Friday, January 10, 2020


PHARR (Reuters) - A Mexican asylum-seeker slit his own throat on a bridge across the Rio Grande after being denied entry into the United States, two Mexican security officials said on Wednesday.

Then he said, “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Luke 23:42

I came from hell
To knock on heaven's door
And was denied

And so I tried 
To flee

The devil's minions
Who killed,
and raped,
And gloated

Of my children's hunger,
Their bellies bloated

And with my heart
And hope
And willing hands
To work

I sought asylum
From this hell
In paradise
Across the Rio

And was denied

I had nowhere to go,
Couldn't return 
Failed, and empty-handed
And face their hungry eyes

A fate that's worse than death...

And so I took my life
Just outside the gates
of heaven

"Remember me when you come into your Kingdom...


Anonymous said...

In any other time in American history, if we had Donald Trump as President doing then what he is doing today, he would absolutely be impeached and removed from office. It is not the American people on a whole that has changed, it is the Republican Party that has succumbed to corruption and immortality, from Franklin Graham to Lindsay Graham, the entire Republican orthodoxy is in shambles.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. is NOT Heaven. It is, more and more just another shithole country. Tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that doesn't solve anything. Bring this kind of attention only hampers what lengths people will do to "jump line" and claim asylum on frivolous motives. Just wait for your time, you might be accepted or not. Its just the name of the game. Sucks but thats the way it is. Don't feel sorry for an adult, they have lived a part of their life where they have enough "common sense" to know what is wrong or right. Be more worried if a child is doing this type of thing. I think the children deserve a opportunity to live their lives in a more opportunistic way because they haven't lived their lives to a degree.

Of course people in the border are suffering, but also a lot more people in other countries are too. If you have traveled you would know that. Not in favor of any political party, so I dont really care about that side.
Sucks the person had to take his life so the world could understand whats going on the border. But thats now how you make the world know.

Anonymous said...

Blame the country he came from for not fixing their problems. The United States is not to blame period.

Anonymous said...

We're an immigrant country and always have been, Morons! You're an immigrant, they're immigrants, I'm an immigrant. Cut the bullshit and deal with the facts, bola de Mojones.

Anonymous said...

The guy was an obvious nutjob. The US doesn't need more nutjobs, we have plenty of the homegrown variety.

Anonymous said...

to travel so far to do that cudda done it at home

Anonymous said...

so instead of dropping 50 feet he just dropped 5 feet 2 inches

Anonymous said...

was he denied asylumn or was he denied the opportunity to seek asylumn
my unserstanding is border guards dont grant asylumn
they merely start the asylumn process hearing

Anonymous said...

Trumps fault!!

Anonymous said...

MLKing traveled the whole country and afica and europe estupido January 10, 2020 at 1:03 PM..

Anonymous said...

That giant fire hydrants in the "I not a pendejo oops robot", will be in the next rocket launch to Pluto..

Anonymous said...

From Mexico, central, south America, middle east, Asia; you think USA is the promised land? BOY, ARE YOU IGNORANT.
Here, like in ANY of your countries, we have shooters, militias, white supremacists, crooked politicians, crooked cops. Killings in the streets, shootings, homeless, hunger, unemployment. Many of the ones suffering from all those problems know the English language, some have college degrees, many have no medical coverage, and YOU want to come in because someone told you we sweep the dollar in the street? Sorry, THEY LIED TO YOU. It has nothing to do with your status. 1) Orange man said close the door 2) when the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS crossed the bridge they waited years and paid high fees 3) They also ran from poverty, hunger and danger and NOBODY was there to give them free food and patronage and welcome them to our nation. The Statue of liberty is in NY NOT in South Texas.

Anonymous said...

so instead of dropping 50 feet he dropped 5 feet
no pun intended

Anonymous said...

This friend of mine just passed the citizenship and the ceremony and as we were coming back I said Well you can now start paying taxes just like "AMOST" everybody else!

Anonymous said...

And another one bites the dust...wish Freddy was here to sing it....bawhahaha
