Monday, January 27, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Come May 12, it will be three years since Kimberly Avila (Ramiro Avila) went missing in downtown Brownsville.

His father – pictured above posting yet another sign in the window of a local bar – continues searching for Avila in the hopes someone, anyone, may lead them to his son. Avila was last seen coming out of a local bar around midnight in the company or reputed organized crime gang from Matamoros.

Speculation is that Avila somehow ran afoul of a group of men who pushed him into a car and drove off down a city alley. That was the last that was seen of him.

It is rather touching and sad to see the family members who haven't given up on the search for their child. Peace be with them. 


Anonymous said...

There are some who say she really became Diego Lee Rot. Quien sabe.

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing that is made clearer day after day by not calling Bolton and Pence and Mulvaney and Perry and Giuliani and most importantly Trump himself Senate Republicans are participating in the coverup.

(Critics of this comment pueden irse a chingar su madre!)

Anonymous said...

El trabajo de Dios tiene su sentido.

Anonymous said...


Ja ja ja ja ja ja

You win the Internet, bro!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mejico, recoge tu gente!

Anonymous said...

Juan, they should keep an eye out for someone tearing down those posters. That someone is probably the responsible one, if not somehow connected to it. Downtown has cameras now so they should be able to see who is taking them down. I always see the posters damaged, or with only the corners left taped to the wall. That person or group feels the guilt and does not want those posters up, and keeps tearing them down.
Just a theory of mine, but it may be right.

Anonymous said...

Wait. You mean Ramiro Avila aka Kimberly Avila. Government name & identity first, anyways such sad incident. But what in the world did he think hanging out with the maña looking for cheap trills if thats the case or was snatched up. People of brownsville dont understand the cartel already has its grasp on brownsville but the authorities act like nothing goes on. The shit I've seen in your backyards.

Anonymous said...


What are you gonna do when Trump gets re-elected?

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the Brownsville police's efforts if her last name were Putegnat? Or if she were Anglo? Or if she were just born female? There is so much prejudice in Btown. Has anyone considered police involvement in this case? I remember the Laura Lugo case in the late 1990's. Her killers were cops and they got off. One of the cops was named Briseño who helped the other Anglo cop who had a motive: baby daddy. They both got off. (Briseño subsequently went on to get indicted and convicted for traffic accident insurance fraud. I was one of the victems: After being side-swiped downtown, I was ticketed by Briseño and went in front of John Williamson to plead innocent - John called me to the bench and said "If you come to my court, I will believe the police officer's word over your word." I plead guilty.)

Anonymous said...

I guess this family did not love the missing person enough to help him stop prostituting and get him off the street. Sounds like he tried to fool the wrong narco who was drunk and took revenge.

Anonymous said...

With all your contacts in Brownsville's cantinas, it seems to me you could get to the bottom of this, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

January 27, 2020 at 10:36 AM
a 20 culo, pinche mojado no estan en el monte idiota o eres un coco?

Anonymous said...

Juan, a fathers love, just want to put closure to this, same thing happen to a family fromm coolidge street years ago, their daughter was killed and found in the woods along alton gloor when it was all wooded out there. police never found a suspect her mom just recently passed away. Sad. God help them.

Anonymous said...

Being a TV puta\puto om dpwmtpwm Browntown is a very dangerous way to make a buck. I doubt the police are really looking for him/her.

Anonymous said...

poor person amd family
is there any chance this young person crossed into mexico and disappeared over there?

Anonymous said...

Its a eropean virus nothing else
