfair bias they need to let her go as long as she fully cooperates. All the men involved in the county, Bisd, TSC, and crooks in the state need to be investigated. This Rodriguez, Adela Garza, and Kile are thicker than thieves at TSC and the Houstonians ran from Houston for a reason. Investigate them! All these rats need to leave Texas! Kile had Sylvia in her office and was her best bud. I hope the FBI was on them and tapping all their cells, office phones, and offices too. They knew exactly what they were doing when they hired Sylvia to get rid of Zendejas and help do their dirty work by making TSC benefit from BISD. Zendejas warned Rodriguez but he just do what se does best and Atkins rid of Zendejas! The fbi needs to go looking into all the BISD grants and TSCs too! They need to take it back the last five years at TSC and even speak to instructors, check Prici’s grants, every dean’s grants and cross reference the documentation turned into the state too. Catch those dirty state officials who tamper with these documents as well! Clean house with the state puppets cleaning up after these goons at the state level too!!! These people have to many associations at the state level who do their bidding!!!! Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres!!!!! Pura rata en el county, bisd, TSC, and state!!!
@ December 11, 2019 at 9:55 AM
It's "Charmin," not "charming," pendejo. I like how you call other people stupid, yet you can't seem to put a coherent thought together without butchering the English language.
And "overdo" is one word, not two separate words. I hope you don't have to write anything out in your place of employment. You can call me whatever you want, but your writing proves how stupid you are. Keep on deflecting, moron.
Why is the state not filing any charges?
Cant wait to hear what else was in those phone guess is there are a few people who are getting a little less sleep at night...
Que bailen, todos who are involved, do the crime and do the time, oh btw luis saenz el da got involved just to make some brownie points. If he was for real many others at other places besides BISD like PUB, City of brownsville, cameron county would be prosecuted for illegal actvities a long time ago, but we all know its just selective enforcement right Luis el black kettle. Luis dont worry you dont have an challenger your job is safe this time around cuz you scare everyone away just like herbert hoover over at the FBI did for many years. Maybe next time we can have more Republicans candidates ran for other offices including the DA just like a few are running now.
She is not going alone she's gonna spill and spill so line up for a plea. The government needs to line up all the crooked politicians and their cronies and arrest all of them, make it a historic moment, history in the making. A once and for all thing...
If it happens make it an annual festival and call it "La Limpieza" and hold it on that street that just got a new name.
December 12, 2019 at 8:57 AM
La casa se esta quemando y este guey idiota quejandose por unos deletreases as long as you get your point across in a blog there is no formal requirement moron m.r.
If I say chile and you say here I am - I got my point across Stunod
In its worst form, crony capitalism can devolve into simple corruption where any pretense of a free market is dispensed with. Bribes to government officials are considered de rigueur and tax evasion is common. ... Corrupt governments may favor one set of business owners who have close ties to the government over others.
at December 12, 2019 at 8:57 AM
Este guey cree que esta en una clase en la escuela typical stupid teacher correcting every-body and every - thing is this one word or two idiota/o
I have sent or send my children or child to a private school won't want them to get rubbed or rubed the wrong way or guey. Please corect this pusting plse
Most web texts are not very formal. Blogging allows for an or a informal style.
Idiota this is not your classroom oops class room.
BISD hires teachers (as Japan does) scraping the bottom of the academic barrel (as most American school districts supposedly do).
You must be one of those hired hired and coming from the bottom of the academic barrel. Go back and hide not only you but your stupidity...
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