Friday, March 27, 2020



Anonymous said...

Throngs of revelers may have brought the coronavirus to New Orleans during Mardi Gras celebrations
That could have happened here at SPI think about it

Anonymous said...

The dumbest overreaction ever. Coronavirus is our War of the Worlds"

Anonymous said...

You are delusional, Juan. You're not even Mexican and can't speak Spanish.

Anonymous said...

People cherry pick a few of the Presidents statements out of context. It seems they would like it better if he spread panic and depression from the start. Whatever he does or does not do the Trump haters will continue to heap hate on him. Trump does not give a shit what you think and neither does anybody else who voted for him and will do so again. The only damage you do is to yourselves and the country in general by creating anger and division in this time of national crisis.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and this blog is a carrier.

Anonymous said...

Well Juan, when you look at the whole subject in its totality, he is a Republican and an optimist. True Americans are going to judge according to their common sense and not allow left wing media to spoon fed or misled toward panic or chaos.
