Thursday, April 23, 2020


“Brownsville ISD is preparing a soft opening of our school district to complete the school year,” said Dr. René Gutiérrez, superintendent of schools for Brownsville Independent School District... “I will be submitting, in writing, to the principals the procedures for a soft opening of campuses and to also ensure that COVID-19 precautions are in place for the safety and well-being of everyone.”

The timeline to begin the soft opening of all schools will be between May 4 through May 11. BISD will continue distance learning through online and printed instructional packets for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year.

In the coming weeks, teachers and staff will have a voluntary opportunity to go to their classrooms for video instruction, complete the school year, and prepare for upcoming events."

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Even though Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has cancelled classes and ordered the closing of schools throughout Texas, Brownsville Independent School District under the leadership of board president Minerva Pena announced it is planning a "soft opening" starting May 4 where " teachers and staff  will have a voluntary opportunity" to go to the very campuses closed by the governor.

There, the BISD announcement continued, they can "go to their classrooms for video instruction, complete the school year and prepare for upcoming events" on May 4.

They can do so "voluntarily," the BISD announcement by Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez stated. 

The question running through the teachers and staff is: If they fear that they will be infected by COVID-19 which could then be taken back into their homes and infect their families, will their non-attendance be taken into account by the BISD administration and board?

Remember, BISD is doing this despite the governor's order that "school classrooms are closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year."

This is not the first time that the BISD has been at loggerheads with other elected officials. The BISD board legal counsel has stated in the past that the Stay at Home and Shelter in Place orders issued by Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino and Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez did not apply to the district. That argument was blown out of the water when Abbott backed them and closed the schools.

Some educators who have heard Pena say that she thinks the COVID-19 crisis is a hoax that has been manufactured by the medical profession to enrich themselves. Now as the district makes plans for the "soft opening" of schools despite the governor's orders to shut down the schools, will state officials stand by idly and allow it?


Anonymous said...

Montoya, she right that it is a hoax! The deaths are faked and they died of other causes. Trump, Abbott and King Trevino are puppets and don't know the damage it will cause to the enocomy, but don't worry! The Government will come to the rescue with a new one world Order and digital money will replace the paper money! Please people wake up before its to late!

Anonymous said...

BISD is a run-away train that somebody needs to stop and make it permanent once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Define "voluntary "

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya,

I write you out of desperation. Scott Steinbeck, the managing editor of the McHale report and a colleague, is running the publication straight to the ground. Where once there was a variety of content to read, he has now relegated it to regurgitation of old stories, pornography, bashing Trump or a combination of the latter two. How many times can someone see a hairy bush or long turd without saying “basta ya!”

As reported yesterday by our founder and publisher, Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully, the end is nigh. I have been killed off before only to resurrect stronger and better. My bubbly and carefree attitude is not your style, but I have marched with residents of Fronton, kept abreast of local politics, and occasionally indulged in historical pieces.

Consider allowing me to contribute to your longstanding and highly respected publication.

Humbly yours,
Anna Pistolera

Anonymous said...

Time to drug-test some BISD leaders!

Anonymous said...

Pinche, Minerva! She is probably using her old nalga-tight DPS uniform as a hoax to be able to run around the "shelter-in-place" regulation. I bet her husband is praying that the order would be lifted so he can get her out of his hair and ears! Pobre vato, esa vieja no se calla el osico! Corte el pelo, vieja bruja con cuernos! Now with Syliva under real arrest, she is going wild by herself doing what she wants y el menso de Gutierrez esta igual de tonto.

Teachers, do not risk going out and bringing it back to your children. We appreciate everything that you are already doing for our children and have shown us just how much you love our children. Your phone calls are always welcomed, as rest assure, I will never criticize a teacher again. I now see what they go through on a day to day bases and as a parent thank you so much for your efforts. My children love their teachers and if they could, they'd spend hours with them on the phone cause they miss them so much. I never
realized just how much our kids love their teachers.

Anonymous said...

The United States now claims nearly one-third of the world’s COVID-19 cases, making it the center of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of leaning on the World Health Organization for support, last week President Trump announced that he would be halting the U.N. agency’s funding, accusing it of bungling its early response to the coronavirus.

“This is lunacy. Truly,” responded Jeremy Konyndyk, a policy fellow at the Center for Global Development who previously served as the director of USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, where he coordinated the country’s humanitarian responses to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, and the war in Syria. He also served on a WHO advisory group to rethink the agency’s responses to outbreaks and emergencies.

Over the past few months, he has emerged as a leading critic of the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Intelligencer spoke to Konyndyk about Trump’s WHO announcement, the reemergence of a theory that the virus may have leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, and what he thinks is the biggest global health concern on the horizon.

Can you outline your frustrations with the Trump administration’s pause on WHO funding?

First off, the decision to pause funding to the organization that is coordinating the global fight against a pandemic in the middle of a pandemic is hugely damaging. If they do move forward with fully cutting off funding, that doesn’t just disrupt COVID response; it disrupts a lot of different things the U.S. government relies on WHO to do, like polio eradication, or cholera in Yemen, or extinguishing the Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo. The fact that the U.S. didn’t need to deploy a massive Ebola response effort in eastern Congo, like we did to West Africa in 2014, is a direct outflow of our investment in WHO’s emergency capacity. If we undermine those investments, then that just puts more work on our plate.

