Friday, January 24, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: It comes around just once in a great while, but bibliophiles in the city will tell you that the Friends of the Library giant used books sales is a bargain. Not only can you get your fiction, but biographies, non-fiction, educational, reference and even Spanish-language books are sold at a bargain rate of 50 cents for paperbacks and $1 for hard cover. 

We strolled through the tables and came out with four hard-to-get tomes in Spanish corridos, cancioneros populares and refranes. The selection is huge. You'll kick yourself if you don't go peruse the offerings. The sale lasts from January 24 to February 9.)


Anonymous said...

Anything used sells in Brownsville! Town of 240,000 without a Barnes & Noble. Says it all about these Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

The property tax consulting firms are not your ally if you are a typical Texas homeowner. They are a root cause of the problem

The equity appeal scam is lucrative industry in Texas. Bettencourt and the Republican contingent in the legislature have company when it comes to pulling the wool over the eyes of Texas homeowners. If you look at the staff roster of Popp Hutcheson, you will see Eddie Lucio III listed as special counsel for the firm. Eddie III, a Democratic house representative from the Brownsville district, is also the son of Democratic state senator Eddie Lucio Jr. When it comes to trickle-down theory, both Democrats and Republicans enjoy the color of money.

Anonymous said...

Bargain rate? That is what they are normally sold for! What do they use the money for? Perhaps to buy books related to Brownsville History or South Texas and so that the Texana Section is returned to the Southmost library?

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Independent School District announced this year charter schools will no longer be included in the BISD Children’s Charro Days Parade which is set for Feb. 27.

This place is getting stinkyer and stinkyer bola de culos its for the children PENDEJOS not for you corrupt idiots self serving elected officials.

I will remove all my children from the corrupt BISD funny farm

Anonymous said...

People don't ever arrive at brownsville airport at 5pm it will take you approx 4 hours to get to international blvd and another 2 or 3 to get where all the motels are at (express). This is ridiculous and really an incompetent operations from the city elected officials. No wonder this airport will never ger off the ground. Run by incompetent administrators and I understand that the director recently got promoted? REALLY?

Anonymous said...

On Friday, Rodriguez implied that the reason for the seals was in part because information related to the case and possible co-defendants is not yet public.


Anonymous said...

Used, used, used. If it's used and selling like tacos we must be in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

They're used, you moron! That's why they are 50 cents. Shit.

Anonymous said...

"Hurry while supplies last." Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Its a scam the highly educated GED library director purchased the books and is selling them out of his business (the library).

Anonymous said...

they are on sale
because they are in English
la gente en brownsville no espeek or read Inglez!
pueblo biciclitero
por eso tanto bike trails
#city of palms

Anonymous said...

Not enough people read English to support a decent library in Mata Norte.

Anonymous said...

If those people that write so dirty about Brownsville ARE and/or LIVE in Brownsville have that mentality about their hometown, then THEY are part of the problem. Dont write in a blog. Stand in the commission chambers and protest, VOTE, get a candidate that you like or YOU run.
It's not the same. We all talk, we all are better than them, AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT ASKED to do "their" job.

Chon southmost said...

Mr. Hedgie over at the library yes you the one with a GED the library manager at $80K salary per year who cant be the director because he dont have the required college masters degree the compadre de Calapa are the 3D copiers that are used and no one but you can use up for sale too? or just books? lets us know.

Anonymous said...

They were sold yesterday a secret bid opening was held last night.

Anonymous said...

kinda a late for the copiers this should be investigated by PD

Anonymous said...

Lets see how many candidates that are running for office voice their oppositon to this bad decision by BISD. Those that don't say or oppose you need not vote for them they are not children friendly but self-seving jerks DON'T VOTE FOR THEM...

Anonymous said...

This Week in History: August 24 – War of 1812: The British Set Fire to the White House too bad trumputo wasn't there.

Anonymous said...

The library director needs a raise he's selling used books

Anonymous said...

I heard he was going to the airport as the new director at 100k a year highly qualified just like the city engineers with their plastic curbs

Anonymous said...

I heard the city is going to open classes to offer GEDs and hire more directors at 80k a year... The classes are free. Enrollment and seats are going sky-hi
