Friday, February 7, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It was hailed as a Year In Review for local media, but except for a blogger and a few city administrators there were few takers.

A few television stations attended. And the most-read bloggers in social media did not make a cameo appearance.

Those who attended were treated to a box lunch with a bag of chips and a warmed over review of projects that had been presented twice before, at Mayor Trey Mendez's State of the City and by City Manager Noel Bernal at a Chamber of Commerce presentation a few weeks ago.

Both were present at the "dinner."
That led one local blogger to ask "Where is the beef?"

It appeared that the main purpose of the meet was to introduce new Communications and Marketing Director Felipe Gabriel Romero III.

Romero most recently served as Contract Relations Coordinator for the Austin Independent School District.

According to a release, he has over 14 years of communications, media, marketing and community engagement in both the public and private sectors.

The city announced their interactive BTX Future website during the meeting. The site features the accomplishments of 2019 and the plans for 2020.

After the presentation during a question and answer session, there were only three questions.


Anonymous said...

What a terrible launch. HOW many years experience, you say? No one was at the event because the marketing for the event was minimal and last-minute, so there was no buzz. A kid with his own YouTube channel knows as much, but this is Brownsville, and the bar isn't set very high as long as you're someone's lapdog.

Anonymous said...

One blogger: It was El Panson Barton, Juan. He's the one who never misses a free meal gathering. But then what he wrote about it was incoherent and useless!!!

Anonymous said...

The following questions here are:
When's its gonna get fixed? POTHOLES
When's its gonna get fixed? TRAFFIC JAMS
How much its gonna cost US? DOLLAR FIGURE


Anonymous said...

Is this $%^&* going to go out with a shovel and help with the infrastructure repairs or just sit in from of a monitor eating dounuts and drinking expresso or moca choca. And the salary??? another 80k and a GED.

Anonymous said...

Why hire someone with so little experience? Not what brownsville needs.

KBRO said...

You think maybe the "toxic" references made were indirectly directed at you and Barton sitting in the audience? lol

KBRO said...

Just to be clear -- Rrun Rrun is not "toxic" but rather a reaction to the toxiCITY that is Brownsville, Texas cronyism / nepotism and every sort of phuckery devised in dark places or out in the open where all can see and no one can do anything about because the cycles keep turning up the s.o.s.

Anonymous said...

A job an 8 year can do.

Anonymous said...

El chapo has a step latter? How's he going to get down? with help from KA city manager...

Anonymous said...

