Thursday, May 7, 2020



Anonymous said...

Compare those stats to our DWIs. We do NOT have a Covid-19 problem!

Anonymous said...

Juan, i still think its way too early to open up everything, hope i am wrong but i see a spike in the number of cases on this coronavirus covid-19 sate wide and cases numbers just keep going up and up and will harm a lot more people before it decreases.

Anonymous said...

Medical experts said we needed to cease all non-essential activity for two (2) weeks or millions might die. That was in March. Americans dug in for a rough bump but said "We can do this."

Now the intoxication of power has our various governments believing they have the right to tell us who can stay in business and who must starve. As supply chains are interrupted, and then collapse, we are going to find out how well the "invisible hand" of a free market actually worked, and how useless are government bureaucracies that do not produce milk, or bread, or meat, or anything of value at all.

PUB is not the societal problem here; it's fucking poverty.

Stop going out for fast food; cook your own fuckin' chicken!!!

Anonymous said...

There is still no plan for the end of the coronavirus crisis, for all intents and purposes.

In theory, the lockdowns were designed to slow the spread of the disease to give us time to catch up and prepare for what would happen when restrictions were relaxed. In the month since, we’ve had a lot more action at the state and local level, though that action has moved in different directions at once — Los Angeles rolling out free universal testing and Massachusetts building out a contact-tracing army while Texas reopens dangerously close to its own peak and Georgia leans into its own coronavirus surge.

That disarray is because, in the White House and throughout the federal government, there is still nothing like a vision or concerted effort to coordinate a national response. On Tuesday, it was even reported that Trump was disbanding the coronavirus task force, though on Wednesday he somewhat walked that back on Twitter in a thread that was really more a self-congratulations on a job very well done. Thursday, the Associated Press reported that guidelines prepared by the CDC to inform state and local officials in managing their own re-openings were abruptly shelved, with agency scientists told the plan “would never see the light of day.”

So, how well have we done? Well, abysmally.

Anonymous said...

The document stated Villalobos suffers from hypothyroidism, GERD, high cholesterol, kidney stones, arthritis, and that he was recently diagnosed with hypertension

Anonymous said...

This is less than a quarter of a percent of the population that has been tested. 0.0025! Unacceptable. There is no way to know how bad of a problem we have with so little testing. Then we have fools interpreting what this mean to our health. It mean nothing.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of choice. Don't want to go out? Don't, let the rest of us go back to work!

Anonymous said...

The world has watched in horror as an American president acts not as the leader of the free world but as a quack apothecary recommending unproven “treatments.” It has seen what “America First” means in practice: don’t look to the United States for help in a genuine global crisis, because it can’t even look after itself.

Once there was the United States of the Berlin airlift. Now there is the image of the USS Theodore Roosevelt crippled by the virus, reports of the administration trying to take exclusive control of a vaccine being developed in Germany, and federal intervention to stop the commercial sale of personal protective equipment to Canada. The world has been turned on its head.

Anonymous said...

Mchale praises trevino but cameron county has more than half of all the cases and more deaths than the rest of the valley combined.

Anonymous said...

Now that the valet for Pres. Trump has tested positive, Trump and Pence have been exposed, so they, too, must be placed under quarantine for 14 days - lock them up! That means Nancy Pelosi will be President for at least 14 days!
Lock them up, lock them up!

Anonymous said...

You know how manny deaths you have, that is known.

What else do you need, if anything , more testing will uncover more cases, most asymptomatic and the death rate will be even smaller. Basic math, folks, science.

Stop freaking out and looking for excuses to justify your pessimistic attitude.

Anonymous said...

With DWI you get a headache (hangover) with the virus you get Death. YOur choice. A funeral cost runs your family about 15 to 20,000 dollars, unless they cremate your ass and that's about 750 with your ashes in a brown paper bag. City commissioners don't want you to use plastic bags. You can have your service under a mesquite tree and it could be free but the city (again) has to issue you a permit and that takes weeks, and that will cause a big stinking smell. Don't want to do that.

Anonymous said...

At least we're number ONE on something.
