Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

This has been - to understate it  - a most peculiar election cycle.

It's not only a presidential election year, but it has also been a prolonged primary election period for both the Democrats and Republicans in Cameron County.

It is also the longest period between the primary and runoff elections most observers can remember.

The parties' primaries were held March 3 and the runoffs were originally planned for May 26. The came the COVID-19 and everything went to hell in a voting basket. 

And the eight candidates who emerged as the leading contenders for four positions saw the period lengthened from May 23 to June 14 by a proclamation issued March 20, by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott due to the spread of COVID-19. Now on Monday Abbott issued a proclamation to increase the early voting in those runoff elections to begin on June 29 instead of July 6.

The candidates in the Democratic Party runoffs for county sheriff are incumbent Omar Lucio and former district clerk Eric Garza, Gabriela “Gabby” Garcia and Helen Delgadillo the 138 state District Court, and - surprise of all surprises - the runoff for state senator District 27 between incumbent Eddie Lucio Jr. and Sara Stapleton Barrera.

There is even a runoff between two Republicans for Cameron County Constable Precinct 1.That runoff is between incumbent Pedro Delgadillo and Norman Esquivel Jr. 

The proclamation stated that Abbott extended the early voting period so election officials can implement proper health protocols. The early voting period will run from June 29 through July 10.

“It is necessary to increase the number of days in which polling locations will be open during the early voting period, such that election officials can implement appropriate social distancing and safe hygiene practices.”


Anonymous said...

Trump has faced plenty of criticism from Democrats throughout the coronavirus pandemic — including for his refusal to wear a mask.

But according to a new survey, even most Republicans think Trump and Vice President Mike Pence should sport face coverings when traveling in public. It’s a rare point of bipartisan consensus during a public health crisis that’s become deeply politicized.

Whether encouraging a rapid economic reopening or excoriating China for mishandling the initial outbreak, GOP lawmakers and leading party figures have largely fallen in line with the administration’s coronavirus messaging as Trump seeks to engineer a financial recovery and salvage his reelection campaign.

On the issue of masks, however, more than 70 percent of respondents in a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll to be published Wednesday say that when Trump and Pence travel, they should wear face coverings in public places. Concurring with that position are 82 percent of Democrats, 70 percent of independents and 58 percent of Republicans.

Only 12 percent say the president and vice president should not wear masks in public places, and 17 percent say they do not know or have no opinion.

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio is the Joe Cocker of local politics!

Anonymous said...

Why "understate" it? Bad use of terminology.

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for Republicans to speak out against Trump and his bigoted rhetoric.

Trump’s long history of making offensive remarks, which culminated Monday when he told CBS News’ Weijia Jiang, who is of Asian descent, to “ask China” her question about the coronavirus.

Trump’s Republican Party has become numbed to its party leader’s daily outrages — the racist attacks, the 18,000 lies (and counting), the petty insults, the breaches of constitutional norms, and the gross incompetence that has worsened the covid-19 crisis in the United States and has driven America to the edge of a depression.

If Democrats win back the White House and control of the Senate in 2020, much of that will be because black and Hispanic voters continue to reject Republican candidates.

Anonymous said...

I wish the Democrats win the election in November because I'm tired of them whining. Not really. I'm just kidding. I enjoy their constant whining.
TRUMP 2020!
