Thank God we're saved!
We have just learned that two members of the advisory board of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's Strike Force to Open Texas are from South Texas.
The strike force is made up of a team of nationally recognized medical experts and private and public leaders who will advise the Governor on safely and strategically reopening the state of Texas.

Another is Brownsville attorney David Oliveira, cousin to disgraced former state representative Rene Oliveira. Now, the Oliveiras are what are known as yellow dog democrats, and their ancestors - especially Gloria - must be turning over in the ground in their eternal place of rest.
Why Cantu?
Well, we can see where he'd want construction to open and open now so he can get on with the business of making more money. So if there's a worker or two coming down with a fever, a dry cough and headaches, well, that's the price of "putting bread on the table," as Trumpies like to say when they're slaughtering endangered blue-fin (wicked) tuna or hungry alligators in the Louisiana swamps.
This effort is like sending canaries inside the coal mine and hoping none will drop from poisonous gases lurking unseen in the air. Much like the COVID-19 virus, don't you think?
And the last time that Oliviera was in the news he was huffing and puffing about the Texas Southmost College board turning down the offer from his alma mater - the University of Texas System - to take away all the assets of the community college on whose board he sat, and for TSC to keep just the debt.
Poor David was laughed out of office and the new boards set about making TSC independent and lowered tuition and fees to a community - not a university - level. It is now enjoying record enrollment.
"We have enough welders," he told a Brownsville Herald editorial writer. "We have enough plumbers. What we need is more people with higher degrees," he averred while industry leaders decried the lack of skilled trade jobs.
Given this record, we should not be surprised if Oliveira would propose to protect the health of TSC students who share a campus with UTRGV-Brownsville by having the UT System annex the community college under the guise of protecting them from the virus.
After all, they would be the recipients of the fine attentions from the UT Public Health School, for a slight fee, of course.
What would that be? Oliveira might be the last guy to ask when the people can return to work, never having worked a day in his life. Like his cousin Rene, he has led a charmed existence and hasn't sullied his brow with an honest day's work.
This strike force may be a bit premature as COVID-19 positive cases zoom in the state. But the Trump kamikaze boosters asking for the "liberation" of Minnesota, Michigan, and other swing states necessary to reelect Trump will make it seem like you're discriminating against good 'Mericans who just "wanna put food on the table," and those damn Democrats just want to sit on their ass.
So what if a few workers die? Who cares, as long as the economy is ginned enough to put positive number before November, we're good.
Juan, great COVID-19 reporting! I had this story last night, but I was also cooking a whole chicken I got at El Globo for $3.98.People, don't just eat beans. Vary your diet like I do and beat this virus! Fish and beef and carnitas and tamales and capirotada does it for me. My many farts smell like all of that stuff!!! But stay away from shitty Filipino food, people!
- Booby Wightman-Ramirez
Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) sent a letter Friday to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, pointing to the hydroxychloroquine authorization and urging him to make science-based decisions. An FDA spokesperson said the agency will respond directly to the senator.
No! How about a letter directly to the American people!
No more Trump Tripe, no more secret meetings, every cent going into the response to this pandemic comes from the American people and we have a right to know why more test kits aren’t available, why more PPE isn’t available and how much of Trump’s Magic Elixir has been bought and pushed onto the people.
More transparency! Enough with the back room BS!
Psychologists warn of the deadly consequences of the "silent partner" in abusive homes. When a father beats or sexually assaults a child, the family will often react by refusing to discuss the abuse, allowing silence to enable the predator and protect against confronting a reality that is too painful and frightening.
The United States of America is now an abusive household. Donald Trump is the lunatic authority figure stalking and traumatizing the victims — the American people — while the Democratic Party, along with the mainstream media, act as the silent partner.
Republicans are okay with more deaths. That is who they are. Not a peep about helping the farmworker. They are hollow people, shorn of emotion and decency.
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Really Abbott? The selection of these two gentleman speaks volumes why Trump continues his reign because of big money controlling. Ruth Chris steak house got 20 million dollars while 95 percent of small business got nothing to keep their workers paid. I'm sure Abbott and the gentleman selected on the strike force will stay awake at night concerned. Lol.
David Oliveira is a hard working attorney and not a slacker as your article wants the reader to believe. He is a good Lawyer. My only concern about David is that lately he has turned out to be an advocate for Republican Governor Abbott and the Republican Party. His appointments to certain boards/committees by the Governor are clearly a reward for his work for the Republican Party. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, to that I say David, come out of the closet and join the Republican Party. Stop making us believe that you are a Democrat. You are as Red as they come. Your father would be proud of you.
Birds of a feather.......
Is this the same David Oliveira that was an all district linebacker in high school? Did he play football at UT?
It’s intriguing how most people and posters are lemmings for the Republicrats and Demagogues. The 5-7% of us independents helped elect the last two commander-in-chiefs. It’s strange how people are so closed minded and oblivious to this fact.
Congratulations to those chosen and may God guide them .. shame on you for continued spread of the virus .. the hate virus .. no one is forcing the American people to go out .. if you are that worried stay home .. if you go out wear a mask .. simple solution
David Oliveira is a F---ing crook. He was involved in the decision making of the Brownsville Navigating Bridge to no where. He was involved in the Private Prison sector. He is very familiar with the corruption into the Dannenbaum Engineering cover-up. He represented the interest of tax-payers in this corruption. He is no expert in medical field, but bull shitter. Alonzo Cantu and expert in Medical Field to decide our whether to open or not? Governor Abbot needs to grow some legs to tend to business. He replaced this Alonzo Cantu with James Dannenbaum. Is Alonzo going to manipulate his employees to contribute and use their own monies to campaign for corrupt leaders and then reimburse them. Been there and still smell the stink.
Linebacker? maybe in flag football idiota
An excellent pair of cocos what you expect from a kiss-ass governor?
Juan I still believe its way too early to open up all business and head back to normalcy. Too early i say.
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