Saturday, April 11, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Just who are they, how's their health, maybe infected, and are they hungry and need some toiletries to spiff up a bit?

Downtown homeless, transients on the way somewhere else or stranded here are also a factor in the transmission of infection whether from CODIV-19 on any other contagious disease.  This morning District 4 (oops!) city commissioner Ben Neece and two local nurses conducted a census and a health survey of a group downtown that congregates in the area bounded by the Multi-Modal Terminal (los boses) and La Casa del Nylon off Adams Street.

The team surveyed some 20 men and women in the area.

Each was provided with a bag lunch and a bag of toiletries and informed of the city's current disaster declaration rules on being outside for non-essential purposes and the maintaining of social distance.)


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Brownsville Wellness Coalition pays rent to the city for utilizing the Gutierrez warehouse to conduct their business? The same would apply for using the walk/bike trail to sell during Farmers Market. I do hope that they are paying their fair share.

Anonymous said...

Some people won't listen until it hits them.
Then, they blame others, while THEY are the only ones to blame.

Anonymous said...

None of them have Chinese flu, but the Brownsville populace who wash and clean everyday are under house arrest. Makes sense. I need restaurants open Monday please.

Anonymous said...

Who are they? They are your relatives, Montoya!

Anonymous said...


Americans are receiving via direct deposit their first stimulus checks from the Treasury Department sent to help alleviate the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We can confirm that payments are beginning to arrive in some Americans’ accounts," a senior Treasury official told ABC News. "Treasury and the IRS have worked around the clock to get fast and direct economic assistance to hardworking Americans.

Anonymous said...

Se suman entre las víctimas de la vulnerabilidad quienes trabajan para sectores como el del turismo o los restaurantes, y también aquellos individuos que laboran para la comunidad, que sufrirán mucho cuando sus empleos sean considerados prescindibles.

El Covid-19 es clasista porque elige primero a los privilegiados y luego a los desposeídos. Y también porque los primeros cuentan con mejor circunstancia para defenderse en comparación con los segundos.

Anonymous said...

comment @ 3:42 pm.

Ambos se mueren IGUAL. El pobre muere porque su sistema inmunologico es debil; el rico muere por la misma circunstancia solo que el sistema del pobre es por hambre y falta de cuidados (ignorancia) y el rico porque tenia demaciada comida chatarra en su organismo y su sistema estaba igual de mal.
No le da primero a unos y luego a otros. Le da al que no supo cuidar su entorno y creyo que a el/ella no le iba a tocar.

Anonymous said...

I will even Muff dive the homeless during this Pandemic period, and I will bring my own sanitizer claims the Scumbag Renee Oliveira during this crazy curfew

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2020 at 1:58 PM
Shit they don't even pay proerty taxas fool

Anonymous said...

Write it in ingles nobody reads your shit anyway...

Anonymous said...

no pasa nada

Anonymous said...

y nadien lee nada guey

Anonymous said...

Is that da judge with a boom box?
