Monday, March 23, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Even as Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino wass announcing today that residents will be required to shelter in place starting at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, county offices were still operating with full personnel.

It will not be until after the meeting Tuesday that county employees will find out whether they will open their offices or do what business they can through glass windows, emails, otr telephone. Currently, only 10 clients are allowed at one time into county departments.

During a press conference today, Trevino says the shelter in place is part of a county-wide initiative to limit the spread of COVID-19.

"We will do whatever is necessary, we feel this is necessary in order to protect the people that we are entrusted to do here in Cameron County," said Treviño.

The order states that: "Except as otherwise directed in this order, all employees of Cameron County who do not reside in Cameron County are ordered to shelter in their place of residence.

b) Each governmental entity shall identify and designate appropriate employees or contractors to continue providing and carrying out any Essential Governmental Functions.

c) All Essential Governmental Functions shall be performed in compliance with Social Distancing Requirements, to the extent possible. 

"If it's a shelter in place, why are county workers who live here are still required to be in the office?," asked one. "Who's going to come into a county office if they can't leave their homes?"

There have been six cases of COVID-19 reported in Cameron County.

The order expected to take effect on Wednesday at midnight and will last for 14 days. Trevino says he could extend it if necessary. Departments considered essential like health and law enforcement will continue operating with precautions against infection. Others may be required to have a skeleton  crew to handle non-contact services.

According to a release, individuals may leave their residence only for the following:

Essential personal activities

Obtain healthcare operations services

Perform essential infrastructure operations

Perform or access essential government functions

Operate an essential business


Anonymous said...

this is the most idiotic overreaction i have ever seen. It is only the attempt of local politicians to cover their butts in case somebody dies on their watch. We all need to do something after this is over. I am not sure if it is even legal, can shut down county over any perceived threat? Unless there is something they are not telling us, like 100 cases. I wonder why the county judge a!lows the county to stay open after flu deaths of why he does not shut down highways after day deaths?

Anonymous said...

A new one has poped out call cocovid-blanco

Dead said...

Because they're public servants. It's funny how everyone wants a government job until they realize that it entails actual fucking service.

Anonymous said...


Oh, go and fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

Leave county offices open. A thinning of the "herd" cannot be all bad, Montoya, if you get my drift. Less "Brown" clears the view.

Anonymous said...

Treviño called for an end to social media attacks on county residents who have presented themselves for testing.

“One of the benefits of social media is to get the information out,” he said. “Unfortunately one of the detriments of social media is oftentimes that information can either be misinformation.”

Guess who's he defending???

Anonymous said...

"This is no time to be selfish" the bad ones will float like a mojon and those are the ones we need to vote out next coming election

Anonymous said...

This isn't some "perceived threat" as someone called it. People don't get quarantined, entire countries get locked downed, economies collapse because it's just a flu...

Anonymous said...

Juan, go out and mingle with everyone you see and know. That way we'll be rid of your racist ass, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

We could survive the virus epidemic and mollify Trump this way: Appoint ex-President Obama to handle the big problems - the response to the coronavirus and steps to bolster the economy. President Obama has the experience. He handled the Ebola virus and he helped the U.S. recover from Bush's Great Recession.

That would free up Trump to do the things he does best - speaking at pep rallies, tweeting insults, name-calling, watching Fox News and repeating talking points.

President Obama could be let go after saving America again and Trump could claim credit for everything being solved.

Anonymous said...

Juan time for everyone to pray for this corona virus epidemic to end.

Anonymous said...

Republicans in the U.S. Senate are not interested in helping retirees and those on Social Security. Checks are not being mailed to them.

Democrats are pushing for a $200-per-month increase to SS benefits through 2021, however.

Anonymous said...

To the first comment poster -- How long have you been a doctor? Do you watch the news? Do you think what is going on in Spain and Italy can not happen here. Ever heard of New York? Know whats going on there? Ever heard of science? Care at all about your community?
I'm sorry if you are having to make adjustments to save peoples lives. This can be a serious and deadly event but it can be minimized if we take extreme measures. I say good for the county and Judge Trevino. He is showing leadership skills and making hard decisions. He is thinking about the residents of the county and not about being re-elected. Unlike Trump who is thinking about making decisions to protect the economy rather then the people. You can always fix the economy but you can't make people alive again. Based on his history there is, I think, a good chance he will make his decision based on what he thinks will get him elected not on what is best for society.

Anonymous said...

March 23 8:33 PM....Hey moron is spelled “popped”. You continue to embarrass yourself!

Anonymous said...

This shit in Cameron county isn't about TRUMP, It's your CORRUPT state level wana bees government. Trevino knew and knows how Cameron County got on the map for the Covid-19. He now claims to protect the people, he means the elite corrupt not the citizens. Where in God name is Filemon Vela? Is he being a mamon asking favors from FEMA? Governor Abbot had to issue Executive Order, because our local government such as County judge Eddie Trevino, Mayor, and Filemon Vela are not following the laws of the land to protect all citizens of their district. Abbot called it a major disaster.
Do these ignorant local government not know that the Covid-19 spreads primary through contact with an infected person or persons. First degree felony deals with "PERSONS", knowingly, willingly, recklessly, and with criminal negligence intents, but of course they have Judges like Richardo Adobbati to cover his ass so what. Keep an eye on the cases that will be presiding in the 404 State District Court by Judge Adobbati court. He seems to be associated with these so called elite law breakers. Is he another paid judge? This is my opinion Just when we thought that we were in a position to trust the judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Trevino showing leadership skills and hard decisions my ass. He is the leader who allowed the Corona virus in Cameron county to be on the map. He knowingly, willingly, recklessly, intentionally, with no regards as to protect the lives of Cameron County Citizens. This asshole did all this wrong doing to protect his deep pocket compadres. So get a life and quit blaming Trump for every wrong decision your corrupt leaders chose. Where is our so beloved congressman Vela? Is he taking time off to prepare to defend himself against the Dannenbaum corruption?

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2020 at 10:33 AM

Must be a stupid teacher from st joe. this is a blog nothing formal here as long as an idiot gets it. which is you... pendejo

Anonymous said...

Wow can't believe this a hillbilly making spelling corrections! UNBELIEVABLE

Anonymous said...

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick suggests the elderly should risk their lives to save the economy
Voe for this person he really loves his parents.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juanito report them

Anonymous said...

Why didn’t Eddie Trevino shut down Spring Break..... that was a complete influx of the virus from those kids..... I wonder what the island businesses ala Clayton’s Bar promised or paid Eddie.... we have 6 people, 2 have gone back North, remaining 4 were all related....and now the rest of us have to stay home and not work, much less get paid.....And the payaso who suggested to bring back Obama, what planet are you living on wizard....Vela is to busy with AOC and getting in line with Nancy Pelosi being a good little boy DemocRAT....maybe she will throw him a bone and give him a committee seat....BFD..... not doing US any good down here... vola de pendejos....but you keep voting these ratas in....

Anonymous said...

All you need is a family name and you can be in the big time. Poor Mr. Vela rolling over in his grave.

Anonymous said...

Why are the car dealers open?
