Monday, December 30, 2019


By Juan Montoya

It's enough to give a department head gray hairs.

Facing serious political challenges from two candidates in the March Democratic primary, Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio is having to deal with serious staff issues at precisely the time when he doesn't need the grief.
Image result for sheriff omar Lucio

This year has been a bad year for Lucio when it comes to deputies behaving badly.

And with former Cameron County District Clerk Eric Garza waging a worrisome campaign against him and former San Benito Police Chief Michael Galvan jumping into the fray, his opponents are sure to make political hay every chance they get.

And waiting for the Democratic winner in the primaries, Republican John Chambers is waiting to take him on in November.

In fact, the campaign against the Lucio administration style of management has already started.

We have seen leaflets out in the hustings pointing out some of these issues:

1. On December 6, 2019, of this year, Chief Deputy Gus Reyna called a news conference on behalf of Lucio to inform the public that deputy Victor Francisco Moctezuma had been charged with Official Oppression and Theft, both misdemeanor offenses. Allegedly, Moctezuma had requested the services of a masseuse. During the encounter the Deputy is accused of displaying his Cameron County badge and gun and forcibly raping and taking money from the victim. These charges remain pending against Moctezuma.

2. This came after a November 1, 2019, press release by the department that informed the public that a deputy named Joshua Guajardo had been arrested for Tampering with a Governmental document, a state jail felony. Guajardo was accused of falsifying information by reducing a criminal charge of Driving While Intoxicated to a Public Intoxication charge against a criminal defendant. The criminal charge against Guajardo also remains pending.

Moctezuma is not out of hot water. Still in the air to be to be decided is why the victim’s accusation of felony rape was not included in the charges. Many question why the victim’s statement of facts warranted misdemeanor charges of Official Oppression and Theft were included, but the felony offense of Sexual Assault was not brought forward. Moctezuma remains free on bond. Lucio's assertions that no one is above the law makes some wonder whether law enforcement – including Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz – are looking after their own? 

Currently, the department is seeking applications for a sergeant position as a result of the demotion of former Sergeant Daniel Valerio to deputy. Valerio was reprimanded in July of 2019 for falsifying time sheets, which was not his first reprimand at the department, and subsequently he accepted the demotion.

In other agencies, the position of sergeant may be one of many, but in the sheriff's department, with Lucio in charge of some 300 employees, that position becomes crucial to set an example for other staff employee and deputies that inevitably impact the safety and service to the public.

If there was ever a time for greater scrutiny of applicants at the Sheriff’s Department, it is now. Having two deputies arrested for both misdemeanor and felony offenses in a matter of months should give anyone pause at the department to assure the promotion of the best candidate for sergeant. 

One of the top candidates for the position is raising some red flags because of the political implications involved in his potential promotion. Current Cameron County Sheriff Investigator Rodrigo Javier Almanza is said to be a leading contender for the position.

Almanza is said to have had some scrapes during his military service and even if Lucio has a preference for hiring veterans, people wonder whether he is the best qualified applicant to serve in a leading capacity in his administration. 

 Almanza also has strong family connections to previous administrations in Matamoros politics. The current mayor of Matamoros, associated with the winning Morena party of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has chosen to cut ties with his family that had a virtual monopoly in a slice of the pie selling medicine to the City of Matamoros. Their concession of the Cruz Verde and its continued siphoning of those funds through their pharmacies has fed a growing controversy with the change in administration.

But more troubling are reports that he may have been linked to a defamatory article that was posted on some of his relatives' online publications accusing candidate Garza of being linked to the border underworld. This type of political intrigue is part and parcel of Matamoros politics.

We received the anonymous missive and its very beginning made us pause and hold the post. 

"Everything indicates that (Garza) is being financed by a cell of organized crime dedicated to money laundering...because not only does he receive money from (we won't print the name) but also has held public events in one of his restaurants at no cost."

The article then goes on to state that the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security is conducting an investigation, something the DHS has never confirmed. Still, in the rough-and-tumble world of Matamoros "journalism," defamation and libel are the daily fare. 

As further "proof" that Garza was linked to former Cameron County Sheriff Conrado Cantu and his drug associates, the article points to a photo Garza took with Cameron County Justice of the Peace Juan Mendoza, formerly Cantu's Chief Deputy.

The article says Mendoza has attended some of Garza's events. That's it.

We know Mendoza, and of all the Cantu administration officials, he was the only one not indicted or charged with any crime. He was elected and re-elected for JP by that precinct's voters.

As we said before, the sheriff hardly needs these kind of headaches that would drive a younger man nuts. We can only imagine what kind of new troubles loom for him in the near horizon. 


Anonymous said...

Please lets not forget about also one if his top investigators. Carlitos Garza one of his investigators having also a felony charge and doing personal matters on companies time. Along with having an affair during working hours.

Anonymous said...

Plus the Deputies that were caught cheating or giving the answers to the deputy entrance test.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff's office is a dark cesspool where only employees can swim that shit. Clean it up!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Omar Lucio is a good man a a true blue blood. But it’s time to put the gun away Mr. Lucio.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio: 85 years old.

