Monday, March 23, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: We have filed a Freedom Of Information Act to find out the number and identity of the 22 adults who were on a European tour and who returned to Cameron County (Rancho Viejo), Brownsville and  and Matamoros after having come in contact and some infected with COVID-19 before they left Barcelona, Spain. It has been a muddled scene trying to discern truth from speculation. However, enough information has filtered through so we can now correct some misconceptions and clarify past posts.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In the post concerning FINSA memo stating that the son of the director, Sergio Arguelles Gonzalez had tested positive for COVID-19, we are told that the name of the son is Bernardo De La Garza.

However, the patriarch Arguelles is said to be his uncle, not his father. The older Arguelles is said to have caught the virus on the family's annual ski trip to Colorado while De la Garza was with the group who traveled to Spain and Ireland. He reportedly came the back door way. He couldn’t board the American Airlines flight with the rest of the group due to fever.

 Source said that both De la Garza and uncle Arguelles both tested positive, but they they were in different trips. De la Garza was in Europe. 

Arguelles tested positive on the 13th after his nephew had already arrived here so he couldn't have gotten it from him. He allegedly got infected on the family's annual ski trip to Colorado. It's unclear how many of the family were on the Colorado trip. They took flights here, too. Colorado ski cities have been hot spots for COVID-19.

A sister ( Emi ?) decided to stay in Colorados because she knew better because she is in the medical field.

Ricardo Adobbati, Jr., who flew in from Barcelona, Spain, with the group reportedly did test positive and is reported to be in home quarantine. We don't know how many stops they had before getting here. He also lives in Rancho  Viejo. A 20-year-old with the last name of Parra (Karina?) from there was the woman who was said to have tested positive.

And a man named Jose (Kauchi), aslo from Rancho Viejo, is said to be one of he four from that town who tested positive as well.

In their defense, not all of them showed the symptoms of the disease when they arrived in Brownsville. However, they and their families knew of the exposure. Once the word got out on social media, they were put into quarantine.

Why didn't they alert health authorities and those around them about their potential to transmit the COVID-19 as soon as they arrived?


Anonymous said...

Do they realize the amount of older adults that live in Rancho Viejo, and the catastrophe that this might cause?
I saw people golfing yesterday, and it was pretty surreal., shaking hands, and business as usual. Lets hope it doest amount to another outbreak.
God Bless Us all, and illuminate the brain of these idiots that will not close the club. Sanitize it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why? You ask? Because they are not honest individuals! That’s why.

Anonymous said...


Dont only approve the comments that agree with your posts

Anonymous said...

FYI: some say these men were not quarantining at the island! I’m sure someone will be kind enough to please report this to CDC Incase there more infected at restaurants/ bars.
If someone saw then, please call CDC, there can be more infected out there! They were smart enough not to post on FB. But someone had to have seen them! Report it!

Anonymous said...

So disappointing to see young adults who are the age of 20 to have their names plastered on an unreliable "blog" website. This is disgusting. I hope you are reported to the police for releasing false information to the public like this and putting their lives endanger.

Anonymous said...

The young man at the bottom needs to purchase a few buttons and the mother needs to sew them in. That fashion atrocity is a must go.

Anonymous said...

Your imagination is so vivid!! You should write a fiction script because this is such fake news. The only thing you are doing is spreading rumors and paranoia into our community. Stop spreading this news if you dont have the facts these poor children dont deserve the slander and this community doesnt deserve the fear, heb walmart and sams is probably more packed after reading your false claims

Anonymous said...

1. I hope your readers dont take these false articles seriously
2. I hope your readers realize the only comments your approve are thise that are in agreement with your writings
3. Approve all the comments, even the ones criticizing your posts so your readers can decide for themselves
4. Stop spreading fake news

Anonymous said...

false information? or concerning information? Its so disappointing to see someone so blindfolded not realizing it is wrong, what they did is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Simple as that, WRONG.
Figure out who some of these kids are, you might be a little scared after you find out, not all that shines is GOLD.

Anonymous said...

