Monday, January 27, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: They've been featured in Texas Monthly, the Express News and other broadcasters and periodicals, but this has to be a first for Vera's Backyard BarB-Cue which is unique in that the beef head barbacoa – a Sunday morning delicacy in South Texas – is still prepared in the traditional way, in a pit dug into the earth. Interviewing Mando Vera is Priya Krishna of The New York Times. Felicidades, Mando! Can't wait to read the story.)


Anonymous said...

It a sad thing that Brownsville's claim to fame is a pit to cook a cows head. Way to go Mexicans!

Anonymous said...

Puro vitamin B aka (Barbacoa) carnalito. The Breakfast of Champions.

Anonymous said...

Hillbillies will never be (NYT)there only if they start working and paying taxes just like everybody else that will be great news

Anonymous said...

they have great brisket too!

Anonymous said...

yes thank you mexicans!
because if thats our claim to fame the gringos have obviously done nothing for the town

Anonymous said...

just hope their prices dont rise because of a little recognition. You know how the raza is down here. They get a little famous, y se hacen que son la gran cagada.

Anonymous said...

They just stole all the land and now are trying to sell it back to the owners baboso that's the ONLY clame to fame gringos RATAS

Anonymous said...

vitamin B in the valley is Barbacoa,Brisket,Bologna,Burritos and Borracho Beans.

Anonymous said...

The Gringos built this town and the Mexicans turned it into a shit hole!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people? This guy does something really well that is really good and you have to try to demean it and make racist comments. Your comments say a lot more about who you are then they do about the community. I guess if he wore a tall white hat, served small portions and over-charged in a place decorated in narco-chic style you would be proud of him.

Anonymous said...

@ January 28, 2020 at 7:52 AM

You obviously have never heard of or read the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo".
The United States kicked Mexico's ass then paid the Corrupt Mexico for the Western part of the United States.

So read this:
Mexico: PAID +-15,000,000
US Just keeps what it paid for.

Want cheese with that Whine?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Vera !! Good man and family ! Don't listen to the haters, just remember , it takes all kinds to make this world.

Anonymous said...

All gringo fairy tales nothing else and with their red-assas

Anonymous said...

ASS WHIPPING: THE ALAMO hahahahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Ass whipping at San Jacinto and the coward Santa Anna ran and hid in a private uniform.

Anonymous said...

pendejo patton lost his ass in mejico
came home with a cactus up his ass...

Anonymous said...

The continuation of the gringos fairy tales

Anonymous said...

George Patton did not lose his ass in Mexico. He lead the first automobile attack every and killed a bandit leader with his pistol. He came back in fine shape with his ass and reputation intact.

Anonymous said...

Fairy tales when are they gonna stop, nobody believes your ass pendejo, read the books pinche hillbilly. Lost in mejico and running around in circles just like the movie texas across the river... couldn't even find his ass.
What! they stopped to fill up the tank at the local VALERO idiota
