Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Matamoros - In an exclusive interview obtained by online news magazine EnlaceMX, Jonathan Amaro, 24, and a member of the Brownsville Independent School District Police Dept., denied that he was under the influence of alcohol at the moment that two Los Fresnos men - childhood friends - died when the car he was driving crashed at a Matamoros intersection.

 He also claimed that he could not remember the exact moment when the crash occurred.

The dead – identified as Luis Edgar Perez and Bryan Corpus - were Amaro's passengers Sunday night near the intersection of Agapito Gonzalez Cavazos and Pedro Cardenas and the police initially blamed him for causing the accident.

One of his Matamoros attorneys, Emiliano González Díaz, claimed that a surveillance video at the intersection showed that the one responsible for the accident was a University of Matamoros female student who allegedly ran a red light.

She is in critical condition at a local hospital and a passenger in her car was listed in  stable condition.

That video, he said, is already in the hands the Tamaulipas Fiscalía General de Justicia del Estado de Tamaulipas (FGJT),  the state attorney general, who will analyze it for its authenticity, and that the results of a new investigation will be turned over to Amaro's attorneys.

Amaro's attorneys did not produce the surveillance tapes to EnlaceMX since it's under analysis, but promised to make it available once it's authenticity is proven.

The video provided to EnlaceMx was of a person who was interviewed who said two vehicles - a  Dodge Charger and a black Chrysler - were illegally racing through the streets. Amaro's lawyers said the drivers of those two vehicles may have been relatives.

Amaro is said to have recently earned his law officer certification and hired by the BISD.


Anonymous said...

of course, its not my fault. Did you see me? Did they give him an alcohol test in Mexico, really HA HA HA. Be a man and accept your guilt, two men are dead and their families are hurting too. Dont be a coward accept your blame and faith. If you were drinking well these are the consequences, now time to pay the price. Remember this will be on your conscious the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that speeding is necessary at night in matamoros, no one wants to get caught by the cartel and questioned. Now, if someone was under the influence well that bring a whole another problem.

Anonymous said...


It's "conscience," you stupid, stupid Mexican!

Anonymous said...

Stay the hell out of Mexico vato. The cops are crooked and the cartels own the place. I am sorry about the dead guys, but all of you are way off the extreme stupid scale. You can't come home until you and your family have been milked dry.

Anonymous said...

Many yrs. ago, I went to Nuevo Progreso and had first hand view of how many white Americans crossed to Mexico, got drunk, urinated in public areas while some Mexicans were shocked by their behavior and others walked them to the edge of the US side.
In the era of the cartels many people with family on both sides of the border, some cross in car, others on foot but all during daytime. Americans (locals) that cross at night and / or during a weekend usually do it because they can get away with speeding, drinking and/ or bribing.
Can you still go across and return? Yes. Stay away from DANGEROUS areas, well known for bad people (unless you are one ), DONT talk POCHO, DONT tell people you live on the US side; be familiar with your surroundings, always be prepared to run and always, ALWAYS be accompanied by a native (Matamoros citizen) that knows the local customs that you think you know, but you dont.
That applies to US Side in cities like Houston, Chicago, NY, L.A.; sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Of course he's gonna denie and bring in the rangers to justify his actions talk about a consipiracy they just don't care about human life. There is a cop here that marks notches on his 44 magnum...