Guys this post is a lie. There was actually 246 kids on the trip. I have a list of all 246 names. Please contact me for the list. Crazy to think 246 kids are roaming the streets of Brownsville vomiting, coughing, spitting on everything. Just unimaginable. Ridiculous. Crazy. 245 kids. That is so many. What are we going to do. Someone please tell mayor mendez to give us all free pizza in hard times like these.

Anonymous said...

Its crazy how fake these past posts have been and its also crazy how only one of my ten comments have been approved meaning he only approves comments that don’t criticize him or his posts. My last posts were not approved due to criticisms of his facts to his false claims which is only frightening our city more. Shame on you for not being fair to all and making this false claims criticizing these kids and families just for website traffic and clout pathetic coward

Anonymous said...

This is not mejico guey reporting is allowed here guey

Anonymous said...

The gringos came first then los mojados when is this going to stop...

Anonymous said...

This is funny. Semi wealthy kids go on a trip. Poor people get mad. Poor.people. Puro pinche pobres. Jajaja

Anonymous said...

This aint fake... these dumb kids are like the one partuing in flordia they dont give a fk about others only themselves

Anonymous said...

These stories are juicer than lardeo company tacos

Anonymous said...

what semi-wealthy??? Now I've heard everything lol simi-wealthy hahaha
"Oh thank you I'm semi-wealthy lol smh kma

Anonymous said...

I just came across this blog and although initially we probably all get upset due to find out about "who brought it to the valley" first, the truth is, it is a world wide pandemic. The best thing we can do is practice good hygiene/health, social distancing etc. These people may have been some of the first to get confirmed but likely not the first to have the virus in the valley.

If it wasnt them it would have been someone else. There are many many people trying to get tested at the local rgv hospitals. Many that travel, truckers, oil field workers etc. There is literally no way that virus can spread anywhere around the world except for the valley. It was bound to happen. And i have no relation or do not know any of these people I am from Mission I dont even know where rancho viejo is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These are real names. My friend knows the younger Argüelles

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This topic should be shit canned as the rumors and misinformation change each day. Publish facts and not gossip. I realize the name of this blog, but these are trying time and reliable information should only be published.

Anonymous said...

WOW what a deal. I thought in Texas you were considered an adult at age 18. Kids still go to school, if the school still has money after all the fine political hero's got hands on it. We now deal with the kids of the hero's.

Anonymous said...

Save one. Kill A Thousand. The FBI is already investigating how they got in. Knowing they were Positive. Don't use the excuse these are Children. And these are the ignorant Rich parents who sent their kids into the epicenter of the epidemic. The authorities will get to the bottom of this. What a sham. Did you seriously think. The Higher authorities wouldn't be notified Compadres. Of course they would. This is Brownsville, not Mexico.

Anonymous said...

@8:09 AM

The FBI is on it! I’m literally crying laughing at this comment. What pendejo thinks the FBI is “investigating” COVID-19 travel cases?? Do you know how many people were traveling from epicenters every day to the USA and you think the FBI (??) is investigating 6 cases of a virus in BROWNSVILLE. This author and these commenters have no idea how the world or pandemics work.

Anonymous said...

The FBI is not investigating!!! LMAOOO you telling me the FBI is investigating every corona case? Those who tested positive all flew into the united states legally lmaooooo

Anonymous said...

The FBI IS investigation shit head acting stupid (pendejo) is NOT going to help you.

Anonymous said...

El FBI????? Jajajajaja no manches que pinche idiota jaja

Anonymous said...

@March 25, 2020 at 11:44 PM

Its considered a terroristic threat and fall under the FBI jurisdiction el pendejo eres tu pinche guey... mojado culo ojete

Anonymous said...

Americans who 'purposefully expose and infect' others with coronavirus could be charged as TERRORISTS, new Justice Department memo declares

Anonymous said...

@ 7:26am

Its not a terroristic threat you fucking dumb ass piece of white trash shit!!
These individuals didn’t “purposefully expose and infect others” you fucking racists red neck

Get your facts right before you open your mouth

Pinche mojado puñetas cara de verga no vales pinche madre tu tienes el virus culero
