Tuesday, April 21, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Even without a place to sit and rest their tired bodies or any protection from the elements, Brownsville Urban System (BUS) riders wait patiently for the next bus coming own 13th Street near the intersection with Lincoln Street practicing social distancing. Scenes like this - a bus stop marked only by an iron pole and a sign - are all too frequent in this "All-American" city. The man was wearing a bandana and the woman a face mask while they waited.

Riders from populous neighborhoods along the routes must often walk for blocks to their nearest spot and with summer around the corner, temperatures will hover near the 100s. Just a bench - even one made of recycled plastic, if not a shade  or full shelter with - would provide a modest respite.

But if you operate a nice, fancy (and expensive) bicycle for sport, you have at your disposal multi-million bike and bike trails that no one uses in the barrios or just about anywhere else in the city. The city even spent more than $150,000 to inlay some bike lanes with fluorescent pebbles so that the bikers won't lose their way and land in one of the manicured resacas lining the trails. No one can say that our city's priorities are skewered, however.

When bike and hike advocate Commissioner Rose Gowen convinced the city to invest millions into the "active" plan, she said there would be thousands of tourist wanting to come to Browntown and ride their bikes. We, like the bus riders, are still waiting.

And BUS has been promising some type of shelters for riders for years now, and only promise more when the complaints reach the city commission level. Then they hunker down until the complaints die down.)


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that ending the lockdown too early is like not finishing your antibiotics. If we open too soon, the past month will have been for naught, and the second wave of counts will be even worse. We are already depleted of healthcare resources dealing with this wave - I don't think we can handle a second wave. People need their money though, so I truly hope the government pull something through, even if it's just a few hundred.

What is your opinion on the government bailing out huge corporations, like airlines, without requiring repayment? While on the contrary, all small businesses are suffering but only a few are getting any kind of government help?

Anonymous said...

Ah, Brownsville. That looks like a photo from the 1960s. Clothes from Matamoros? Poor town is lucky to have buses, Montoya. smh.

Anonymous said...

The spoil brads from that private school are the only ones that don't care. They'll soon find out

Anonymous said...

Tired of the bus shelter story, bro. Move on already. The city is not building shelters for a reason: few ride those buses. Post ridership stats.

Better yet - go ride a the routes and see for yourself!

Anonymous said...

An "iron pole and a sign." Uh, FYI, that's the way it's down pretty much in every other town or city.

Anonymous said...

We are probably only one-tenth of the way through this pandemic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with lucky to have buses, when the gringos are stealing everything they can lay their stinking hands on. smh kma ratas blancas de cucaracho europa...

Anonymous said...

The kids that go to that school (GRMS) are NOT spoiled brats (correct spelling). They are kids from low socio economic barrios.
*This is for the person who called them "spoil brads".
Those kids are from Southmost, La Muralla, Portway Acres. Please don't talk about what YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. Those kids do more for their adult fellow human beings that you probably will ever do in your lifetime.
***There are people in Brownsville that WORK and use the B. U. S. to get to their job.
It amazes me how IGNORANT people write things just because . They hate Brownsville, yet they live here, they criticize Brownsville, maybe they should go to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles right now to see how great things are in those places.
I have my own car, my own means but I KNOW at least 2 people that WORK VERY HARD daily in major stores and use the city bus as transportation to get to and from work, and in Guadalupe I KNOW parents and kids that go to that school. Those teachers don't get high salaries like the charter schools or the public schools, and those kids don't have the amenities (such as free lunch) that the public school has; they TAKE THEIR OWN LUNCH.
Talk about what you know NOTHING about.

Anonymous said...

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.


Anonymous said...

Idota that special school referanced is st joe estupido but if it fits wear it pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez has enough money to feed his chosen students. No telling, I may be wrong since that dude does not have a descent pair of pants to wear to make him look professional, so why would he feed those kids who bring those delicious homemade tortillas with papas con huevos y frijoles. I bet they don't even have a bike to ride to school.

Anonymous said...

The 453 post gringos stealing everything. What planet do you live on? There isn't anything left in Brownsville to steal your political hero's already got it all. Fajitas anyone?

Forhp Hstvos said...

It's not the Brownsville Urban System anymore, it's called Brownsville Metro and it has been for some time.

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2020 at 8:36 PM
How about PUB? Rate hites anyone? pendejo...
Of course not you live in Mars guey

Anonymous said...

How about the bridge to the moon? The port and PUB are full of gringos and from the KKK valley city...

Anonymous said...

They try to hang somebody that took with permission a shovel worht 1.99 while the local authorities glorify gringos for stealing millions UH what planet is this???

Anonymous said...

13th st and lincoln st very close to downtown and NO bus shelters. Oh bike trails are more important here in lala land... mirror mirror on the wall who's the stupidest of them ALL BROWNSVILLE TEXAS THAT WHO!!!

Anonymous said...

These spoiled 21 year old are not kids. They are adults. The truth is they did contaminate many, many people, for their joy venture. Some of the victims died from their carelessness.The question should be why are 21 year old and older in this St. Joe's? Also, because they do come from elite parents they got to be tested and treated almost immediately. They went and contaminated airports, hospitals, nursing homes and God knows where else. Their not telling. Nursing homes with innocent victims that didn't break any rules were the main victims of this carelessness joy venture. These elderly victims had families that has effected them, so get over it and let them at least mourn.

Anonymous said...

Millions of tax dollars spent on useless bike trails and bike lines that overtook downtown streets. These bike lines need to be repainted every few months, costing taxpayers thousanss of dollars needlessly. But wait, some current and past city commissioners have "Historical Designation " bullshit on their personal homes, that means that they are exempt from paying property taxes, unlike their constituents who do pay their fair share. In the future, I do hope that Brownsville voters don't elect or reelect anyone with this Historical Designation BS on their personal homes. Leaders lead by example, something that is clearly not the case with some current elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Juan in 2016 city of brownsville and BUS were awarded a $10 MIllion dollar TIGER grant, posted on the internet, which included funding for additional buses and funds to construct ADA ramps at bus stops and shelters, seating etc, this award was announced by US Congressman FIlemon Vela and City commissioner GOWEN. So what happen? did all these funds go into the Clavel fund? Just wondering cuz $10 million is a lot of cash-mulah if you know what i mean jelly bean, just like over at PUB $ 1.3 million here and $1.3 million there????? Cant blame the public for stating we are a corrupt City, County, BISD school district, area, region of the USA. Its a darn shame.

Anonymous said...

Pot head looking for volunteers to go to mars maybe este idiota will volunteer to go at: April 21, 2020 at 8:36 PM

El Moples said...

Juanito, WTF a Grant of $10 million dollars and still no shelters or seating or benchs NADA? Only in Brownsville texas usa, 3rd world capital of America. CHingado, may those who stole this funds rot in HELL, Bola de cabrones y RATAS De lujo.

Anonymous said...

and that's not talking about the MUDs its a gringo family affair going on for centuries....

Anonymous said...

@ April 21, 2020 at 2:34 PM

She's wear a dress from moda operandi and he's wearing a special stich fix from rags and bone. any questions PENDEJO
