Eddie Trevino...a little man with a little mind...this clown has what is known as “the little man syndrome”; a little man that wishes he was a big man.
In Cameron County and at the national level, the citizens are being cut out of the government process. Just look at what local, state and federal elected officials are doing; they are using this crisis to restrict citizens under threat of judicial action for disobeying the verbal directions of the officials. These restrictions or threats against citizens demonstrates that we need to be fearful that this crisis will set precedents that will limit the freedoms of Americans. The freedom of citizens to go public places has been restricted, citizens are told to stay at home, and businesses are being told to shut their doors. While citizens are acting like hoarders by emptying the shelves....the citizens' are being restricted by officials using powers that they really don't have.....like martial law.
Eddie Trevino...a little man with a little mind...this clown has what is known as “the little man syndrome”; a little man that wishes he was a big man.
Seems a smart thing to do, Montoya. What's with you anyway - you daft?
Montoya is just reporting the action by county judge.
It’s not a commentary, Dude. Just chill.
Good reporting keep all of us informed don't worry about estos mamones ycocos. Kiss assers.
The county judge and the cob mayor stack on top of each other won't reach 6ft puros mamones y cocos..
Who the shit writes those stupid notes "to the greatest extent possible". In other words use a short cut-pendejos?
in brownsville, about 5 out of 10 men who drive lifted 4x4s have the same syndrome
Probably at H.E.B hoarding with his Lone Star card. Culeros.
Hillbillies do the same thing pendejo
In Cameron County and at the national level, the citizens are being cut out of the government process. Just look at what local, state and federal elected officials are doing; they are using this crisis to restrict citizens under threat of judicial action for disobeying the verbal directions of the officials. These restrictions or threats against citizens demonstrates that we need to be fearful that this crisis will set precedents that will limit the freedoms of Americans. The freedom of citizens to go public places has been restricted, citizens are told to stay at home, and businesses are being told to shut their doors. While citizens are acting like hoarders by emptying the shelves....the citizens' are being restricted by officials using powers that they really don't have.....like martial law.
CLOSE THE SPI BRIDGE NOW stop the alcohol party...
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