Friday, March 20, 2020


Image result for F. SCOTT FITZGERALD


Anonymous said...

Trump has put his chile up his ass. And it appears he likes it there. LOL

Anonymous said...

Are the seniors getting a check or not juanito? can't get any info no where and news media is charging to read their web pages. Pura raquita Juanito...

Anonymous said...

F. Scott Fitzgerald has as much of a connection to Brownsville as does Ho Chi Minh and his brother Idi Amin. Why not use an anecdote from a Mexican, like Pedro infante or Rigo Tovar? smh

Anonymous said...

No, seniors are NOT getting checks. Only those who paid taxes in recent years, the workers in other words.

Anonymous said...

Over the past three years, many terms have been thrown around to describe Donald Trump. Phrases like “huge moron,” “colossal jerk,” “massive prick,” and, our personal favorite, “malignant tumor.” Obviously many have agreed that the 45th president of the United States is both a terrible person and an idiot incapable of tweeting a coherent sentence, let alone running the country. Still, some have worried it would be taking things too far to diagnose the man as a full-blown sociopath. Are we being too cavalier with the designation, they’ve likely fretted. Shouldn’t we wait until the Mar-a-Lago groundskeepers find a few dozen heads in the basement, they’ve probably wondered. On Friday, however, Trump confirmed for all the world to see that he indeed has no conscience.

During a press conference at the White House, NBC reporter Peter Alexander asked Trump, “What do you say to the Americans who are scared, though? Nearly 200 dead, 14,000 who are sick, millions, as you’ve witnessed, who are scared right now. What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?” In reality this was a softball question that anyone with a semblance of a soul would be able to answer, responding with something like, “That’s an understandable feeling. I would tell them we’re in this together and we’re doing everything we can, as fast as we can.” But Trump literally only thinks about himself, so instead he told Alexander: “I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say. I think it’s a very nasty question, and I think it’s a very bad signal that you’re putting out to the American people. The American people are looking for answers and they’re looking for hope, and you’re doing sensationalism and the same with NBC and con-cast. I don’t call it Comcast, I call it ‘con-cast.’ Let me just tell you something. That’s really bad reporting, and you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism.” Seemingly responding to criticism that he’d irresponsibly hyped the drug chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, despite the fact that it hasn’t yet been approved by the FDA for the virus, Trump snarled, “Let’s see if it works. It might and it might not. I happen to feel good about it, but who knows. I’ve been right a lot.”

He's been wrong more than right, however.

Anonymous said...


Seniors - those on Social Security - are not being included in the checks mail-out. Sad, but that is the latest.

Anonymous said...

Laughter is good med. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Library and parks are open according to their web sites. These idiots are making 90k a year and they can't update their web pages! Just like the mayor I guess they run the city by example. How about getting rid of all these boozooos...

Anonymous said...

Just the privileges got supplies and they're crying mamones...

Anonymous said...

Flea Market to close this weekend for the first time since 1981
They need to purchasa a mobile store and charge 10 bucks for frits and veggies

Anonymous said...

Stay at home for 2 weeks and get to know your children maggots...

Anonymous said...

Income is defined as wages, Social Security benefits, and any pension income. Direct from NYT.

Anonymous said...

P@March 20, 2020 at 2:28 PM

Trump was the best choice in 2016. Killery, come on?

Trump will be the best choice in 2020. Biden, right?

Democrats are so devided they have liteally chosen the worst of all the dems that were running.

If you are staying home like we are being asked to do you must have time to look up the overall voting totals which is scarry if you are a democrat.

Trump is running vitually unonopposed and he has gotten more primary votes than all of the Dems combined.

Oh BTW national poles showing he has over 50% approval rate on his handling of the Corona Virus Response.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like Hemingway was the Trump of the Spanish flu era. BTW Hemingway shot himself so I would say there’s still hope for the USA.
