Six years ago, in 2014, a former San Benito CISD superintendent fired maintenance department director David Garcia.
Following an outcry in the community, the superintendent was replaced and the new one, Antonio Limon, reinstated him.

Garcia, now Building and Grounds Director, has been fired again, this time by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nate Carman, who confirmed the dismissal. In a curt email to board members where Carman does not say whether he had given Garcia the ultimatum of resignation or retirement, Carman informed the members of his decision.
SBCISD Board of Trustees,
I am sending this email to inform you all that I terminated Mr. David Garcia’s employment with the District today. This follows multiple warnings after incidents involving inappropriate procurement practices, lack of inventory control, and attempting to gift public property to an individual.
Mr. Cole will serve as interim and oversee maintenance and his department until a replacement is found.
Dr Nate Carman
None of the above say some local residents.
The charge of "attempting to gift property to a private individual" may come down to past district administrators traditionally allowing local farmers to cut and bale tall grass in district properties and allowing them to keep the hay to feed livestock in return.
When Garia was told the farmers would now have to pay or leave them after having cut and baled the, the bales were left and over time in the field by Veterans Memorial Academy and ended up spoiling for want of a buyer.
They also want to know if Garcia was breaking procurement law did the district file a criminal complaint with the San Benito Police Dept.? If not, why not?
Meanwhile, Carman has ordered an equipment inventory at maintenance in an attempt to buttress his decision to terminate Garcia, a kind of after-the-fact probe to justify his decision.
As is usually happens in these cases, we'll probably get the sordid details in the local courts - including the behind-the-scenes roles of some school board members - and put a a few of teh distrcit's pennies in some lawyers' pockets.
Fox News has moved to dismiss a lawsuit filed by a Washington state group accusing the network of "deceptive" coronavirus coverage by arguing that the First Amendment protects "false" and "outrageous" speech.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. A-ha ha ha.
Nice admission!
Isn’t this Limon guy the one that also reinstated the City of San Benito’s current Mayor when he was fired for Domestic Violence a few years back ?
Lol!!! The only thieves here are the “ Rat pack” also known as Pappas sin huevos and his puppets. You want to talk about bid rigging? Look into the construction contract for the HR building that was “Given” to a camoté of Trustee Mendez without putting it out to bid!! Look into all the roofs being replaced by an east Texas company owned by a “ friend” of the current puppet, I mean superintendent. Multi million dollar contract again with no bids. It’s simple math. The 40 million dollar bond is about to start funding the PAC and the Aquatic Center and Garcia was in the way. So you fire the director over chewing gum in class or whatever BS you can dig up and now there’s no one there to over see the construction because the intrum is to busy trying to play catch up, the superintendent says “don’t worry, I’ll get Joseph Palacios aka Brighton group( Bigger Rata) to over see the projects. Palacios disperses the checks accordingly to the “Rat Pack” and all is right in the world of San Benidiots . But one simple call to the FBI this morning, and obviously they can neither confirm or deny that they are already on top of this once they are done with PUB and Not so Noble ( Biggest Ratas) 1.3 million dollar weekend plush account. Pinche BOLA DE RATAS!!!!
San Bene AGAIN wow closing in on Brownsville where the biggest RATAS reside...
The city and the school district is a cesspool of humanity...a city where almost everyone has a Lone Star card and a school full of thugs and punks, male and female. Without a doubt, it is one of the worst places in Cameron County to work.
I don't understand what the problem is, this is the Valley way of business.
Meanwhile, BISD is hiring
juan remember the motto here in the valley; el que no transa, no avanza.
Pura pinche rata de dos patas, ya Es epidemia de ratas.
ese pinche alcalde buffoon de san bene esta bien pobresito que no puede pagar sus empustos. No vale madre con sus pinche zapatos orinados.
El Cheque biene en tortuga las lastima.
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