Friday, March 27, 2020


Matamoros, Tamaulipas.- In response to the restrictions placed by the U.S. Government upon Mexican citizens to enter U.S. soil, Matamoros Mayor Mario Alberto López Hernández has announced he will ask his Brownsville counterpart Trey Méndez to apply the same restrictions on his city's residents to Matamoros to prevent the transmittal of COVID-19.

López Hernández also made his call to U.S. residents to refrain from crossing the border into Tamaulipas while the disaster declaration is in effect to prevent the transmittal of the virus since Texas occupies the fourth place in the COVID-19 infection rate in the United States.

López Hernández said that he will be meeting with the Committee on Health Security where he will request that just as they are restricting the passage of Matamoros residents to Brownsville, they apply the same restriction to Brownsville residents, except for those who work on either side of the river.


Anonymous said...

What leadership has the MAYOR and city commission shown during this crisis 00000! They haven even touched the PUB issue on rebates for Brownsville residents from that Tenaska non-project.HEB CASHIER HAS MORE BALLS THAN THEY DO.

Anonymous said...

Along with that idiot at rancho viejo what do we expect?

Anonymous said...

Hey!..:Don’t come around here no more...Whatever you’re looking for... I’ve given it up...Hey!...Don’t come around here no more...Hey!

Anonymous said...

The bridges are wide open. Huge lines at the plasma centers going on now.

Anonymous said...

what's good for the beans is good for the bagels pendejos

Anonymous said...

Well so much for Amistad and Hand Across the Border bullshit. Seems like we are not in this all together after all. The Mata Mayor is a racist gringo hating pig.

Anonymous said...

el trey su sus commisionarios valen madre. Where are they? Ride the bike trails to downtown pizzarerias?

Anonymous said...

The Mata Mayor is a racist gringo hating pig. so what is trump?
