By Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully
The FBI ain't takin' no shit
from the scoundrels at PUB:
"You've been cheatin' & stealin'
& raisin' fee after fee."
D.A. Saenz is pointing his finger
cause he knows somethin's wrong.
And he ain't interested
in Bruciak's same ol' song.
"Soupy" Saenz & "Goofy" Garcia
are slitherin' into the tall grass.
They're shakin' & tremblin'
cause Montoya's after their ass.
The Brownsville Herald wants to know
who snuck away with the one million,
but all the board members can do
is offer excuses by the billion.
Bruciak, Saenz & Garcia
are pocketing our cash.
They have lost touch with reality.
Have they been smokin' too much hash?
Everybody recognizes
it's a corrupt institution.
After the Tenaska fiasco,
PUB owes us restitution.
Bruciak serves the haves
and we're the have-nots.
On a hot summer day
a dead man rots.
We're sick & tired
of being whipped like dogs.
You can rule from your pigsty
but don't treat us like hogs.
It's time for the commission
to put PUB in its place.
But you can't make somethin' pretty
that's got an ugly face.
We must clean house
and run these rats out of town.
We're done with the circus
and Bruciak the clown.
To the treacherous trio,
PUB belongs to us.
We've paid for your tickets.
Now get on the next bus.
Will things ever change
at PUB?
We can still protest.
It's up to you & me.
When a blogger turns to poetry, he ain't got shit to say.
The grid is in distress during summer and demanding more energy from everyone working at home and they give no “real” incentive for renewable energy. They need to pay up like real utility companies do. Pero Nambe estos mamones salen con pendejadas. My friends with PG&E in Cali get cut a check at the end of the month for all the electricity they are putting back into the grid that their home over produces. Pero estos pendejos? no!!! They don’t want to reimburse you for shit when you bought the solar equipment and they are benefitting by putting electricity back in grid and it didn’t cost them squat! It cost you and they don’t want to reimburse you???? The city of Brownsville needs to have these incentives for people who want to completely get off the grid. Making energy to back into the grid with equipment they didn’t purchase nor maintain is a win for them pero bien idiotas mamones robones!!!! Pay up!!!! People need to start filing lawsuits on the city and these PUB punk robones!!!! Que mamones!!! El Paso to Cali doesn’t do this shit like these robones. They pay it up culeros cause they know it’s a win to put energy back in the grid on equipment they aren’t maintaining and paying for!!!!!
McHale is a wannabe in the worst way. Hack with no substance...
As of Tuesday afternoon, Texas had 40,555 confirmed coronavirus cases and 1,117 deaths.
I’m most concerned about elected officials playing politics with this pandemic. The White House frames this debate as between opening up the economy vs believing public health experts. That’s a false dilemma. We do not have to accept thousands of deaths as inevitable, nor do we need to accept skyrocketing unemployment. The governor needs to have the political will to invest significant resources in the public health infrastructure of Texas.
Doing so will save lives and our economy at the same time.
What has El Paya Jerry ever done for Brownsville?
Al Pinche Tanque Cabrones.
FBI = Fucking Bunch of Idiots!
looks like the trio from Pep Boys
Not only thieves...them at home or in their office hiding behind their wife's skirt or their desk,while the rest of workers exposing themselves in the frontlines. While HEB can give a $2 raise and BISD can give an extra raise. What happen to PUB employees in the frontline, Don't get a penny raise.
That white boy is shill along with his two Fat ass lovers.,when FBI finds you guys are dirty and to the big house you go words of wisdom don't drop the soap!lol
He dropped the soap a long time ago maricon gringo.
Y el cheque donde esta Pat?
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