Thursday, February 6, 2020


By: Karina Vargas

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – With obesity on the rise across the country, the city of Brownsville is named as the unhealthiest city in America by an online study.

“Like many communities there are health issues that need to be addressed, I don’t necessarily agree with the ranking and calling it the unhealthiest.” said Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Public Health Director.

In a study, WalletHub compared more than 170 of the largest cities in the United States. Their results were alarming with Brownsville ranking the unhealthiest. But the city’s public health director disagrees.

“A lot of the proactive trails and bike lanes have led to a higher level of physical activity in the community, the gyms are full every night. I would challenge that with come and take a look at Brownsville versus putting out some metrics.”

While Brownsville was ranked the unhealthiest, the city is taking part in getting their community involved in fitness challenges to help them maintain a healthier lifestyle.

“We have the Challenge RGV, a program that we just celebrated the 11th year, and we had over 1,000 participants. These programs cumulative when you start putting them together they start to really move the needle in a big way.”

WalletHub ranked the cities based on cost of medical visits, fruit and vegetable consumption, and the number of fitness clubs available. While the public health director disagrees with the study, he says they are working very hard to bring healthy resources to our community.


KBRO said...

I saw this guy riding a bike ... once and never mind what he wanted to argue with me about about but when he couldnt win argument he pulled a phone (out of his arse I assume since he was wearing those bicycle 'tights') he threatened to call Commissioner Gowan on me. He was politely told to put his phone away and have a nice day. Maybe he needs to get off high horse and ride his bike more often. That's your typical bottom-feeder in Brownsville, Texas who gets ahead by being someone's lapdog....

Anonymous said...

He's the cause of all those pot holes and floodings. The weight limits on city pave roads are not intended to handle heavy loadsd let along bike trails and drainage ditches in FAT CITY BROWNSVILLE!!!! That clown suit he wears was tailored made in Matamoros Texas and they needed abt 75 yards of material.

Anonymous said...

Hes the type if guy that make his family call him "Doctor" at home because some how he was able to go to school and become a "doctor", but yet can not run a department properly. How did he go from being a city manager to going back to a department director. Can the city actually trust a guy that think his the smartest person working at the city when he can not handle high grass and junk vehicles. The first thing his employees are instructed to do is to send it off to another department because they can't handle their mismanagement of work. Then he wonders why people have been leaving and retiring, what dirt does he have that he hasn't been fired. Just plan incompetence.

Anonymous said...



Democratic candidate for Texas State Representative District 38


Texas District 27 Senate


Anonymous said...

Time after time the city manager and commissioners have received numerous complaints regarding Art Rodriguez aka EL MARANO. But, time after time this SOB sucks off someone at COB!!! He is the laziest, most unfitted and unworthy supervisor the city has!!! Shame on you city managers and elected officials for allowing this worthless Marano to continue destroying the image of directorship and those that are subjected to deal with this SOB day after day.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

How ironic it is that fat, sleazy, and morally bankrupt Art Rodriguez is the one questioning B-town's ranking as most unhealthiest. Putting his face to this comment...You can't make this shit up!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing but food stamp cockroaches; a steady diet of tortillas and beer makes for very fat MEXICANS.

Anonymous said...

La marrano negro disagree because he has failed as the city health director! Time to replace this idiot who can't accept reality!!! There's a reason he was demoted from Asst. City Manager back to Health Director!

Anonymous said...

Heard he has a personal driver-lackey who takes him everywhere. How this is still goes on is lunacy. He belongs in the same department as the old demoted HR guy Oscar who watches the traffic lights go from green to red at 100K+ per year.

Anonymous said...

Art "La Marrana Nera" strikes again!!

Anonymous said...

Does his house have mirrors?

Anonymous said...

That guy looks unhealthy. Look at those dark marks across his face and neck. Diabetes.

Anonymous said...

I have known Art for 35 years. He is a great guy and an asset to this city. Thanks Art for the job you do.

Anonymous said...

Lapdogs are everywhere. Woof woof.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious the Good Doctor does not feel like he needs to follow a good dietary program.

Anonymous said...

I strongly disagree with your statement at February 6, 2020 at 6:24 PM he is NOT mexican he is fatsican, new new breed discover in the deep cages of the amazon warehouse...

Anonymous said...

I saw Art Rodriguez working, he asked a city worker to pick up a piece of paper that was left on 802 road. He was sweating very heavily due in part he had to lift he arm to show his slave where the piece of paper was. Two minutes later an Ambulance was called to pick up A. Rodriguez from over working. He told the news media he would do anything for the citizens of Brownsville. No piece of paper will stop him from doing his job. It took two ambulances to carry his body to the hospital.

Anonymous said...

The city needs to allow nutritional restruants to come to our town. We have way way too many tacitus, and Mexican restaurant with them all serving the same authentic foods. Blah! After a while. For sure we need a diabetic friendly restaurant, gluten free , and low card way of thinking of what we consume.we are dying very slowly by all the saturated fats and sugars served in brownsville. Panera's restaurant could be a start....go from there?

Anonymous said...

I all most had a heart failure when I saw that picture - HELP. I think he has a CONDITION...

Anonymous said...

A fat calling a somebody else fat what a fat pendejo...

Anonymous said...

The unhealthy health director

Anonymous said...

Somebody PLEASE give him a mirror (espejo) guey...

Anonymous said...

9:18. If we had "healthy" alternatives, would anyone eat there?

Anonymous said...

February 6, 2020 at 6:24 PM
So what makes a gringo fat - hot dogs and bagels and donuts.

Anonymous said...

This posting LOL Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I think I'm gonna fart! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

February 9, 2020 at 2:05 PM

In fact, farting is healthy and good for your body. Your body produces gas as part of breaking down and processing food. ... All of this gas and air builds up in your digestive system. Some of it is absorbed naturally, but the remaining gas needs to be released in some way — either as a fart or a burp.
Why do japanese fart all the time and pick their nose at the dinner table?

Anonymous said...

Again and again and time after time this self proclaimed Doctor truly believes that the "Dr" he puts in front of his name is for Doctor and not for Director!!! He should be arrested for impersonating a "Doctor" and abuse of public safety and trust!!! El marrano negro aka Chupas Dick Art Rodriguez needs to be fired!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YA! Dejenlo porbresito let him eat in peace oh I mean chunks

Anonymous said...

Juan: Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Art: Why?
Juan: It wasn’t peeling well!

Anonymous said...

He only goes to ALL YOU CAN EAT RESTAURANTS, that's what I just heard.
