Monday, April 6, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Following the revelation that a 60ish-year-old worker from Raymondville who was a member of the staff at at the Veranda Healthcare & Rehabilitation in Harlingen died yesterday from a COVID-19 infection, a resident at the facility has also died.

Cameron County confirmed that the first COVID-19 related death of a Cameron County resident is a 81-year-old patient at the facility and had been hospitalized at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen.

“We are deeply saddened to learn of this COVID-19 related death” stated Cameron County Judge Treviño Jr. “Our deepest condolences and thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time.

In recognizing the severity of this disease and how critical these next few weeks are going to be, Cameron County is determined to do everything in its power to avoid additional loss of lives to COVID-19. It is imperative that every resident does their part to reduce the spread and avoid putting others at risk.”

The  Veranda Healthcare & Rehabilitation in Harlingen has emerged as another hot zone of COVID-19 contagion as was Rancho Viejo first with its cluster, and now Harlingen with a spike of positive cases.

At Veranda, eleven staff members and 11 residents tested positive, 10 more of each group (20) tested negative and 36 tests are still pending. Who did the 22 in the infected group come into contact with those days before their infection was discovered? The effect, experts say, is exponential. Are there any more nodes out there?

Looks like there are. Some of the staff who tested positive also worked at other adult rehabs and day care facilities as second jobs. That effect is till latent.

Treviño. also announced the extension of  the county's stay-at-home order until April 21.

Yet, Trevino's unpreparedness to handle this crisis locally was evident when - during a press conference - he was unable to say how many beds and ventilators were available to handle a peak infection rate predicted yet to come. He also did not know the current capacity at local hospitals.

Harlingen's Valley Baptist Hospital's CEO Manny Vela had to step in and say that the Texas Dept. of Health was compiling that information as they spoke and hd not performed a full inventory yet.

Given this lack of basic knowledge to confront the crisis at hand, is the authority given to local law enforcement to perform arrests based on the umbrella shelter in place and stay at home powers also overreach?

Along with the extended stay-at-home order, Treviño said he would recommend that all residents wear masks when they leave their homes.

However, this "recommendation" - unlike Starr County, Elsa, Edinburg, and Mission - is not an order.

Treviño warned all businesses and individuals to comply with the social distancing or face serious consequences.

"We're going to find out and we're going to catch you," Treviño said. "And if we have to close you down, we will."


Anonymous said...

Trump can't hand out masks and ventilators without complete chaos, what would he know about medical treatment? Everyday Trump is confronted with his massive failure, his ineffectual leadership. He offers nothing but mindless dithering and wishful thinking. I once heard they used to treat Gonorrhea by giving the patient Malaria then treating the Malaria to cure the Gonorrhea. If someone suggested this to Trump, he would probably be telling everyone to go out and get Gonorrhea.

Anonymous said...

Estar supliendo lo que hace falta: qué privilegio de almas grandes como la de médicos y enfermeras exponiendo la vida, la del sacerdote Italiano que entregó su ventilador a un joven para salvarle la vida, muriendo el primero. Eso explica lo incomprensible del sufrimiento para la razón humana.

Eso le da sentido a lo que parece absurdo a nuestros ojos. Un humanismo, una ética sin fondo religioso es quimera, vana ilusión, ha dicho el mismo Nietzsche.

Anonymous said...

He cares more about catching golfers who are socially distancing and sending deputies after them than getting important details ironed out. He’s arrogant and vindictive and constantly on his rag.

Anonymous said...

La muebleria?

Anonymous said...

Chingen a su madre tu y el Nietzsche... peladito puñetas!

Anonymous said...

HEB closing stores?:

Major supermarket chains are beginning to report their first coronavirus-related employee deaths, leading to store closures and increasing anxiety among grocery workers as the pandemic intensifies across the country.

Go and stock up on the basics, bread, eggs and milk!

Anonymous said...

In Dallas, Texas National Guard deployed to assist with North Texas Food Bank distribution as demand doubles.

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Anonymous said...

I just heard that el mil mascaras is coming to town.

Anonymous said...

Is Treviño’s furniture store still open? Funny how rules only apply to certain businesses.

Anonymous said...

Trevino is not suited to take care of normal business much less a pandemic ... we need better leadership in this county !

Anonymous said...

Another death at Veranda today. And much more to come. Why the hold up with the tests? I commented Sunday and told you that the 60 yr old was an employee. This makes 3 as of today at 9pm. SHUT VERANDA DOWN. !!!!

Anonymous said...

Trevino is a PUNK with an education...just another stupid Mexican.

Anonymous said...

el estupido en: April 7, 2020 at 7:50 AM

el gringo nunca se ve la colla

Anonymous said...

That face mask he's wearing looks like a calzon pendejo
