Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Reynaldo Montanaro - Aggravated Assault - 2nd Degree Felony

(Ed.'s Note: One of our seven readers alerted us to this photo of our friend Reynaldo "Rey" Montanaro, a person well known in local business and political circles. We don't know the details of the events leading to the assault charges against him, but we have always known him to be level-headed in our dealings with him. But he is well-known in the community and has helped candidates try to gain political office so that makes him a public person. 

As the Brownsville P.D. inmate website states: "All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." We wish him the best and hope he survives the glare of public scrutiny.) 


Anonymous said...

this is not kobe's helicopter crash. Please remove this so others will not share.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kobe crash video is FAKE!


Anonymous said...

Avocados from Mexico: ‘green gold’ set to score big on Super Bowl Sunday.

A truckload of avocados crosses the border into the US every six minutes.

Anonymous said...

El Panson Barton is dissing your story on the diesel-hybrid buses. Who's right?

Anonymous said...

That's fake, Juan!

Te fooliaron, guey!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I read the headline on the John Bolton testimony, but Republicans have long since abandoned objective reality. If there was video tape of Trump in a room with Zelensky and Trump was explicitly saying, "If you want aid, you must announce an investigation into Joe Biden." It wouldn't sway any Trump supporter. We had "grab them by the pussy" before the election and that didn't sway them. Trump is a small minded, crude, unprincipled, petty, vindictive person, and everyone knew it. They wanted a small minded, crude, unprincipled, petty, vindictive person. Just as everyone knows Trump withheld aid to get the Ukrainians to investigate Biden. The only way you couldn't know this is if you've had your head buried in the ground. There are commenters here that refuse to accept it. If Trump didn't want to be impeached, them he shouldn't have done that shit. It's very simple. And, if Senate Republicans don't want to participate in the coverup, they'll vote to convict. If this was all on the up and up, Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvaney, and Trump would be breaking the door down to testify...

Anonymous said...

Somebody sent you a joke, Juan. This is not Kobe Bryant's crash!

Anonymous said...

Orale, mamon. Ese no es Kobe, puto. Pinches Noticias Chuecas!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was foggy! No fog in that video.

Anonymous said...

Haha te vendieron humo, Juan! That is not the crash. It was foggy! That is probably a video in the Middle East/Asia! Be respectfully, Juan! May the perpetual light guide the victims!

Anonymous said...

That’s bullshit! That’s not the crash

Anonymous said...

Arestaron al cocinero!

Anonymous said...

Probly wanted to take Pat Ahumada's campaign suit by force? Or maybe he ran into a tree talking trash at him? Algo, pues.

Anonymous said...

Cuando menos no le robo a su madre.

Anonymous said...

Every single candidate he's helped has lost. Ask Patricio Ahumada.

Anonymous said...

Pinche criminal!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the guy that bragged about his family having lots of properties. Maybe now he can use some of those properties to post bond.

Anonymous said...

This guy looks like a real winner!

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan let us know what this lowlife scumbag did.

Anonymous said...

Puro mugrero.

Anonymous said...

Has Ahumada bailed this criminal out yet?

Anonymous said...

He's trying to pawn some dogs and birds