Trump is clueless, way over his fake hair head.

Anonymous said...

This is the worst leadership I have ever encountered at BISD. This man is an embarrassment to the community and I don’t even know how he ended up in BISD. I heard Edinburg was so happy to get rid of him. In November we need a new board and a new superintendent.
Nobody will force me to go to work under this global pandemic!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mejor, Mejora, Mejoral

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of tontos!can somebody explain to them that this school year was over a month ago.

Anonymous said...

She still thinks the world is flat like her brain. BISD what you expect?

Anonymous said...

While I agree that isn’t a verysmart decision, it does not violate the governor’s order.

Anonymous said...

selected list of groceries and essentials, such as dairy, meat, produce, beer, wine and more.

So why they closed all cantinas if beer and wine are on the list of essentials pinche pendejos better open the cantinas and not the parks, parks are NOT essential.

Anonymous said...

dont put this on her
it was the superintendant that made the call

Anonymous said...

voluntary: verb meaning lambiscon/a:
also to see and be with significant other

the unions will defend the teachers it shall remain voluntary

Anonymous said...

bunch of idiots, board and administration.

Anonymous said...

Stop electing self serving babosos—they don’t care about you..THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who does Pena listen to, obviously not the Governor

Anonymous said...

She talks to the toilet

Anonymous said...

The school board can override the superintendent! They have done it before, and if they don’t, it is because they want this also! If one employee gets sick, or someone in their family gets sick, I hope they can live with themselves because this is totally unnecessary!

Anonymous said...

Doctors' hilarious replies to Trump's suggestion that bleach might cure

Just looping back on this bleach, Sir.
1. What volume of domestos should be injected?
2. With what frequency?
3. Intravenous, intramuscular, intrathecal or subcutaneous?
4. Can you post a video of yourself receiving the inaugural dose?

Or maybe that idiota that keeps defending this clown can be the initial pichon and volunteer to take the dosage his king suggested - how'bout it estupido racist republican.

The BISD board should be the first to do this type of testing since the world is flat like their brains.

Anonymous said...

6:09 - the superintendent no tiene cojones. He does nothing on his own cause he does not know how to make intelligent decisions.

7:51 - Minerva listens to God, or so she claims! I wonder if she is still in contact with her SPA. I wonder if she meets secretly with her wherever she is now? Minerva doesn't even listen to herself cause she is a chattering boom box de puras mentiras y cree que con meter a Dios, todos se creen. Open up the beauty shops so she can go get her pinche fleco cut off.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that all the negative comments come from Erasmo Castro's page. Those idiots that follow him think his and his nephews word is Bible. They are the most inept individuals that don't seem to thoroughly read the information sent from the governor's office. It is shocking how poeple will believe anything that comes from that man's mouth. He is beyond ignorant. How he can call himself a pastor or preacher is astonishing!

Anonymous said...

11:07am you have the floor enlighten us. Dale gas

Anonymous said...

I guess writers in your blog don't listen either.
NO STUDENTS will return to school. Teachers may go back to their classrooms on a voluntary basis.
BEFORE the schools were closed, custodians would be cleaning with clorox and water twice a day.
Trevino put out a new order, starting tomorrow, Saturday, you can go fishing, you can go to the ramp, you can go to the beach. KEEP SOCIAL DISTANCING, use your mask and stop complaining. You DONT have to go out if you don't feel safe. HEB and Walmart have delivery services, CVS and Walgreens have delivery services, restaurants have delivery services.
Brownsville is such a horrible place to live because it's very compadre, very "mexican"; move to Houston, San Antonio, Austin, or even better, NEW YORK or FLORIDA and leave us "pobrecitos pendejos" to suffer.
When you don't provide a solution to a problem, you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

6:09.... are you Minerva’s lawyer or upper administration protector. Maybe you don’t know that the board is the boss of the superintendent

Anonymous said...

Board Member Pena ordered the Superintent. She thinks its a hoax. Los Fresnos Superintendent is worse. He is forcing everyone to go or else no pay starting next week. If an employee gets covid-19 and infects call Board Member Pena to respond. In Los Fresnos, call Board Members.

Anonymous said...

folks its very simple at the next BISD school board elections kick everyone on the board out and we can start all over again until those that come in get poisoned too. happens every time, all of them are there to serve themselves, nothing to do with the kids? Puro pedo.

Anonymous said...

Please do not elect erasmo castro into the the board again. He is a public nuisance that forgets he voted for almost every recommendation unanimously in favor of. His sheep seem to forget, the only thing he was good for was taking pictures with students. He is an idiot.

SandyG17 said...

I am in disbelief that people are still under the impression that the COVID-19 is a HOAX. It is not fake news or the governments attempt to cause the collapse of our economy. The truth is COVID-19 is the real deal and people are dying into complications caused by the virus and most likely because of pre existing health issues that these individuals most likely had. The virus is extremely contagious and it needs to be taken seriously. I know of several close friends and relatives of close friends who have either recovered from the virus or lost their battle with the virus, middle aged in good health and also elderly. This virus does not discriminate.

Anonymous said...

Bandy or Glock?
