Monday, April 13, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun-
From Tamaulipas Goulish Times

We once saw a "Twilight Zone" episode (22) where a famous actress was having a nervous breakdown from overwork and was resting at a sanatorium and had a recurring nightmare where she was met at the morgue of the facility by a smiling nurse who invited her in the door and said: "Come on in dearie, there's always room for one more."

Well, officials in Reynosa and Matamoros are also preparing a fond welcome for you if you happen to die of COVID-19 there. Since there is only one crematorium at both cities, a mass burial is the next best thing.

Toward that end, the cities have prepared 10 graves at the furthest reaches of the cemeteries belonging to Santa Cruz funeral home and cemeteries. 

In fact, there have only been 10 positive COVID-19 cases in Matamoros and no one has died from the virus yet. But the municipio is being pro-active. Extravagance is not a Mata trait.

Each grave is one foot apart from the other, not real good social distancing.

This doesn't send a message of optimism to those who may have tested positive for the virus, and whether they get well or not, if the worse comes to worse, hell, they're ready.

That will free up the resources for the live ones.

In the USA they clap when you recover from COVID-19, but just across the river, if you test positive and don't have a lot of cash to prolong your chances of survival, well, that's The way it goes.

But you might want to hurry because they already picked a spot for you. 

"Come in dearie, there's always room for one more!" 


Anonymous said...

Man arrested after coronavirus test sample stolen from hospital, found in shopping cart
What can't they writ about something local? this happened in Calif who gives a shit what happens there pendejos

Anonymous said...

The declaration, originally made March 13, provides the state with a number of tools to fight COVID-19, including the authority to waive laws and regulations deemed to be hindering the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Crimes by elected officials will now be waived

Anonymous said...

Virginia pastor who defiantly held church service dies of coronavirus

Anonymous said...

This pandemic is lame!!! were bored, can we get back to work please?
