Wednesday, May 13, 2020


By Sharon LaFramiere
New York Times

WASHINGTON — A federal judge overseeing the criminal case of President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn opened the door late Tuesday for legal experts and other outside parties to oppose the Justice Department’s motion to drop the case, suggesting he has at least some skepticism about the government’s argument that Mr. Flynn should never have been charged.

In a brief order, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia said he would set a schedule for outside parties to present arguments about the government’s request to dismiss the case. 

He did not directly address the Justice Department’s motion to drop the charge, but legal experts said he appeared open to considering not only the department’s arguments but also those who have challenged its move as politically motivated.

The judge’s order is the latest twist in a high-profile criminal case that has provoked widespread criticism of Attorney General William P. Barr and has renewed questions about political influence over the Justice Department. 

In an extraordinary move last week, federal prosecutors asked Judge Sullivan to throw out their case against Mr. Flynn for lying to F.B.I. agents, two and a half years after he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of making false statements to federal authorities.

None of the line prosecutors who worked on the case signed the motion, and one withdrew from the case. Mr. Trump has repeatedly called for Mr. Flynn’s exoneration, saying he was the victim of biased and vindictive F.B.I. agents.

Judge Sullivan has some limited discretion to decide whether to accept the Justice Department’s decision to abandon the case. In announcing his intention to consider briefs from outsiders, known as amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” the judge raised fears among Mr. Flynn’s allies that he may not yet be in the clear.

“The judge can pretty much do anything he wants,” said Michael Ledeen, a historian and friend who co-wrote Mr. Flynn’s 2016 book “The Field of Fight.” Everyone in Mr. Flynn’s circle, he said, is waiting “till the judge rules.”


Anonymous said...

"It isn't over until the fat lady sings", the fat lady in this case being the judge. This particular judge is very much a political partisan and have overstepped his authority in this case. Ethic complaints have been filled against the judge for his latest action. A Federal Judge does have limit and constraint on his/her power and cannot act contrary to either the law or the Federal Rules of Procedure.

Keep you eye on the ball. The superseding fact in this case is the DOJ has refused to prosecute this case and the judge cannot prosecute the case on his own. The case is over and dead, no matter how hard the judge or Trump Haters try and squeeze one last dying squeal from it.

Anonymous said...

Flynn pleaded guilty "twice" to these charges. What does that tell you? A general pleading guilty to anything is news; this one is Bog News. He said he was GUILTY, people!

Anonymous said...

Does it matter?

Anonymous said...


Ruben Sanchez said...

I like the way some are JUDGE AND JURY. Flynn is a DEMOCRAT. Was under the BHO Admin. Was about to AUDIT and Investigate both the EYE AGENCIES. Along with Patreus, had damaging evidence against the O ADMIN. FLYNN knew what was going on with the Clinton Foundation, the QUID PRO QUO. He than joined the TRUMP CAMPAIGN and was let go. The FISA court investigated under FALSE pretenses.Judge Sullivan was APPT by Bill Clinton. So now Sullivan is trying to destroy Flynn when the FISA court couldnt. It will NOT END WELL for those involved.
