Monday, April 6, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

There is a telling moment during the press  conference held by Cameron County Eddie Trevino to announce the death of a Cameron County resident after the 81-year-old rest home resident was infected with the COVID-19 virus by an employee.

This follows the death of a Raymondville man in his 60s who was a staff member at the same center.

Today at the press conference, Trevino, almost as an afterthought, revealed that some of the residents that he had reported as testing positive from county cities included the three county employees. The county only gives the residents' age and the city where the individuals live.

"I needed to mention, I forgot. We had three individuals," with the Cameron County Health Department test positive for the coronavirus, Trevino said, and mentioned that it had happened within the last "two or three days" and that the county was taking "All necessary precautions..."

The three workers were now in "quarantine" for observation, he reassured residents. 

Trevino does not say where the county employees lived, where they had come into contact with the virus, nd how long they had gone about performing their duties and visiting other vulnerable populations in rest homes or individuals before they were discovered to be infected.

And how did the county health workers come into contact with the virus and were infected? Were they wearing appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), including face masks, that the county judge "recommended" that all residents in the county should wear??

If so, how did they get infected?

And before it was detected that they were positive for the virus, did the county workers go back to their communities and their families and acquaintances and neighbors and co-workers?

At this rate, if the very employees who are supposed to detect and eliminate the possibility of infections are  in turn getting infected and possibly spreading the virus themselves, it will be a while before the virus stops spreading.

It's no wonder the judge "forgot" to mention it before, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

The Sheriff’s Office has yet to receive hazard pay, yet there was money for a “task force”.

Anonymous said...

Trump is to blame for the country's response. He set the tone and the tone was that America was immune. Trump blew it; we're paying the price.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump reportedly owns a stake in a company that produces hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he has repeatedly touted as a Coronavirus treatment even though his experts say there’s no strong evidence it works.

Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker confirmed.

Anonymous said...

Trump has zero medical experience.

Numerous doctors have repeatedly said that any stories of hydroxychloroquine helping with the coronavirus have been inconsistent, spotty, and anecdotal at best. Experts have frequently warned against the use of an untested drug as both extremely reckless and dangerous.

So who do Right Wingers pay attention to?

Trump has said "What do you have to lose?" But several people have died from hydroxychloroquine overdoses by listening to Trump. The drug is well documented to have dangerous side effects - especially when not understanding the proper dosage needed for treatment. Plus those who have a genuine, proven need for hydroxychloroquine for treating their condition are finding it increasingly hard to find the drug because people are hoarding it all due to Trump touting it as a miracle cure. Not to mention the whole brouhaha over the drug has become a huge distraction to the medical community during a time when they most need to focus.

What is most interesting is how, in such a short time, the Right has become so passionate about the issue - all due to nothing more than Trump's say so. For them, its not simply about finding a cure for the virus. But just because Trump said it was the cure, then that became their new Truth. It is now a point of their dogma that hydroxychloroquine is *definitely* the cure and anyone who says differently are herectics againt the Chosen One! All based on nothing but a rumor Trump read off of Twitter.

It also speaks to Trump's and the Right's desire for miracle cures. No need to wrestle with complex, involved problems when you have magical thinking to give you simple, fast solutions. Just take this one pill and the coronavirus will completely go away and everything will immediately go back to normal. And obviously Trump will earn the Nobel Prize for medicine and be hailed as the savior of the world!

(Oh, and Trump owns stock in the maker of this drug...)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A few observations regarding Bobby Whitman, the seer of Brownsville. While noting in his blog that we all must stay home Bobby tells us he made an essential trip to the swimming pool supply store where he was coughed on by a clerk. Consequently, he told us, he would now be quarantining himself. I note that his quarantine seems to have lasted about a week before he happily took himself to Walmart and who knows where else. Maybe with his expert medical knowledge and superior ability he is able to complete a normal two week quarantine in only one week. However, now we must ask ourselves, regarding Bobby, was his self-perceived need to quarantine a reflection of his need to be a part of what is going on or was there really a reason for him to remain in isolation? Either way, it does not make him look good. If he just needed to imagine that he should be quarantined it demonstrates a delusional need to be among the "elite". If he sincerely believes he was exposed, then he is putting the community a risk. He has been making repeated demands that the mayor close the airport, perhaps he should simply close Bobby's street.

Anonymous said...

No one gives a fuck about Bobby. Or fat people.

Anonymous said...

"the seer of Brownsville" pinche fairy tales de los jotos gringos...

Anonymous said...

Viva Trump.

Saqen Sus cabeza Del #%#%#
