(Ed.'s Note: With more than $150 million collected from higher utility rates since 2013 to build the Tenaska Power Plant-to Nowhere, PUB has deigned to suspend utility disconnects and suspension of payments until after the COVID-19 crisis. However, the total payment will still be required to be paid once it's over.
On the other hand, Florida Power & Light - which doesn't have this cushion paid by ratepayers - are passing off lower-than projected costs of fuel the utility buys to fuel its plants in the form of bill reductions. PUB also has lower fuel costs, and what are they doing for their rate holders? Giving its executives pay raises?)
By Ron Hurtibise
The South Florida- Sun-SentinelCash-strapped Florida households will have a few extra dollars to spend after paying their May power bills.
State utility regulators have approved Florida Power & Light’s bid to give customers a nearly 25 percent discount off electricity consumed in May, the utility announced Tuesday.
The reduction reflects lower-than-projected costs of fuel the utility buys to fire power generation plants throughout its service area. FPL, the state’s largest investor-owned utility, serves about 5 million customers, or 10 million people, along Florida’s eastern and southwestern coasts.
A typical household that consumes about 1,000 kWh of electricity per month will pay $73.36 for its service during May, FPL’s statement said. Normally that bill would be $96.04. Households that use more power will see bigger savings.
Fuel cost savings will also be passed along to customers of three other investor-owned utilities in the state, according to a statement from the Florida Public Service Commission.
They are Duke Energy Florida, Gulf Power Company and Tampa Electric Company. Discounts for Duke and Gulf customers will be applied to May bills, while Tampa Electric customers will see reduced costs from June to December, the PSC said.
Most years, any fuel cost savings are spread across several months, FPL said. But this year, the utility sought approval for a one-time reduction to provide financial help for customers affected by the coronavirus crisis.
Most years, any fuel cost savings are spread across several months, FPL said. But this year, the utility sought approval for a one-time reduction to provide financial help for customers affected by the coronavirus crisis.
To read rest of story, click on link: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-bz-fpl-25-percent-discount-request-approved-20200428-pbhivoskcjdovkg77tbvakbaqy-story.html
Where the fuck is Alex Dominguez, our state rep? He could be raising Hell in Austin about this, as could the Lucio cartel!
PUB has been mismanaged for over 10 yrs I knew an ex pub board member and he told me that their is a lot of side perks for board members and city commissioners coming from PUB and rate payers.John Bruziak needs to go! hey John tell the rate players about those credit cards that get used by the board that no accountability hmmmm.Pub wines and dines everybody but hey city rate payers it's ok it's only your money.
This pricing situation isn't a State issue for Alex Dominguez to fight. It is a local issue because P.U.B. is a city entity and it is a city problem. The Mayor seems distant from this issue...maybe his only knowledge of electricity is that he needs to turn on the switch for the lights to go on. This is a city problem that has been getting worse and languishing for years. We lack a Mayor with the huevos to take a leadership role and so the thugs at P.U.B. continue to exercise their corrupt measures that continue to raise prices of power in this poor community and they do that without a heart.
Texas has a utilities regulatory agency.
Alejandro is with his own kind LOS GRINGOS pinche mamon...
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