Monday, March 30, 2020


"I work at the hospital... Mchale is right..."  Commenter at 8:02 p.m. 

Special to El Rrun-Rrun
From The McHale Report Blog

Desperate for revenue, Valley Regional Medical Center CEO Art Garza is reportedly finding a silver lining in the Coronavirus pandemic. 

He wants to make VRMC the epicenter for treating the disease. He has beds to fill and he is allegedly inviting all Valley hospitals to send their most stricken patients to Brownsville.

"Does this strategy help reduce or spread the pandemic?" questions a former Brownsville Herald editor. 

"If Garza is going to pursue this course, he needs to explain not only to his own staff but to the people of Brownsville that he has the wherewithal, from face masks to ventilators, to meet this challenge.

"Some believe that his thinking is no different than Trump's gut feeling that economic considerations are more important than health concerns," continues the journalist. "He needs to call a press conference immediately and explain in detail the motivations behind his intentions if the rumor is true. Does he want to save other communities' lives at the expense of Brownsville lives."

The situation has become so critical at VRMC that doctors are reportedly signing a petition for Garza to rethink his position. While Garza hopes to be counting profits, the hospital's physicians fear they will be counting dead bodies instead.

To read rest of story, click on link:


Anonymous said...

Nadie le cree una chingada al Paya Jerry. Ese guey es el mas mentiroso de Bronsvil, Haci se oye de vecindario a vecindario. Mejor publica los escritos de Piporro!

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck doesn't HE go up there pinche pendejo call the cops arrest him put him in jail.

Anonymous said...

Pinche pendejo arrest him NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wife of coronavirus patient makes plea for blood plasma donations

So where is all the blood going? China?

Anonymous said...

Anyone pendejo enough to believe McHale on anything is more pendejo than he is, and he is todo afuera del aire, ese guey vale sebo.

Anonymous said...

We hope this is a rumor only, but he should be very careful what he wishes for. This could actually infect somebody he cares for. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

What a pendejo

Anonymous said...

Low-life Irish blather. Get a job!

Anonymous said...

Trump's coronavirus lie-fests only serve to confuse the public and, in the most extreme cases, literally costs lives.

CNN should stop airing his briefings, as should all other national news outlets. This isn't even close to a hard call, folks, if you employ even the teeniest tiniest bit of journalistic ethics. Journalists' and news outlets' most fundamental obligation to the public is to disseminate accurate, factually sound information. Trump has lied at every press conference he's ever given, bar none. Given that track record, no new organization should be airing anything he says live, particularly on a topic that's literally a matter of life and death. Unless, of course, all you give a damn about is ratings.

Anonymous said...

Police arrest Florida pastor for holding church services despite stay-at-home order
That's what needs to be done here that goes for that idiota at the hospital NOW

Anonymous said...

The county judge needs to stop this individual cause the mayor ain't gonna do it pinche mamon putting the city in danger

Anonymous said...

That's not good.................

Anonymous said...

I work at the hospital... Mchale is right on

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Doc

Anonymous said...

Staff are not happy campers... they are lacking resources ... specially negative air pressure rooms

Anonymous said...

..get reed of the dog.. you get reed of the rabies..

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading the comments here. Common sense means if it is raining and you are standing in the rain you are going to get wet! It is simple some of the people who post here have no common sense. Let me try this, that $1200 you are going to get, that is nothing more than when you were a kid, your parents told you if you would be good for an hour, you would get some candy. Hope you enjoy that candy they are sending you, it might last a few hours.

Anonymous said...

I work at the hospital... the is an outrageous lie.
Mchale. Stop it.

Anonymous said...

He does not act alone. Who are the board members behind him?

Anonymous said...

Use your house over by Doctor's Drive on owens rd estupido

Anonymous said...

Unless other hospitals are being over run with patients which they are not this should not be happening.Where is he leadership mayor? County judge? Commission? Worthless!!

Anonymous said...

McHale is lying. In the hardest hit areas, non-covid-19 patients are being sent to the temporary hospitals, or hospitals which will not be used for covid patients. It is a policy to keep non-covid patients from being exposed to covid patients. McHale clearly has a score to settle and is willing to endanger all of us to settle that score. Choosing one hospital to handled all covid cases makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Garza should have a news conference

Anonymous said...

Yes it makes sense... when you have the resources which VR does not have

Anonymous said...

It’s true what Mchale is saying about bringing all the Coronavirus patients to vrmc. I am a health worker working in the hospital and I asked a intensive dr from vrmc which he did confirm to be true. Although doctors are not happy with that decision which they signed a petition against it.

Anonymous said...

And the mayor que? worthless piece of shit DO YOUR JOB

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2020 at 8:48 AM

You forgot to use the word WE pendejoooo
