Thursday, January 23, 2020


By Juan Montoya
The residents of Palm Resaca Mobile Home Park, Inc. on Tangerine Blvd. off Jaime Zapata Road think the Mexican Olive tree (Anacahuita) pictured above may well be the oldest documented species of its kind not only here, but in the State of Texas and the United States.

Researchers from the UTRGV visited the park last December 18, 2019 and core samples indicate that the tree was between 600 to 700 years old, that is, before Europeans explorers set foot on American soil. That assertion has been verified by the Texas State Forestry and the City of Brownsville Forester.

The residents of the park will unveil a plaque honoring the "600-700 year-old historical phenomenon" at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. March 6, 2020 and have invited the city commissioners to attend the ceremony.

The National Registry of American Forests also named it the largest such tree in the entire country.
Surprisingly, Brownsville Forester Roy G. Reyes said that a total inventory of old-growth trees in the city has never been compiled.

We were sent a photo of the magnificent Montezuma Cypress which also goes by the name Taxodium mucronatum, and also known as Montezuma bald cypress, Montezuma cypress, sabino, or ahuehuete. It is a species of Taxodium that is native to Mexico. Ahuehuete is derived from the Nahuatl name for the tree, āhuēhuētl, which means "upright drum in water" or "old man of the water."

The photo of this splendid example of the cypress was sent to us by former City of Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada and is located behind his daughter's house on 55 Jacaranda Street in the Rio Viejo subdivision. The former mayor started a move to preserve old trees like that one and requested $100,000 to establish a beautification back in 1991, but was turned down.

"People thought I was crazy, but they forget that a lot they think is great and enjoy started back then," Ahumada said. 

It is unknown how old the tree is, but is doubtless one of the largest trees of its kind. At one time, cypress trees lined the resacas across the city, but development of subdivisions led to their demise, save for this one and another grove located at La Posada Montezuma Cypress Preserve near the old  Jagou Plantation on Posada Street. (Right)

No one knows how long they've been around, said city commissioner Nurith Galonsky, who was kind enough to send us these photos. Recently Gene Fernandez addressed the city commission expressing concern that some of those trees in the reserve were dying.

There is another fine example of the Champion Coma at the Resaca de la Palma Battlefield. (Left)

The trees below  a pecan and a tall ebony tree are growing in the Stillman House yard but no one seems to know if they were already there when the house was built or were planted later.

Because hurricanes and  windstorms are frequent to Brownsville, some of the oldest trees may have been blown down in the past. Others, unfortunately, have been cut down as a result of urban growth or property owners building on their lots.

"I told a friend who told me he was cutting a tree that he was depleting my oxygen," Ahumada said recently. "Those are important trees. "

If any city in the United States has made a concerted effort to protect it's public trees, it has been Ann Arbor, Mich. Not only do they have a full inventory of the trees on the city's rights-of-way and public parks, they have even instituted a "canopy loss fee" assessed to projects that propose the removal of a city-owned street or park tree. The canopy loss fee is a conservative estimate of the value the city-owned tree has to the community.

If that seems a bit much, imagine what would the city would look like without the familiar ebony, pecan, Mexican Olives and Sabal Palms and shade and fragrance  – not to mention oxygen – they provide. 

The section of ebony stump below was picked up from an alley by the owners of Electric Fixture and Supply, at 1125 E Jefferson St. after nearby home owners had it cut down to put an addition to their home.

It alone is about four and a half feet tall and close to that in width. One can just imagine the diversity of life that lived in its branches and limbs.

It would be tragic if old-growth trees like that are cut down indiscriminately across the city. Hopefully, after a city wide inventory is completed, we will have a better idea of what comprises this great natural resource.


Anonymous said...

Tying in the Runyon photo of the cowboy on the previous post with this post on trees, the Runyon tree on St. Charles will be 91 years old on July 4. It was planted in that location near what once was his house by R. Runyon on the Fourth in 1929. The species, and I forget its official name, is the rarest tree in Texas, which makes this Runyon tree on St. Charles the unquestioned oldest rare tree in Texas. Hopefully, the city will devote some resources to save this treasure too because once it is gone a huge chunk of Brownsville's uniqueness goes too.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP IMPEACHMENT: I have never seen such an assembly of selfish egomaniac cowards all assembled at one place in one party calling themselves leaders. The GOP is now like North Korea with Kim Jung UN. These grown men in the GOP are acting like little mice in front of a nincompoop buffon and paper snake with a loud mouth.

