Saturday, April 11, 2020



Cameron County cases reported as of 8 a.m. April 8, 2020: 
Tested 401 people

City of Brownsville Health Department:

At this point we’ve had 401 tested through the public lab: 108 positive, 182 negative and 23 have been recovered. Thera re 303 persons who have self quarantined and 102 completed; 101 monitoring. 

As for the for the nursing homes, Veranda and Windsor Atrium: At Veranda, 14 residents have tested
positive at Windsor we’ve had 5 residents and 3 employees.. I know the order went out yesterday and for the City of Harlingen. I believe it was the day before that they sent out their order and we’re working with the nursing homes to make sure to make sure they implement those measures the other thing I've sent out the notification forms. Several have sent them in and for those of you who have not please do so this.

It is s what i use to determine who I contact before I send out a press release there was a death reported. This individual had been at Veranda and was at the hospital when he did pass away we have another report of one but we are still waiting for lab results to determine the outcome of that one.

The Hospitals:

Valley Baptist Health System - For both hospitals: Valley Baptist Harlingen currently has 16 patients. Of the 16 patients,  2 are in the ICU, both of them are positive. Both patients are intubated. At Valley Baptist, Brownsville, we have a total of 11 patients two of which are positive. One of those patients is in the ICU and intubated and we also have another patient in the nursery that's a newborn. Neither one of those we have tested positive back.

Harlingen Medical Center -We still have three in-house and none of them are intubated. Seven are pending COVID-19 results and we’re also gonna have blood supplies.

Valley Regional Medical Center - At Valley Regional Medical Center we have 4 COVID-19 patients; two of those are vented and we have one PUI ( Person Under Investigation).  We did utilize our
tent yesterday and through the night but very low volume.


Anonymous said...

There’s been a lot of talk (and books) about Donald Trump’s fragile mental health. He’s been diagnosed as, among many things, pathological narcissist, psychopath, and bipolar. Whichever mental illness you choose (believe or don’t believe), the coronavirus has pushed him into a dangerous decompensation.

What is psychological decompensation? Basically, it’s when a mentally-compromised person suddenly faces reality – stripped of the lies and delusions that enabled him to be functional. In other words, Trump’s fantasy world is collapsing – everyone is seeing that the Emperor wears no clothes.

You might think that would make him more fragile? It’s the opposite – he becomes more defiant, more rigid, and more like a boy-king. He further twists time and reality. According to Dr. Bandy X Lee, forensic psychiatrist at Yale School of Medicine and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump:

“As his rallies were canceled, he used daily press conferences for his emotional compulsion to create a desired, alternative reality, through delusional-level distortion and misinformation, rather than saving lives.”

In other words, he reads the script at his television briefings then says whatever he wants as long as he thinks it makes him looks good – truth be damned.

Anonymous said...

y los originals?
los de la san jose
onde andan pasiando ahora

Anonymous said...

Translation: nothing to see here, welcome to Eat Germany!

Anonymous said...

Quedense en la KASA !!! Bola de Indios desobedientes!!

Anonymous said...

Out of 200,000 citizens you've only tested "ONLY" 401 and HALF OF THOSE WERE FOUND POSITIVE!!!!
Shit I'm leaving townn right NOW.

Anonymous said...

texas what you expect pinche hillybilly cowboys hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

I hate Trump!
I hate him so much!
I hate him even more because we can't beat him in an election!
I hate the people that support Trump!
I hate them all because they are hateful people!
Us Democrats are the only good people that are not hateful!

Anonymous said...

is that the best curve you could fine? I've seen better a lot better...

Anonymous said...

How do you "fine and curve"?

Anonymous said...

Bait! guey

Anonymous said...

find so this is a blog you get the mesage guey

Anonymous said...

Iss that I jus got fine by the motocycle gang becasue I was wearing my mask upside down.
