Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Special to El Run-Rrun

On December 5, 2019, I went grocery shopping at HEB on Boca Chica Blvd and Central Blvd. After getting everything I needed, I went to pay at the counter. 

After arriving home, I started to put away my groceries, and to my disgust, I saw that one of the plastic wrapped meat package had a live fly inside. My God! How is it possible that the fly went unseen? My God! Doesn't the meat employees inspect the meat packages before it goes out to HEB customers? 

 Researchers suspect that flies can harbor at least 65 illnesses that infect people. Some of the most common house fly diseases transmitted in the U.S. include food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea. With their diet of feces, trash, rotting produce, and spoiled meats, 

Horse flies constantly pick up pathogens. The insects then carry these germs and leave them behind wherever they land. The transfer process only takes a matter of seconds. 

I then went back to the store and spoke to the wet-behind-the-eat young Manager named JR. He apologized like a hundred times and then gave me the option of a refund or to get another meat. I chose a refund, because I had lost all trust in their meats. 

I let him know that I wanted to make a written report and get a respond back concerning what
will be done so this doesn't happened again. I gave my contact information to JR and he told me that HEB headquarters would be advised, and someone would get back to me. 

Well, it's been more than a month and I still haven't gotten a call back. I decided I will never buy my meats at any HEB anymore. HEB has lost my trust and hopefully this was just a one time mistake.

Montoya, please report this, so people can be more alert in checking their meats more carefully at HEB.


Anonymous said...

ok enuff said, safis

Anonymous said...

Con una chingada! Thats why don't trust going to El Globo and I go to HEBitch! Now reading this, I'm going to buy my meats at Lopez's!!!

Unknown said...

I once saw a fly inside the bakery enclosure, but I could understand how a fly could go in there...but in the meats that should never happen! Hopefully, someone got their ass fired!

Anonymous said...

I once saw a fly inside the pan dulces bakery enclosure and I can understand one going inside there, but inside the meats should never happen. I hope someone got fired for this!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

La Michocan es la mejor lugar para comprar la carnes! Pinche HEB es pura carnes viejos y ahora con moscas!

Anonymous said...

But she still went back to her fly-infested house. smh

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure HEB is REALLY sorry this happened. Also they are gonna go bankrupt by your post. Pobre HEB. The last thing we need is another one gone.

Anonymous said...

For Mexicans, flies are "flavoring". What's the big deal? Not like it was a T-bone or New York Strip!

Anonymous said...

Receipt looks like a Food Stamper's list.

Anonymous said...

I can happily report that no one should have fear due to a horse fly carrying so many pathogens. The photo pictured a house fly, a completely different critter.

Anonymous said...

House birds house flies house mouse are common around here we even have a house mouse running for sheriff CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???

Anonymous said...

Back in the day people would buy from your neighborhood butcher, from the guy out in the boondocks who sold meat of a goat, a cow or a pig, made chicharrones out in the back yard and NOBODY complained, got ill or sued . I just saw an article about a young girl who just happened to like rainbows and asked for a rainbow cake. She got kicked out of her school because it a political statement in favor of LGBTQ community. It turns out she had no political motive, she just likes rainbows. My point and comparison? In 2020 and since 10 to 15 yrs ago, if you sneeze and someone is splashed, they complain, not because it is unsanitary, but because you did it to them. Did the person get sick? did the person see the fly when she opened the pack @ home or revised the pack BEFORE leaving the store? A PACKED meat should be revised when the customer is looking at the merchandise in the meat section. I DONT work for HEB nor do I shop @ that store but if the person wants to sue, they better be ready for a defamation suit and HEB probably has BETTER lawyers.

Anonymous said...

@10:21 Stupido! That's not a house fly!

Anonymous said...

So what I see cockroaches at some "all you can eat" restaurants, nothing new here. The city health inspectors are out constructing new bike trails....

Anonymous said...

2:59@ Pendejo! the fly was not seen by customer or the counter clerk because the fly was hidden underneath the package white label. The question should be... Why didn't the meat inspector that packaged the meat see the fly??? I have a question for you! What would you have done if it had happened to you?

Anonymous said...

HEB should charge extra for the fly meat lol I will never buy nears there anymore!

Anonymous said...

Did the fly have a human face and look like that idiota republican president? Just askin...

Anonymous said...

ESTUPIDO never heard of a new york strip I've heard of new york strip clubs. moron

Anonymous said...

I say a bunch of cockroaches that liked like house flies over at PUB and the port.

Anonymous said...

Which was it horse fly, fruit fly, bot fly, fly the coop, fly high ( we have a lot of those here) fly in the air, learn to fly, flies to catch a fish, fly time, take flight and monkey fly????

Anonymous said...

Man we have a lot of pendejos and estupidos on this blog, must be from mcallen the only stupid city in the valley hahaha...

Anonymous said...

January 15, 2020 at 3:24 PM
Its "E S T U P I D O" idioto/a gringo/a LOL

Anonymous said...

How disgusting!HEB needs to train their meat employees the differents between a fly and a meat!!! I'm buying my meats at Walmart!

Anonymous said...

@5:39 You would know how to spell it! Because you are a "Estúpido" that's why!!! Why don't you comment about the fly on the meat article or comment about the flies around your assh#&e! JAJAJAJA!

Anonymous said...

I have the MEAT!

Anonymous said...

You have the meat in your ass&+*le! Donde te gusta la meat! Pinche HEB fly meat lover Lol

Anonymous said...

What's next? Fly meat lover Pizzas! JAJAJAJA!!! YA NI LA CHINGAN PINCHE HEB!

Anonymous said...

I used to got with my dad to the meat market at market square and buy meat from the butchers and that place was full of flies and the butchers would laugh and say enjoy the meat, spices are included... so what's the big deal???

Hemipteras Eaten Here (HEB) special price on first saturday of evry month come visit us and taste the succulent hemipteras FREE
