Saturday, April 11, 2020


(Ed's Note: Quick: Do you know of anybody who doesn't know the city [and county] - and entire states - have been under the Stay at Home and Shelter in Place orders going on close to a month? Well, the city, and/or county, in a classic example of redundancy and overkill, has plunked down some good public cash for yard signs to alert wayward residents of this fact.

Why? Perhaps they are erring on the side of caution, or perhaps they thought the warning signs will provide readers a sense of the city's presence in the face of the vie virus threat. Well, it gives city workers something to do now that all the parks are closed and no one should be out there without a good essential reason. Here's an idea.

Why not print flyers and distribute them to the inmates - a captive audience - at the county jails ordering them to "Stay at Home" and "Shelter in Place?" Maybe they haven't heard about it yet.)


Anonymous said...

Our Mayor of San Benito repetitively tell us he Loves us and to shelter in place for our safety. He is protecting us citizens by only allowing us citizens to go to HEB twice a week anything more then that is unacceptable. We follow the rules to the letter no questions asked. Our Mayor on his Facebook Page gives us citizens very very good advice for our safety case he LOVES us and wants us citizens to be Lovable. Thank you HONORABLE MAYOR Benjamin “BEN” Gomez.

Anonymous said...

No one's on the moon, you idiot!

Maybe the couch.

Anonymous said...

They have also placed them around town in Spanish.
The signs say "Bienvenidos a Alemania oriental"

Anonymous said...

Yes, your mayor loves you just Stalin loved the Russians

Anonymous said...

At 11:17 Am. No mames ese Alcalde de san bene es un idiota buffoon. Podresito san benito.

Anonymous said...

And city manager Bernal has been at his home since the beginning while city workers are working out there. Coward Bernal!

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2020 at 11:17 AM

Not to worry there are quite a few idiotas like yourself that adore the local mayor

Anonymous said...

Total Aligment for you, do as I say not as I do. Leaders lead by example, something nonexistent on this municipal government.

Anonymous said...

Didn't clint eastwood stayed at the moon?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from san bene. The pinche Idiota mayor doesn’t pay his city taxes. His excuse I am poor and disadvantaged and I representing all my people. He tells the citizens they act like children and then he preaches Love and unity. What a sorry excuse for a Mayor and an embarrassment to that city. The covid-19 is not the only virus in that city.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the US Constitution? How quick it went away!

Anonymous said...

F&ck the constitution! "As long as I get my stimulus check who gives a sh*t"! Says un pendejo huevon commenter!

Anonymous said...

April 12, 2020 at 11:07 PM
You are so right I just heard that message up north where all the grinogs are on the gimme gimme line about 10 miles long puros huevones pidiches!!
