Monday, April 6, 2020


(Click on graphic to enlarge.)
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Here we go again.

The luminaries at the San Benito City Commission will meet Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building at 401 N. Sam Houston Blvd. to do business. Hopefully they will practice social distancing, or in the local vernacular maintain Susana Distancia.

Foremost among the issues are those brought about by the current COVID-19 crisis relating to the reduction of hours of employment of full-time employees and the furlough (suspension) of part-time workers.

Items 11 and 12 on the city agenda read thusly:

11. Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution Number 2020-0006, a resolution of support regarding reduction of workweek for certain hourly City employees from forty to thirty-two hours per week.

12. Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution Number 2020-0007 a resolution of support regarding issuing furlough for part-time employees.

It is almost a certainty that the commission will pass the two items above given the shelter in place and travel restrictions (stay at home) issued by Gov. Greg abbott and Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino which cover the Resaca City.

But tucked there, in the bottom part of the meeting agenda is a financial Trojan horse that bucks the apparent austerity supported by the commission majority. That item is:

17. Executive Session: a) To deliberate pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074(a)(1), the evaluation of the City Manager.

Now, keep this in mind. If the evaluation given to City Manager Manuel De La Rosa is an above-satisfactory evaluation usually given him by the majority of commissioners - and pushed particularly  by commissioners Carol Lynn Sanchez, and Rene Villafranco - it automatically triggers a nifty $5,000 raise.

Is this the right message to send the residents of San Benito as businesses take the COVID-19 hit, workers are laid off, and the Shelter in Place and Stay at Home orders keep customers out of local businesses?


Anonymous said...

juan its san benito, guess the city commission hoping no one shows up to this meeting.

Anonymous said...

Let the Mexicans gather and let them be infected. San Benito ain't worth a Gringo shit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinche sanbene con sus chingaderas igual que su hermanita brownsville.

Anonymous said...

I am not typically required to file a tax return. Can I still receive my payment?
Yes. The IRS will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 or Form RRB-1099 to generate Economic Impact Payments to recipients of benefits reflected in the Form SSA-1099 or Form RRB-1099 who are not required to file a tax return and did not file a return for 2018 or 2019. This includes senior citizens, Social Security recipients and railroad retirees who are not otherwise required to file a tax return.

Since the IRS would not have information regarding any dependents for these people, each person would receive $1,200 per person, without the additional amount for any dependents at this time.

Anonymous said...

I see less and less stores open down town san bene is that why he got a pay raise? Idiotas

Anonymous said...

San Benito ain't worth a Gringo shit.
What is lower than gringo shit? Coco shit?

Anonymous said...

Only in San Burrito. Pendejos.

A Fecal Matter said...

I wonder if the deadline to submit application to run for office has passed??

Anonymous said...

April 6, 2020 at 7:45 PM

