We notice where local architect and Brownsville Historical Association board member Calvin Walker complains in a letter to the local daily about having to "endure political signage for three or more months."

It's funny how Walker complains of seeing the signs for three or four months, which he does not want. But has he ever thought that the residents of E. Fronton Street must live with the unwanted signage in the name of McNair Family Drive on every corner of their historic street from now on for the rest of time?
As a member of the BHA - where former city commissioner Harry McNair also serves to "preserve" local history - he might have spoken out against changing the name enshrining his colleague's family. But he didn't.
Political signage is put up by aspiring candidates seeking to represent the voters in their respective offices. They are in full exercise of their constitutional rights in a democracy. Democracy, Calvin, is messy sometimes, but would we want any other system?
While we're discussing this thing called democracy, let's review what kind of constitutional representation was granted the residents of E. Fronton where the city commission voted to change to McNair Family Drive.

They followed all the rules.
They gathered petitions, submitted the signatures to the proper officials, attended the meetings to make their feelings known in the proper forum, and expected their elected officials to represent the wishes of the majority.
And what did they get?
Betrayed. And so were we who elected the city commissioners to appoint members of the BHA to preserve our history, and not to glorify themselves or their kin.
The road is open for you to lobby the same majority on the city commission to pass an ordinance limiting political signage. Since it will probably be supported by the likes of your colleague McNair to limit democratic expression, it might find a sympathetic audience on the majority of the city commission with whom they seem to agree.
Bu then again, maybe it's just me.
Juan, us Sofie Benavides supporters want you to investigate El Panson Barton's rumored flirtation with White Supremacist groups. He came after Sofie without facts and it was all about racism. You need to "out" this Jerk!
City of Brownsville should ask this Gringo to leave town. Vato loco.
Who is this Panson Barton? Fuera!!! Voting for Sofia Benavides!!!!
HB 489 - Expands Access to Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 11 - Authorizes Concealed Handguns on College Campuses - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 1 - Biennium Budget - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 1340 - Authorizes Certain Children to Consent to Immunizations - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 148 - Prohibits Multiple Ballots from Being Turned in by 1 Individual - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
HB 63 - Prohibits Texting While Driving - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
SB 29 - Restricts Certain Types of Touching During Searches by Government Officials - Texas Key Vote
Eddie Lucio III Did Not Vote on this Legislation.
"Rep. Eddie Lucio, III "I'm humbled by the faith and marijuana.
Does this Walker think his shit doesn't smell?
Calvin seems to have acquired a “halo” in this picture. Be careful, Juanito!
Just because I agree the people on El Fronton were screwed over, does not mean I am not fed up with all of the political signs polluting our community. It seems any day now we will see even more signs for TSC and Port elections. We need to end the sign pollution. The fact racism screwed over the residents of El Fronton does not justify polluting our city with political signs.
There are so many of them, so often that nobody pays attention to them. Waste of money.
The Gringo should leave right after all the Meskins return to Mexico.
Hey, Walker, get your whining ass over to Harlingen, bro! Don't need you, don't want you.
Is that a Halo above that guys head ?
Bubba, this is Mexico! Ja ja ja ja ja ja
This idiota gringo is 150 behind sent him back and with a few rinches...
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra.
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
Ciña ¡oh patria! tus sienes de oliva
de la paz el arcángel divino
que en el cielo tu eterno destino
por el dedo de dios se escribió.
Más si osare un extraño enemigo
profanar con su planta tu suelo
piensa ¡oh patria querida! que el cielo
un soldado en cada hijo te dio.
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra.
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
¡Guerra, guerra sin tregua al que intente
de la patria manchar los blasones!
¡guerra, guerra! los patrios pendones
en las olas de sangre empapad.
¡guerra, guerra! en el monte, en el valle
los cañones horrísonos truenen
y los ecos sonoros resuenen
con las voces de ¡unión! ¡libertad!
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra.
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos
bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen
tus campiñas con sangre se rieguen
sobre sangre se estampe su pie.
Y tus templos, palacios y torres
se derrumben con hórrido estruendo
y sus ruinas existan diciendo:
de mil héroes la patria aquí fue.
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra.
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
¡Patria! ¡patria! tus hijos te juran
exhalar en tus aras su aliento
si el clarín con su bélico acento
nos convoca a lidiar con valor.
¡para ti las guirnaldas de oliva!
¡un recuerdo para ellos de gloria!
¡un laurel para ti de victoria!
¡un sepulcro para ellos de honor!
Mexicanos, al grito de guerra
el acero aprestad y el bridón
y retiemble en sus centros la tierra.
al sonoro rugir del cañón.
pasa la tequila guey....
Calvin Walker has been in Brownsville for many years and two wives. Why did he wait until 2020 to discover the unsighlyness of these political signs, some of which linger for years after the election. Instead of writing to the local newspaper, he should go to the City Commission and bother them. The signs remind me who is running for office and without the signs, we might not have early notification of those running. Calvin, why did you wait so long to get upset over these political signs?? After all these years, you are just now waking up??
Faith and marijuana?
Hell to the yes!!
Walker is just another Brownsville useless architect. Just go to both Brownsville libraries and see how they are falling apart with the help of GED Hedgecock.
I know that during the 50's and befoere, if you were a Nuisance the local sheriff(wyatt Krausse) could kick you out of town with the help of the gringo judges. This was only so you could join the army and other reasons...
It's just you, Calvin!
Um.....who cares?
juan walker is just a plain asadon, all for me and screw everyone else on many city projects but acts like an angel i dont do that, , thats how he has been all his life of course i dont do conflicts yea right, pinche mamon.
Mamon, mamon mamon este calvin walker el asadon
The stupid gringo still believes that movie where the fake cowboy was fighting meskins instread of injuns. PENDEJO: January 10, 2020 at 10:38 AM
So Chavez is coming to town and what? Does he have a escape plan also?
Should have been Nicole Chávez WOW!!! Just kiddin' greatest choice ever.
The changing of Fronton is kind of like the silent deal 10 years ago that got St. Charles Park renamed Harry E. McNair Park. Remember that?
Its a worm that hatches every 10 years.
Worms have both male and female organs, but they still need another worm in order to reproduce. They lay eggs which hatch after about ten years. Earthworms don't have lungs, and instead breathe through their skin! ... Earthworms don't have teeth this one does have teeth and eyeglasses but no hair.
Too bad this blog us getting too foul.
Can't change it.
Too bad.
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