That's a fact, Jack.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that you will soon be 85 also fat jack... paper pusher house mouse that we don't need.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget about all the sucking and fucking going on during shift. Escorting drunk ladys home then being paid in sex later or that same day.

Anonymous said...

Time for Sherriff Lucio to step away before his lack of cognizant reality gets more people hurt.

Anonymous said...

Hahahha no me hagas reir al pendejo de 2:29 pm

Blue blood Lucio?? no mames. That old dog can't keep his division straight as an arrow with all the shit going down. Far from of it.

Anonymous said...

Sucio Lucio.. fake tactics that’s all
He has to run for re election.. your time is up sucio Lucio .. step down have some dignity...

Anonymous said...

And what would Eric Garza (best friend to Luis Saenz) have to offer?

Anonymous said...

A quote from a recent interview, "Ay quelme lommelj cuadcumo y selomuml si estuavol como ychilsomoo crimijoso". WHAT???? smh

Anonymous said...

Someone that couldn’t even lead 3 individuals wants to lead 300. Nombre.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

December 31, 2019 at 7:35 AM

Papas es todo what can a paper pusher do or offer in law enforcement. Peanuts...

Anonymous said...

The guy from DPS ret. Should be running again for Sheriff slim pickings on this election!!New blood definitely needed.

GGL said...

So you want to replace the Sheriff with what? Age is the only thing you can find wrong? People being fired for doing bad things, but that makes him bad? Replace him with what, a guy who thinks the Texas Penal Code is the big one in his pants. Wow you know what you have, be careful with someone you think is better.

Anonymous said...

Mejor malo que bueno por conozer

Anonymous said...

In 13 days we will get the result of the of the Scumbag Rene Oliveira DWI, YOU WATCH THE SCUMBAG GET OFF ON A TECHNICAL POINT.

Anonymous said...

Omar mumbles and rumbles when he speaks or tries to speak. What the hell does he say, is up to your interpretation cause you can't understand a word he says. Lack of communication skills? He lets the Reyna boys run the place to their convenience and pleasure. Hang up you gloves and sit on that rocking chair they photographed you on for an interview. Gracias por todo, pero no gracias! Time to retire while you still can without stepping foot in a jail.

Former RGV LEO said...

Montoya, where' the part about lawsuits by former jailers because of favoritism? All this proves that Lucio is too old for the job anymore AND has very poor second and third commands! Its obvious that the supervisors in that department are not doing their job, which is to SUPERVISE! Remember, Gus "alcoholic/junkie" Reyna took leave at Lucio' direction and only AFTER numerous complaints! That meant that Gus was messed up for some time and everyone knew about it!

Eric, if you win? Get GOOD second and third commands AND not retired Feds! Their supervisory knowledge or skills is very different from local or State minding.

Anonymous said...

Gus Reyna is an asshole. We can all agree with that.

85? Chingow viejo. Ya no?

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the x san benito police chief. He is a good honest man and a natural leader with good common sense. He will take cameron County to the next level. Just look at the crime rate in that city the numbers went down since he took over and he has proven he can do the job. Go team GALVAN.

Anonymous said...

Crime rate in sanbene went down! That I can't believe must have all gone underground and he is unaware and just plain pendejo in sanbene crime pays

Anonymous said...

Insulting will never get you any place estupido, is that all you have to offer, insults? I can see it now este pendejo on channel 4 or 5 ranting away like a mad dog con la rabia, we don't need that, go away as it is we have enough idiotas in public office we don't need another one.

Anonymous said...

At 5:30 pm numbers don’t lye. Just look at the UCR reports for San Benito. As soon as Chief Galvan took over the crime went down. Read them and weep. Go Team GALVAN for a better Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Of course it went down he was getting a good pay now watch it go up...LOL smh

Anonymous said...

Or someone was cooking the books. Hummm.

Anonymous said...

Does he use a cane or a wheel chair or needs a provider to assist in his moving around?


And he knows how to use it and no he didn't go to a shooting school like paper pusher

Anonymous said...

This is a 44 magnum the most powerful hand gun in the world and will shoot your hear clean OFF. Go ahead make a move twitch a finger go for you 380 mini female gun!!!

Anonymous said...

you people are so blind or stupid. this guy is man is a con artist and he has you all fooled. yes you have Gus el borracho and not forget javier the wife beater, and the administration like george garcia who likes to steal from the jail to furnish his home. and joe elizardi who left his wife for a female detention officer and was having an affair with an inmates wife. lets not also forget carlos garza, and now with the new jailers captain el gordo who also left his wife for a female at the jail. who was making lots of money with false overtime sheets. PEOPLE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE STRONG ILLIGAL SUPPORTERS FOR THE SHERIFF. THERE IS SO MUCH CORRUPTION IN THE SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT THAT THEY KNOW HOW TO COVER THEIR TRACKS. LOOK AT ALL OF THE LAW SUITS. THE MONEY DOES NOT COME FROM THEIR POCKETS IT COMES FROM YOURS. THERE IS MORE ENJOY THIS READING!!!
