Friday, January 17, 2020


By Erin Sheridan
Brownsville Herald

Government prosecutors submitted a motion on Tuesday asking to inspect evidence that BISD vice president Sylvia Atkinson and her attorneys plan to introduce during trial.

Atkinson was charged in December on an eight-count indictment featuring felony bribery charges and violations of the Travel Act. (Some of the charges date back to 2014 when Atkinson was employed with the Rio Hondo ISD.)

(In one of the eight counts), the document charged Atkinson with soliciting and accepting a $10,000 bribe from an undercover FBI agent posing as an employee of Pink Ape Media, a local advertising and film production company that previously won contracts to film on Brownsville Independent School District campuses.

The government’s motion for reciprocal discovery, filed on Tuesday, requests permission to copy any books, papers, documents, photographs, tangible objects, and reports of examinations made in connection to the case that are in Atkinson’s possession. 

(Atkinson's attorneys had previously filed an extensive discovery motion on the prosecution. Click on link to review:

An additional motion, U.S. District Judge Fernando Rodriguez, granted government attorneys extra time to file motions related to the case.

According to the document, one of those motions may include a motion for continuance in collaboration with Atkinson’s defense counsel, suggesting that the parties are discussing options pending trial.


Anonymous said...

Juan dont be like that, im not guilty,

Anonymous said...

What does the community think?
Guilty? Not Guilty?

Anonymous said...

Lesbo Atkinson needs to be stripped all her teaching credentials...are you listening TEA?! A job at Stripes would humble this bully.

Anonymous said...

Noe Garza no trai nada! She might as well agree to a deal with the government and take her medication!



TAX PAYER said...

What does the community think?

TAXPAYER said...

LETS NOT FORGET Baltazar Salazar

Anonymous said...

A job at Stripes would be too good for her!
She deserves every thing she gets and I hope she
has learned her lesson. Punish her to the fullest
extent of the law; so many people were hurt by her.

Anonymous said...

This is an old picture of when she was at Socorro where she was also dismissed for improprieties and just look at her face. Is she crying or almost ready to break down? I hope they hold her trial in the largest court room available cause many of us are planning to be there to listen to lies and watch her squirm and maybe even cry and ask for forgiveness! I don't think she knows what the word means, but maybe this will shake her up and realize that she is not better than any body else and that she needs to treat everyone with respect.

Anonymous said...

Hasta la prejunta es necia! Guilty or not guilty? When they have a recording of her transactions and the records of her phone calls, how can they even think that she is not guilty. But she always has managed to do her shenenigans and stay behind the scenes and managed to get the stupid Minnie Winnie to do her dirty work for her and cover up for her. She was smart enough to work behind the scenes and push it off on someone else, but evil doings do not go unpunished and her time will come in court. I am just afraid that she will get away with it like she always seems to do in all her jobs. She deserves to have been in jail since she was in Los Fresnos, Santa Rosa or Santa Maria ( I don't know which) Eagle Pass and Socorro. Maybe the Rio Hondo shenenigans will finally catch up with her and get her GOOOOOODDDDDD!!!

Anonymous said...

Rosie O Donnell is going down! She should do some federal time.

Anonymous said...

I do not personally know Ms. Atkinson, but as a former educator in this community, I have long been fully aware of her long standing unsavory reputation for duplicity and professional ineptitude. That said, one can only wonder where she manages to dig up the supporters that introduce her into one position after another. She has not yet been convicted of anything that I am aware of, but the gravity of the charges against her means that she should have the decency to resign. Character, or the lack of it, is, after all at the center of the charges against her.
