Saturday, May 30, 2020




Anonymous said...

We need to be more involved great job GRACIAS

Anonymous said...

You gonna kill me you gonna kill me you gonna kill me you gonna kill me! Heard that before.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that's in some abandoned alley. Give location, reporter!

Anonymous said...

Where are the tributes of the people Brownsville police have killed unjustly?

Anonymous said...

Funny, ironic.
When a police officer is killed his comrades and peers donate money and payoff his widow's mortgage/ kid's college.
Now a criminal died and the other criminals are out looting and breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain how taking a case of beer from a looted store is considered a protest? While someone burns your business down should they protest as well, by pouring gas on the fire, so they can say I feel your pain. If you don't understand that this country is loss, start drinking it will help you to not feel the pain when they come to get you for not wearing a mask.

Anonymous said...

I hear there is a cop with notches on his pistola and nobody says nothing...

Anonymous said...

Interesting because, according to the last census, only .59% of the Brownsville population is black. In my 30 years here, every black person I met said that they felt uncomfortable and "looked down upon" by the the other residents, mostly Hispanics. Whether they had a job at the college or worked for a business, even one was a dentist, they said that their skin color excluded them from friendships, social circles, and dating and they always felt like an outsider or worse. They didn't last long in Brownsvile and soon left for more accepting places. More than likely the new census will reveal an even lower percentage than the one 10 years ago. This "tribute" on an alley wall is a joke - Brownsville needs to get over their ingrained prejudice based on light vs dark skin (which is applied even when judging other Hispanics). Act like a human in your everyday encounters!

Anonymous said...

When your ethnic group is looted, loot back.

Anonymous said...

Artist looking for 5 minutes

Anonymous said...

Is there anything at this point holding back from going back to 100%? Were wearing masks inside our own vehicles while we drive by ourselves as the world burns.

Anonymous said...

Most White people I know believe that black lives matter. They will tell you they voted for Obama twice. They cannot stand Donald Trump. They are enraged by police brutality. These are the white people I want to speak to: Your anger and sadness about the big things are meaningless if you choose to do nothing about the small things you have control over.

Words matter. Express your outrage. It makes me feel supported. If you don't know what to say, say so. Share something that someone else has written that you agree with. For the sake of Black lives, don't be silent. White silence is deafening. I might assume you care, but I will also assume you do not care enough to resist publicly. Perhaps you worry about your colleagues or friends who might think differently, a family member who is a police officer, or others on social media who might "attack" you. Put your concerns in perspective. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, among many others, were attacked and lost their lives because of the silence of good white people.

Actions matter. Don't just talk, act. Check out the actions that white people have already compiled for their peers. What I want to do here is draw your attention to similarities between three very mundane actions of white people that perpetuate modern-day lynching without requiring a knee on the neck, a chokehold, or a loaded gun. These types of everyday actions of white people make it difficult for my community to breathe.

1. The failure to humanize black people.

Intellectually, you may know we are people. Practically, we aren't full people to you; people with names, joys and worries, families and friends. You see us only when you fetishize or tokenize us, need to build your "woke" credentials or because you perceive us as a threat. You do not think of us as people. In my graduate school years, I was often referred to as "the black girl in Carrie's cohort," or "the black girl in Gilbert's cohort."

I know these people will not murder a black man, but how they see us is a manifestation of white supremacy. It is the same inability to truly humanize black people that we see play out in violence against us.

2. The automatic presumption of guilt.

You are black, therefore you cheated, you stole, you are lying. A community collaborator has been overwhelmed distributing everything from food to diapers during this pandemic. He forgot that he had cashed an institutional check, so he emailed to inquire. Instead of emailing him back directly with a copy of the cashed check to remind him or alert him in case someone else cashed the check, I, as his supervisor, received an email that was essentially reporting his behavior as suspicious.

Black people, like Mexicans, are not given the benefit of doubt.

Anonymous said...

The whole state of Texas should pay attention to these warnings. Cameron county along has had many of these called instances, but they always use the immunity defense. The bullshit of corruption in the law enforcement needs to stop. In Cameron county along we have heard of such incidents, but the judges and the local political officials have always claimed immunity. Keep a close eye Omar Lucio, because you never know when and who is observing such corruption.

Anonymous said...

Fire, pestilence and a country at war with itself: the Trump presidency is over

You’d be forgiven if you hadn’t noticed. His verbal bombshells are louder than ever, but Donald J Trump is no longer president of the United States.

By having no constructive response to any of the monumental crises now convulsing America, Trump has abdicated his office.

He is not governing. He’s golfing, watching cable TV and tweeting.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what my gf was telling me last night,
in all seriouness cops do it because there is no accountablility and they themselves will tell you that. Here in tx the rangers are the seal of approval and every cop knows it.

Anonymous said...

Just do what the cop says.

Anonymous said...

Wheres the mural for Anguiano and Caraveo and all other iraqi freedom casualties from Brownsville?
Oh y'all forgot already huh

Anonymous said...

law enforcement jobs are loaded with drug traffickers, sadist, psychos....those locos should be removed.....hopefully in a few years psychological testing will advance to also remove dishonest ones too....we may as well give up on law enforcement as we have it's too laden with nepotism and politics and heavy overweight egg suckers...Lord help us

Anonymous said...

Immediate death penalty w/o trial for anyone caught looting and otherwise causing mayhem. Shoot to kill standing order.

Anonymous said...

Why were there not riots after the FEDS killed the children in Waco years ago?Wait that was under Clinton.

Anonymous said...

‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’
‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’ ‘Stop Killing Us!’

Anonymous said...

This country has failed to provide one of the most fundamental protections in the Constitution: the right to life.

Anonymous said...

Lawmakers Begin Bipartisan Push to Cut Off Police Access to Military-Style Gear

Anonymous said...

Didn’t some unarmed young man in San Benito get shot and killed by police a year or two ago? As I recall no officer was held accountable for the actions they took and all were no-billed by a grand jury. The young man’s last word are chilling (Are you gonna kill me Are you gonna kill me Are you gonna kill me) and sure enough he was killed. Ricardo Trevino lll was his name.

Anonymous said...

your artwork looks pathetic. you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Great work of art it addresses the intellectuals of all time and angers the morons of all time. Again great work of art. THANK YOU


Anonymous said...

At 12:49 you are 100% correct.

Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous this racist crap. The black folk are not the only ones who get discriminated it can be white,black,mexican,asian,india and so on. Its no wonder this black folk have a reputation look at their behavior burning business vehicles and stealing that ain't solving anything your just getting more of a bad rap. With all do respect RGV the valley has nothing to do what happened to this individual in Minneapolis. Please drive yourselves to Minneapolis and do your protest in Minneapolis. LET JUSTICE TAKE CARE OF IT

Anonymous said...

George Floyd...committed a HOME INVASION and RAPED a woman. George Floyd did 5 years in the pen. Karma will always get you...

Anonymous said...

Which george floyd? the white one or the black one? at: June 5, 2020 at 11:24 AM

Anonymous said...