One more evidence to conclude that the GOP thirst for power for corrupt self-serving purposes has no boundaries and that is the only reason I can think of they are fighting to hang on to their jobs in government (never to represent the crazy brainwashed angry lunatics that elect them) as if there is no other job in America or on earth for them to do therefore are shamelessly destroying their integrity, reputation and decency without thinking of tomorrow.

It is sad! Very very sad! I feel sorry for their families and loved ones.

Anonymous said...

But you are okay seeing them decorated with plastic bags, aren't you. I guess not cutting down a tree is easier then taking a tote bag to HEB.

Anonymous said...

Nadamas Dios puede hacer un arbol.

Anonymous said...

El tronco más viejo en Brownsville es el de Omar Lucio, Juan. Omar use to go to school with the apostles.... UUUYYYYY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) ended Thursday night’s arguments in the Senate trial of Donald Trump by emotionally insisting that “right matters” and “we’re lost” if the truth is simply tossed aside.

“If right doesn’t matter—if right doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the Framers were,” he proclaimed. “Doesn’t matter how good or bad our advocacy in this trial is. Doesn’t matter how well written the oath of impartiality is. If right doesn’t matter, we’re lost. If the truth doesn’t matter, we’re lost.”

Stating that President Trump can’t be trusted to “do what’s right for the country” and that he’ll only “do what’s right for himself” because he’s done it before, Schiff then appeared to get choked up as he called on senators to convict the president. “This is why, if you find him guilty, you must find that he should be removed,” Schiff concluded. “Because right matters. Because right matters. And the truth matters. Otherwise, we are lost.”

Anonymous said...



Democratic candidate for Texas State Representative District 38


Texas District 27 Senate


Anonymous said...


CAMERON COUNTY TEXAS will get hit with a vehicle registration fee. HB 3126 authored by Rep. EDDIE LUCIO III will raise the fee $20 in Cameron County.
Texas legislature fails to fund roads despite surplus and 26% spending increase.

Anonymous said...

El tronco más viejo en Brownsville es el de Omar Lucio, Juan. Omar use to go to school with the apostles.... UUUYYYYY!!!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Pasen por Market plaza de chiles secos! HHUUUURRRYYYY!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Trump hating troll! Do you know why you don't have your own blog to post this crap? Sure you do: No one would go there to read it. How is that impeachment thing going for you? Yeah, you're just an angry butthurt little piece of shit. Quoting Schiff? Next you'll be spewing new revelations from CNN or Vox or The View. Just give it up. The Democrats that you are holding up as the beacon of truth are all pedophiles and corrupt to the bone. There is far better documentary evidence to back that than your tear filled chest beating over abuse or collusion or whatever the narrative of the week is from the screaming two year olds.

Anonymous said...

This is not a hillbilly he is wearing boots and decent clothing but looks like a coco wanna be white my opioin and NOT A RACISTS REMARK verda bro...

Anonymous said...

These Trump haters must be brain dead, if they thing this impeachment is anything but a crude ham fisted political ploy to undo a legal election.

If this farce is allowed to run it's course, every President hereafter will be impeached and tried in the Senate, if the House is controlled by the other party. Presidential elections will mean nothing and our vote will be meaningless. Our Constitutional Republic will be over.

Since the election of DJT, I have come to believe that the Democrat Party is America's greatest enemy, not the Russians or the Muzzie Terrorists.

Anonymous said...

The dam place is falling apart and somebody is thinking about dead trees. GIVE ME A BREAK... LET THE CHILDREN PLAY PINCHE JOTOS.....

Anonymous said...

I have one of these cypress trees growing in my Brownsville backyard along the resaca, beautiful tree!!

Anonymous said...

Typical gringo shit - oldest tree ha ha ha who gives a shit jotos
