Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Sure enough.

Just as many observers warned that the "'soft opening" of Brownsville Independent School District schools might result in COVID-19 infections, it has come true.

The letter at right written by BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez informs staff that the school will close between May 26 through May 29.

With BISD board president Minnie Pena saying that the virus crisis is a hoax, it it any wonder that her minions continue to support her asking for "voluntary'" staff participation in development meetings at the district's various campuses?

We wonder whether the infected staff person's family and friends (and co-
workers) appreciate the 14-day mandatory self-quarantine. The only saving grace to this is that the students are not at school yet or else thy might have been infected as well.

Let's see what other issues arise from this soft opening" at BISD and hope it won't result in illnesses and fatalities in our community.


Anonymous said...

Diarrhea is not a symptom of covid, fucking morons. The BISD covid symptom list is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Rumors has it that the Assistant Principal came down with the virus. Best of luck and hopefully nobody gets the virus due to BISD graduation ceremonies. Harlingen has decided to cancel their graduation ceremonies for this school year. They are being cautious and smart in protecting their students and community from getting the virus.

Anonymous said...

FEAR is what the Nazi-Dems thrive on...keep people afraid where they can come to the rescue...we are witnessing the beginning of the end of brick and mortar public schools.

Anonymous said...

God gave you people brains use it and try to find some common sense this thing is far from OVER! No fear just discipline

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:03 PM, you are the very reason why inbreeding is not highly recommended in the human society.

Anonymous said...

May 27 @1:56... You are simply too STUPID to even discuss the issues...morons like yourself always attempt to to take the moral high ground and belittle others in order to elevate themselves. Did I use any words too big for you idiot?!

Anonymous said...

When do we start living again?

Will it every REALLY go away?

Do we stop living...and go broke-businesses shut down- people lose homes...for another year?

Those who earn checks regardless are lucky-- but even that will run dry eventually.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:12 PM, CDC.gov posted a list of symptoms and diarrhea is one of the symptoms. It also states that the list does not contain all of the possible symptoms due to the fact that they still don’t know everything about this virus.
Protect yourself and your family by following the recommendations...IT’S EASIER TO WEAR A MASK THAN A VENTILATOR!

Anonymous said...

La Minnie es la cuata de Trump. Minnie and Donald do not need Mickey. Esos dos esta locos de madre.

Anonymous said...

This administrators actions are reprehensible and bordering criminal. He was observed on numerous occasions wearing no mask or enforcing social distancing. He encouraged staff members to come on campus to complete school paperwork and packing and not providing a safe environment. He started a chain of covid virus to Unsuspecting staff members. Blatant disregard rules endangers everyone in the community. As a puppet he said everything to faculty and staff about covid regarding following safety guidelines but he wasn’t listening to his own ### words. Now BISD expects us to send our children to that campus?
